Discussion in 'humor' started by Moogerfooger, Apr 8, 2017.

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  1. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Astronomy created a PLANet, and a-LIEns.
  2. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    This kind of low intelligence word play, with these specific words, does not work in other languages. :no::winker:

    Earth always was a planet. And aliens are simply Fallen Angels. Hence why they always promote a completely different cosmology to the one in the Bible. The Bible itself never ever touches upon the nature of the Earth, all of the passages which people think prove a flat Earth, are passages which can be interpreted either way. The one book however that does teach a flat Earth, is the Islamic Quran. And Islam is a religion of Fallen Angel origin. It was created to mar the presence of Christianity on the world. The Fallen needed an external pressure applied onto the followers of Christ, in order to make them defend themselves, i.e. kill. Thus Islam was created to force the followers of God to become ungodly. At the same time, the Fallen were working over time, within the Catholic Church, to corrupt Christianity from within. In order to get people to abandon God.

    I was once a part of the new age movement, Eastern religions, gnosticism, shamanism, I did occult practices and practiced magic. Until mid 2015, when Jesus Christ saved me and brought me back to God the Creator (and thus to life).

    Basically true extra-terrestrials have never visited Earth. (beings who live on other planets, who were created by God)
    Because Earth is a fallen planet - it is corrupted. As the rest of the universe is non-fallen in nature, Earth has been quarantined. Thus the only beings who are "coming" to Earth, have been here all along. They are the imprisoned Fallen Angels and their demonic offspring.

    These fallen beings present themselves as "aliens" or "higher dimensional civilizations which are far in advance of human evolution". This makes humans yearn for the same kind of "evolution", which in actual fact has nothing to do with evolution, but rather to a further state of being fallen. Fallen Angels (Satan) always invert reality, concepts and meaning of things.

    These beings exist, but as always, they have flooded the world with misinformation to cloud the issues. As most of humankind is child-like in nature, mentally and spiritually, many millions easily fall for any kind of deception.

    Pretty much anyone who is disconnected from God, will thus fall for the innumerable traps. Humans are like animals to these fallen beings, it is very easy to manipulate a human who is cut off from God. But when one is saved through Christ, it is much harder, and if one stays close to God and seeks His will and guidance, one will never be deceived, but rather, one will see straight through all the deceptions.

    The Flat Earth movement is of Satanic origin, both the old cosmologies, but especially the new revival of it. It has been revived to split apart those who are awakening, to confuse them and most of all to completely and utterly distract them thus wasting their precious lifetime - to get them to identify with 95% truth and 5% lies. Thus it is most difficult to remove those 5% from such individuals, because it has become so closely intertwined with the 95% of truth that they actually do have.

    The Flat Earth cosmology is thus a trojan horse, infecting those who are susceptible to it. They are being set up, for a major fall. This fall will facilitate the conversion of such individuals from their current understanding of reality, to a new one. For if they fell so easily to a couple of YouTube videos and internet articles, they will far more easily to a much more evident display of "truth"/power/science/technology - all of which are coming, from the Fallen.

    The Fallen Angels, know that if they can get you to identify with even a little bit of their teaching that you are by your own will choosing them over God. And that subsequently cuts the self off from God. Since nothing impure can remain connected to/in the presence of God. That is why the Fallen mix truth and lies so incredibly well, each time creating another teaching/cosmology/philosophy. All they have to do is give you majority truth and minority lies and you will have defiled yourself! They do not even have to create elaborate lies so much any more, since most of them are created and still keep working.

    Thus humans in their natural curiosity to understand the nature of reality, continually keep unplugging themselves from the only source of life, which is the Creator. When one unplugs oneself from God, death is the result, an unnatural result. At first it is spiritual death, which eventually leads to various mental distortions, which then leads to various bodily ailments and sickness and ultimately death. The Fallen have created all kinds of "solutions" to those problems, thus they not only are the cause of your sickness, but also provide you with the "medicine".
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2017
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  3. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    You should aim to put that much effort into something productive.
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  4. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    Story needed more cowbell.
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  5. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    humans...................................making shit up since 798,000 b.c.
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  6. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    It is a great, great honor and privilege to be a member of a distinguished group of scientists, astrophysicists, astronauts, visionaries and conspiracy theorists such as this gathered here today.
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    This entire discussion would be amusing, if it were not total madness. As I've said in the past, these Flat-Earthers should take a ride on a spacecraft and watch as Earth's 'globular sphere' recedes into the distance... "Omigod, the Earth isn't shaped like a pancake after all!" But then again, they don't even believe that spacecraft have actually left our atmosphere in the first place. [sigh].
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  8. krakdhaus

    krakdhaus Producer

    Aug 16, 2015
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    I don't believe there is a'flat earth'. Too much evidence supports otherwise. However... a flat moon?... I believe in. I mean really... it just floats around up there. It doesn't even revolve!
    It's just like one of those sacrament wafers...
    That is why I started the Flat Moon Society...
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  9. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Ah-ha! Now I got it. The world used to be kinda globular but all those millions of angels falling on it have flattened it.

    Makes perfect sense. You only have to go sit on a fresh egg to see the truth of it. No science required. Assholes and chickens is all you need. And some toast. Gotta have toast. Maybe some bacon and sausages, too - to go with the egg..............

    Oh, f***! @Tealla and the devil got me distracted into thinking about breakfast again.
  10. Clayton123

    Clayton123 Producer

    Dec 8, 2016
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    Oh my god dude why would you post this.
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  11. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    watch 7 seasons of the show "the universe" , you can literally list out hundreds of millions of pieces of evidence that the earth is not flat, and be entertained make a nice meal for yourself and binge watch this show my nicca
  12. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    People like George Carlin are very funny, but I would happily bet that they will pray to God on their death-bed!
  13. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    This thread..... lolz
  14. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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  15. Elvistraceur

    Elvistraceur Member

    Aug 17, 2016
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    religious conspirations is cancer, period
  16. charleskeyz

    charleskeyz Newbie

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Hollywood, CA
    The difference between having a college education and a high school diploma is that I don't have to fill in the blanks with YouTube conspiracy videos. I entertain a certain amount of alternative knowledge and I strongly believe in the need to ask questions but honestly this is the most ridiculous theory Ive ever heard. Last week everyone is all "Mayan Civ" and "Ancient Aliens"(theories that have some legit backing based off of knowledge of the pre-session of the equinoxes and derived from the extremely well documented studied circular orbit of our round shaped planet).... and this week our earth is flat or better yet donut shaped.... GTFOH .... rofl...... people have too much time on their hands and need to learn to research the authenticity of the source of their information...... one thing I learned in my 34 years here on our round shaped digital virtual legacy simulation we currently reside in called "Earth"...is that you cant argue with ignorance.... let the fools be fooled ...
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  17. charleskeyz

    charleskeyz Newbie

    Feb 1, 2014
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    Hollywood, CA
    People all "around" the world are talking about Flat Earth. :rofl::rofl::rofl::deep_facepalm:
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  18. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

  19. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

  20. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    This... this right here. Deserves a medal.
    Once again, I respect the humor in this. I'm gonna use this to the next flat earther I speak to.

    Let's not forget about the people who think the earth is 12,000 years old...

    Yep. Dinosaurs were apparently not real.

    But that's another story for another time...
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