H2O Dongle emulator to USB elicencer transfer lic

Discussion in 'Software' started by Hennessey, Aug 9, 2017.

  1. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Hello to everyone :)

    As the subject name says i am tired of trying to run hyperosnic on x64 system even that AiR internal release which is not working good (do not recall presets etc)
    All of us knows that HS is essential for music production ,because is ligth and in small size and has a some quality sounds. I tryed H2O steps to do this but that was not effective since my USB is not recognized with all new licences and that is mission impossible to do . Can i somehow to do a traditional licence trasfer from dongle to USB via internet and does anyone have tried that and can that mess my things up... Thanks in advance for helping me :)
  3. TinTin

    TinTin Platinum Record

    Nov 16, 2011
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    simple good night . the only thing what could help you in this case are buying Halion 5/6 . and finding legit Hypersonic 2 installation .
  4. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I never knew that. I can appreciate you prefer one tool over an other, but calling it essential is a bit of a stretch.

    Regardless, I hope you get what you want and that you find your groove with the tools you prefer.
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  5. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Well it is not so essential i rarely use it nowdays,but for some so called sketching is more than good, and it has some good sounds tho...That is AIO package for my needs and i read a lot sites it is for all the same.But i am not a pattern guy and i am not following others in that manner ii find it for myself in some situations like i said ,more than good. To simplify ,i have XPAND2 and is good tool but i like HS better . My main reason is i have a lot of old projects used HS and now when i open them it is pain in the ass to get all used patches to recall in projects due to AiR internal release and i can not find a proper replacement sounds.And yes it has some good sounds for example it has excelent SITAR sounds for hip hop at small size so i dont need to use Kontakt libraries which have those same sound but with much more resources usage .That are my reasons,but here is not question why is essential to me or us in general it is how to get work h2o version on x64 bit or if somebody have a solution to do that. Anyway for other projecs i use Halionsonic se form cubase but still lacks that sounds that are included in HS. Nevertheless thatk for your comment i hope maybe will come up with some solution for us HS guys. :) Cheers
  6. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    I am not in mood for that kind of trade right now ,because we are talking about an allready K'd plugin and if i invest money for sure that will not be HS at this time. I hate that fact that you can't use an H2o on x64 but at end i will have to make a virtual x86 maschine and open projects there and to bounce audio files. In fact allready done that but HS have some good damn patches that i cant find in any other vst,maybe close but not that particular sound. Thanks for comment you make me smile ,and i wish you an epic good night :) Cheers
  7. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    Hi i have three versions of hypersonic, v1 that works on a x64 pc without dongle,
    v1.1.2 with a addon that needs a dongle but won't work anymore on x64 and the AiR version v2.6 that you have.
    The iso thats with 2.6 is 2.1 gb with four addons us-1 gp-2 nb-3 and gm-4,
    im not sure if this is the same iso that was shared next door do.

    There were two fixes users came-up with years ago for the AiR version
    one was to use the rewire and the other was briged in fl studio
    if you use fl 12.5 you can open it in the x86 of fl set it to briged then make a snapshot
    in the plugin database and it can be used in the 64 bit version of fl,
    you can also open fl as a vsti in most daws and open it that way once briged is set ,
    i dont think anyone has tryed it in bluecat patchwork yet to see if it works any better ?
    Have a read here as there could be some info that could help as well.

    ill share the v1 on the AiR internal post if anyone elace wants it
    its preinstalled so you just have to drop it into your plugin folder.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2017
  8. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

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  9. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe
    Ok bravooo you are the winner commedian :))) Bravoooo :)) I hope you are sucsesuful mussician as are you are good commedian..... Bro i didnt ask for you oppinion about that i just gave a answer for that quete above,so if you want to be funny you make it... Bravo .... You need to read what i meant about that
  10. Hennessey

    Hennessey Platinum Record

    Sep 10, 2016
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    Eastern Europe

    Thanks for thorough explanation and answer also. But i do not need it for new projects.i am talking about VST version not a rewire and for old projects about 8years. Thank you for your efforts bro , but at the end i will make a virtual maschine on x86 platform and load projects which are a lot of them and will just bounce audio because everything else is to much for one plugin. Thak you a lot :))) Cheers bro
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