FL Studio 12.5

Discussion in 'FL Studio' started by foster911, May 20, 2017.

  1. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    I am going back to my Atari 1040 St and Notator. No more updates!
  2. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    my signature is not my CV nor an exhaustive list of all the software and hardware I own or use, is merely a brief information of my tools of choice. lol indeed
  3. beams

    beams Newbie

    May 31, 2017
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    It shows where your heart is, you want to wear that brand on your sleeve ok, But appreciate the hypocrisy of your comment.
  4. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Boy, you are stubborn. I start/sketch in Logic. It's on my laptop, I can work anywhere, it's mobile also lots of incoming projects are in Logic.

    But if the client wants the final mix in PT, I give him that. I if I do a collab with someone that uses Live, I use Live. We all are biased towards a set of tools one way or another and as usual: pick the right tool for the job.

    My comment was about the people that have a single type of workflow and unless they find the perfect daw they can't operate with an equally powerful daw but a slighlty different workflow philosophy. That's it. The fact that I work with many and still have one I use more often, does not make me a hypocrite. If Apple dissappears tomorrow I'll be fine. I'll get a Razer and do the things I was doing in Logic in Live.

    By the way, If my signature was "Windows 10 - Razer - Ableton Live" or any other combo you would have reach the same ridiculous conclusion and that's just laughable my friend

    And one more thing: even if I were a total hypocrite and know nothing but Logic, my comment is still valid, so I really don't get why the attitude
  5. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    there's a template that emulates the pattern block mode, do you know it?
  6. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    yea, it really isnt the same sadly.

    i have 10 and 11 still so i use those for writing more often.

    that and the soundfont player, i lost my shit when i went to load projects in fl x64 and it told me "lol fuck you go back to x86"
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2017
  7. Regz

    Regz Producer

    Jan 15, 2014
    Likes Received:
    Can't tell, sorry..
    FL Studio 12.5 official release version

    Download: http://demodownload.image-line.com/flstudio/flstudio_12.5.0.58.exe

    New in FL Studio 12.5
    • Picker Panel (Alt+P) - A Pattern, Audio and Automation Clip manager / browser that lists all Pattern, Audio and Automation Clips in the project. Useful features include: Select unused Clips. Select Clips in Playlist. Rename/Color multiple clips. Render Pattern Clips to Audio Clips (Right-Click Clips > Render as audio clip.
    • Virtual MIDI Controllers - Resizable, customizable vectorial Keyboard and Drumpads. Play the selected Channel, just like an external MIDI controller.
    • Automation Clips - New (Right-click) control points 'Type in value...' feature.
    • FPC - Resizable vectorial UI. Pads can now have custom colors and icons. New layout options (single/double pads). Per-pad automatable pitch.
    • Fruity Delay 3 - 'Analog' style delay plugin with BPM varying tempo-synced delay. It includes filtering and distortion options.
    • FL Studio Mobile - Loads .dwp files (monolithic DirectWave presets). FL Studio will open .flm projects in FL Studio Mobile. Drag and drop compatible formats on the plugin (.flm, .dwp, .wav etc)
    • Harmor - Vectorial UI.
    • Fruity Balance - New vectorial UI & converted native plugin.
    • Patcher - Threaded processing of hosted plugins/modules. 'More...' option in plugin insertion menus. (Right-click) node and select 'Insert plugin...' to connect a plugin to a node. Load DirectWave when .dwp file is dropped. (Middle-click) plugin title bar to rename.(Middle-click) connection filter checkboxes to disable the two others. 'Tree display' option in Control Surface tab Preset Menu. (Left-Click) to switch filter groups On/Off. (Middle-Mouse Click) to Solo/Unsolo a filter group.
    • Edison - Shows the length of selections (top-right in the Editor window).
    • Layer Channel - 'Reset children' option, resets the range and root notes for all Child Channels of a layer.
    • DirectWave - Resizable vectorial UI. New filters (MiniSynth & Vox) plus High Quality Rendering (Option) to enable near audio-rate modulation of all DirectWave parameters.
    • Channel Sampling Robot - (Right-click) any Channel and select 'Create DirectWave instrument' to turn any Channel, Patcher or Layer into a DirectWave bank/patch.
    • Transistor Bass - New '303 pulse' (square waveform) switch and 'Gate Length' control.
    • Control Creator - Updated and now accessible from Patcher > Control Surface and the Tools menu.
    • Control Surface - Controls can now be auto-aligned. Select two or more controls and Right-click > Align for options.
    • Piano roll - 'Menu > View > Mini piano roll preview' shows an overview of notes in the scroll-bar. Highlight root key according to scale. New 'Menu > View > Keyboard style > Dark' keyboard mode. Use (Ctrl+Mouse-wheel) on Channel Selector to select empty Channels.
    • Plugin preset panel - Native plugins now show preset name and selection on the top-right of the window.
    • Playlist - 'Menu > View > Mini playlist preview' shows an overview of Clips in the scroll-bar.
    • MIDI Out - New 'Note' Knob output mode. Automate sending note on and off. A note value of 0 = Note OFF.
    • Tools > Macros - 'Lock all playlist tracks to content' and 'Unlock all playlist tracks from content'. Aids for 'block-track' simulated workflow.
    • VIEW > Close all plugin windows (Alt+F12) - Closes only plugin windows.
    • Route selected to free mixer track(s) (Ctrl+L) - When used from the Channel Rack, this assigns selected Channel/s to the first available Mixer Track/s. Similar to 'Channel routing > Route selected channels' options available on the Mixer menu.
    • Hide the plugin wrapper menu by default - See 'General Settings > Miscellaneous > Hide plugin window toolbar by default'.
    • TOOLS > Macros > Lock all playlist tracks to content and Unlock all playlist tracks from content. This is a helper for those wanting to replicate 'block-track' behavior present in older versions of FL Studio.
    • Additional changes & Bugfixes - Many! See the What's New here.
  8. superwurm

