Kontakt Wallpaper Request & Comments

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. durand6

    durand6 Member

    Oct 13, 2016
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    So far, there was actually ethics in the community and a form of friendship. Personally, I am quite a passive member of this forum but appreciate the work of those who drive it. And in your hands and head is the decision to ban such users. Remember every broken ethics spoils morale, every broken taboo (not avenged) destroys the community.

    Act like that. After all, thanks to you this thread is growing.
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  2. Monty Hall

    Monty Hall Ultrasonic

    Feb 21, 2014
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    I for one think that people act too entitled. In real life, things that are not to your liking will happen - including people disliking your work, behaviour, and even you. I have been holding back and trying to be polite - maybe too much, as I'm Canadian. :winker:

    Someone who has been flaunting their disregarding of netiquette, the suggestions of their seniors here, and even common sense has the nerve to whine about receiving a deserved little dislike?! I will from now on not hesitate to use 'dislike' to express not liking some post especially when it doesn't match the requirements of most of us here who use the more recent versions of Kontakt, rudely duplicates another's recent post, or even uses another's work and reposts a sloppy reworking of it. If someone should/can/will be banned, it will probably be for that last offense.

    Sorry to disagree with you, durand6, but if anyone should be thanked for the growth and even existence of this thread it is NYCGriff and RainManMac.
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  3. RainManMac

    RainManMac Audiosexual

    Oct 12, 2016
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    Loops de la Creme CYMBAL ROLLS
    cymbal rolls.png
    Loopmasters WELCOME 2 THE JUNGLE
    welcome to the jungle.png
    Sample Magic FUNK HOUSE
    funk house.png
    Precisionsound NAESHULT TABLE PIANO
    table piano.png
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
  4. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Sure enough, people react in very different ways, and long live to this.

    As I have said, my previous comment has nothing to do with needing approval. To dislike someone for producing something for this community, for me, is an act of discourtesy: If something is offered willingly and for free and I don't like it, I do not negativize the member who produced and shared with other users an object totally related to the central objective of the post. That is, for me, good manners. For you, it can have zillion meanings, but It's with you and your conscience.

    About "Someone who has been flaunting their disregarding of netiquette? (...) especially when it (the wallpapers) doesn't match the requirements of most of us here who use the more recent versions of Kontakt, rudely duplicates another's recent post, or even uses another's work and reposts a sloppy reworking of it", boy, If you're talking about me, I think you're in a bad daydreaming. About the wallpapers I post here, I make it because my screen size is different. Not posting here to compete. Rain and NYC are absolutely zen masters in their art. But it is not because they are just terrific that I will stop collaborating. It's not an exclusive post by NYC and Rain (they even have an exclusive website!). I think maybe that's what you want, but that is, for shure, your concern. A collective and collaborative post has nothing to do with this. if I do something for myself, I really would like to share it with other users as a way of thanking all that Audioz has provided me. You see, there are users who like the material I posted. That simple.

    I even made a wallpaper that you had asked to NYC and marked you, but I was totally admonished, remember?

    "It's embarrassing...it's so rude to do this with NYCGRIFF and RainManMac ... didn't appreciate getting an alert like yours".

    As I had done for myself, in that ocasion, I decided to share it with you, that's all. I checked you to see if it interested you. BUT, If I was you, I would have simply said: "-thanks pal, but since I've made my requests to NYC, there's no need for you to worry about it. But thanks anyway". That simple. The end. Without affectation, adulation or whatever...

    You see, If I know the guy who applies me a dislike is a flatterer and a hater, it will not change my life, it'll probably make me to produce a mental note: "okay hater, continue with your life and forget me, creep! In the future, avoid responding to my posts/comments because I'm already doin this".

    I even gave a dislike to your comment, first because it concerns me and second because it's a comment, not a produced object totally related to the central objective of the post.... it's not a wallpaper.

    In closing, the idea of a post/topic based on Request & Comments related to wallpapers was initially created by IntroNinja. Then the post was repaginated and has been bravely kept moustly by NYCGRIFF and RainManMac. Eventually, I and other forum members have also collaborated. Although in smaller quantity, we also deserve respect for our collaboration. If you have any trouble recognizing this, you must have some sort of problem, and it's up to me just to say that I have nothing to do with it... deal with it.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Here's my take. Of course, this thread was originally created by Introninja, and all of the participants appreciate his starting it. However, this is not the first thread of this type within the history of these AudioSex forums.

    There is no doubt that any and everybody can contribute whatever they like; whether they create wallpapers, or simply want to just comment. That being said, I believe that people also have the right to voice their opinions (whether they be critiques or praise). By that measure, in a public forum, posters should be ready to deal with an array of comments (both pro or con). When I first began to render Kontakt wallpapers at these forums, my work (quite frankly) was not very good; and I was roundly criticized by those members who had more experience in this particular arena. I figured that my background in graphics design was all that was required. I could not have been more wrong. But overtime, I got better (through lots of trials and errors) and because of my willingness to take constructive advice from folks who were (at the time) far more skilled at wallpaper-making than me.

