Fave Guitar/Bass Amp Sim

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by evesixtynine, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. evesixtynine

    evesixtynine Newbie

    Jul 22, 2012
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    So, there's a huge amount of amp sims, free and costly, which ones do you prize, what tone do you like, what settings do you push, and what's your gear? Myself, I like GR and Amplitube. I like the American Tube Clean Amp in Amplitube, and for a good distortion tone I use the Metal Distortion stomp.

    In Guitar Rig I once downloaded some presets from the Amp Sim forum for straight settings for each Amp found. They have dual cabs for each amp with splitters into stereo. I like the Marshall amp, it's pretty fine, and it's the one I used to blow out my speakers. I also do like the Rammfire stuff in GR.
  3. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    Well I am really enjoying JamVox VST ( 2.5 Is better then v3 in terms of less stuff cluttering up)

    I was a guitar rig user but I bought a POD HD 500 and now use the 500 in combo with Jamvox

    I use Amplitube 2.5 from time to time. I have Amplitube 3 but IK needs to get off their asses and go back to v2.5 and see wtf they did wrong to v3, lot's of bugs, graphics issues, latency issues and ony recently did they actually take steps to make it better.

    And this is why I am using Jamvox due to actually having an amplitube clone while having tracks going and recording, playing against drum tracks and stuff.
    Do not let the toy look fool you, as that look actually makes it easier to edit and place effects and effects are very close mirrors of the originals on how they look, this is something that Amplitube and Guitar Rig do not have.

    If you want to see what Jamvox does here is my youtube videos... Well many there with tutorials as well.

    I am always after sound first, looks second. And Jamvox get's my praise for bringing sound first. Try doing some Van Halen in Guitar Rig and Amplitube... Ya seems like only Metal Shred crap on those sims was the main goal.
    On Jamvox I go from clean U2, Hard U2, Soft Van halen, Hard van Halen, Sting LOL


    U2-Van Halen, Sting examples (Jamvox 2.5)

    Remember one take recordings LOL, rough but sounds good
  4. Rooster Cogburn

    Rooster Cogburn Member

    Aug 31, 2011
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    I like Overloud TH2 for straight forward, traditional type of guitar sounds. I like Guitar Rig 5 for doing more crazy/experimental type of stuff b/c there's so many different tools and effects you can play with.

    I've also been hearing rave reviews about Scuffham S-Gear. Many are saying it is the most realistic sounding amp sim to date but I haven't had a chance to give it a go myself.
  5. vaiman

    vaiman Platinum Record

    Sep 2, 2011
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    +1 for TH2. Sounds great and the ease of use with IR's is cool.
    I've bought both TH1 and 2 and all versions of Guitar Rig. GR for cleans is always good.

    Recently bought a Kemper amp. Awesome piece of gear
  6. evesixtynine

    evesixtynine Newbie

    Jul 22, 2012
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    Hey Dan good video.
  7. Nightwalker

    Nightwalker Kapellmeister

    Jun 15, 2011
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    there are some amp sims that i really like,guitar rig,headcase,lepou amps and podfarm,i can get really good sounds with podfarm,some people said the podfarm sound so digital but for me sound very cool,i made this litle intro for my forum http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ie6fCL-6xkM carvin dc127 guitar,toneport-podfarm.
  8. evesixtynine

    evesixtynine Newbie

    Jul 22, 2012
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    Good sound Nightwalker.
  9. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    the video was a spur of the moment lol not planned. Sorry for the sloppy playing.
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