    superwurm Newbie

    Jul 5, 2016
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    i ended up with the demo version, thank you GonBi
  9. MrLyannMusic

    MrLyannMusic Audiosexual

    Jan 31, 2014
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    Tunis, Tunisia
    anyone care enough to post a request on the sister site?
  10. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Why increasing uneasiness for changing from 12.4 to 12.5?:rofl:
    I'm eager to know how many fans, FLS really has because I think even its enemies are waiting for R2R version.:bleh:
  11. Fornicras

    Fornicras Newbie

    Aug 1, 2017
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    Downloaded and installed the 12.5 but old regkey doesn't working. Just for the info. Hope they release a working regkey soon because my FL is in Demo mode right know. :)
  12. mono

    mono Audiosexual

    Jul 23, 2014
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    Floating Amongst the Stars
    There be a quick fix posted on the request page :wink:
  13. filtersweep

    filtersweep Platinum Record

    Mar 15, 2014
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    i don't understand that comment at all.
    who is 'uneasy'? as far as i can tell most seem excited about the changes esp. pattern and performance, render/bounce etc...
  14. Fornicras

    Fornicras Newbie

    Aug 1, 2017
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    Waiting for the proper fix from R2R. That one unlocks the 12.5 but some plugins are still in demo version. Thank you anyways. :)
  15. michaelbrac

    michaelbrac Guest

    0:39 funny

    "we asked the poor girl...."

  16. genophyte

    genophyte Producer

    Mar 13, 2015
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    mmmm delay 3 *drool*

    also why did they do away with the legacy effects in the sampler?
    i still go with 10 when noodling around making impacts and drum kits, and find myself using this option a lot.
  17. Tzorva

    Tzorva Newbie

    Aug 5, 2017
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    ahhhhhhh i dont give a darn bout flstudio updates , Repaer has the best programming , you can implement C++ Scripts to control cc variations , you can light on RAM , you can load up a bunch of isntances of KONTAKT without a cpu hit , you can write your own shortchuts,,,

    lol just getting ahead of all these funny guys , flstudio has the best piano/midi roll editor period - NO we where not all fortunate enough to grow up playing guitar/live piano lessons , some of us had meth-parents some of us grew up in foster homes , thank you very much that perfect piano roll is exactly what i need to express in key , click n draw , even slowly my feelings in notes,

    r2r delivered right on time , FLstudio !!!!!!! goddamn i love this DAW , i love you guys !!! once i get some $$$ im going Lit on this
  18. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    @Tzorva, did you try the new r2r? All the [new] plugins working?

    Edit: disregard, everything seems to work.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2017
  19. DonnieDarkko

    DonnieDarkko Newbie

    Jan 27, 2017
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    thanks for the reply.

    I'll wait then
  20. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Yeah, shit..
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