    Personally, my rule of thumb is, if I see a wallpaper that I don't particularly like, I simply don't comment on it (one way or the other). I'll leave it there. Remember, ultimately this is a place for wallpaper requests. I try to deliver decent results, and hope that others feel the same way about their efforts.

    Have a good weekend, folks.
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  6. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    No way to be clearer and/or more objective than this, NYC.
  7. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Light and Sound Chamber Strings!

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  8. Monty Hall

    Monty Hall Ultrasonic

    Feb 21, 2014
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    It's your problem if you choose to take another's honest opinion about your work and/or your actions personally. This is a free forum, part of the free world - and people have the right to voice their feelings, even dissent.

    People have been very polite here recently, until you started bitching about someone because they didn't like something from you. Poor you, lol. You mention bad manners?! Hah!! Talk about the kettle calling the pot black. You committed one of the most impolite infractions of netiqutte - you took someone else's work without asking, modified it a bit and reposted it!

    Now you go on and complain that I discreetly told you (sent you a PM) that I didn't appreciate you doing that, especially by jumping on a request I made to NYCGriff. You just grabbed one of RainManMac's wallpapers, slapped on a little addition, and posted it saying "here!" And yet we were still all very gentle with you and never said anything publicaly. Now you dare to stir up trouble over someone's innocent little "dislike"?! Get real. You then assume stuff, falsely accusing myself and others of things never said, and act all persecuted! LOL! Anyway, the result is now you're getting called out.

    You must feel really guilty and insecure, or something... Yes, of course everyone is free to contribute. No it's not nice to be rude. Duh. I agree that it can feel bad to get a 'dislike' and that we should all avoid doing things to hurt each others feelings if possible. But this is an adult forum - a free place (that still has rules of etiquette) where one also has to accept critique from others.
  9. Monty Hall

    Monty Hall Ultrasonic

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Thanks for sharing. You are kind and gentle, classier than most :wink: Hope you're having a great weekend too.
  10. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Yeah, "another's honest opinion... you started bitching... You just grabbed one of RainManMac's wallpapers... It's embarrassing...it's so rude to do this with NYCGRIFF and RainManMac ... didn't appreciate getting an alert like yours..." bla, bla, bla, whatever...

    A word to the wise is sufficient. Do me a favor, stop bitching, try to be the polite canadian and try not being a brown-noser.

    In the future, ignore my comments/posts and continue with your life, 'cos I'm already doin this, brat.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2017
  11. Monty Hall

    Monty Hall Ultrasonic

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Yes, you would take just what you like from his post out of context to support your agenda, lol. You forgot the sentence right afterwards which says: "I try to deliver decent results, and hope that others feel the same way about their efforts."

    More importantly, you left out the biggest part which you don't want to hear. The part about having to accept that people might invoke their right to criticize and voice their needs that aren't being met. Meaning you shouldn't accost someone for giving you a little 'dislike'. Here....

    "There is no doubt that any and everybody can contribute whatever they like; whether they create wallpapers, or simply want to just comment. That being said, I believe that people also have the right to voice their opinions (whether they be critiques or praise). By that measure, in a public forum, posters should be ready to deal with an array of comments (both pro or con). When I first began to render Kontakt wallpapers at these forums, my work (quite frankly) was not very good; and I was roundly criticized by those members who had more experience in this particular arena. I figured that my background in graphics design was all that was required. I could not have been more wrong. But overtime, I got better (through lots of trials and errors) and because of my willingness to take constructive advice from folks who were (at the time) far more skilled at wallpaper-making than me."
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
  12. Monty Hall

    Monty Hall Ultrasonic

    Feb 21, 2014
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    Stop copying what other people say and do, and listen to your own advice, lol.
  13. rudolph

    rudolph Audiosexual

    Jun 3, 2016
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    Please no more space for this discussion.

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Okay gents, glad we got that out of our systems... whew! Now, on to the business at hand...
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  15. Mynock

    Mynock Audiosexual

    Jul 14, 2012
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    Kirk Hunter Spotlight Strings!

    Last edited: Jul 29, 2017
  16. RainManMac

    RainManMac Audiosexual

    Oct 12, 2016
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    Samples from Mars MS10
  17. RainManMac

    RainManMac Audiosexual

    Oct 12, 2016
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    Bigfish Audio STRATUS

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
    Likes Received:
    New York City
    ZapZorn Composer Tools Big Bowls
    big bowls.png
    ZapZorn Composer Tools Elements
    ZapZorn Composer Tools Nice Pipes
    nice pipes.png
    ZapZorn Composer Tools Sick Saws
    sick saws.png
    ZapZorn Composer Tools Wine Glasses
    wine glasses.png
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    ZapZorn Composer Tools Propane Asylum Propane Asylum
    propane asylum.png
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  20. RainManMac

    RainManMac Audiosexual

    Oct 12, 2016
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    Nice Work Pimp