nexus 2 original question (sorry)

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by paraplu020, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    hey goodmorning yall, i somewhat know the whole scene is tired of hearing nexus this n that, but i'm about to buy it @ some music store and my (maybe completely foolish) question is...

    wether it's possible to use cracked expansions with it. damn i don't even know why i'm asking such a thing, but it seems i'm so obsessed with this plugin. all was good when i changed to mac except having to stop using that plug and it felt like quitting out on cigarettes :dancing:

    p.s. if there are any hackers/crackers out there.. i would rather pay 1000 euro to you (guys) for a working cracked version for mac than buy it from those dongle loving bastards, might that be of any motivation. guess not, but who knows...

    greetings from amsterdam

  3. zspin.stomp.shuffle

    zspin.stomp.shuffle Newbie

    Jul 30, 2011
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    for $ you can not use cracked expansions with a legit version.
  4. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    yes, maybe for you it's not that much, for me it's like a monthly salary, i'm just a student you know. but i will seriously pay the one who does it 1000 euro, like 1200 dollars... thanks for your reply, but i don't understand you mentioning 1000 dollar.. what are you trying to say? it's a lost cause?
  5. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Amsterdam Pirate,

    Well, if you can afford to pay a certain sum of money, and if I was you (not the case !), I'd rather put these 1000 $ in buying a 'legitimate' version of Nexus 2, despite what you think of ReFX Company :

    The reason is quite simple : you not only get a 'fully' functional version, and even in case you get some minor troubles with it, ReFX has an 'after-sales service' that will help you and replace it with great pleasure if needed.
    More, you also get a 'real' Dongle, that maybe you don't care right now, but that can be very valuable the day that you decide to buy another(s) Plug-In(s) that needs such method for its License !

    As so well stated it by 'Dan01', either you run 'cracked' Nexus2 version with 'cracked' Expansions, or you run 'legitimate' Nexus2 version with 'legitimate' Expansions with all these 'famous' new Expansions coveted by many users... (this is valid for the v2.2.1)

    Even more, as you're talking that you're now rather a MAC user, you are aware that the only version available for you is, if I'm not wrong, the v1.4 (?), so you don't even have access at the first 'cracked' Nexus2 (v2.2.0), you can then guess the time it will take to get a proper 'cracked' Nexus2 for MAC OSX !

    Definitely, if you can afford it... buy it ! *yes*
  6. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    why ppl are so crazy over nexus? im still using the sounds only, which came with nexus 1(pads mainly to layer up). cos the new sounds were so dnam cheesy and fastly overused.
    this is how my nexus library looks - stripped down of all the cheesy stuff.

    ok the guitar expansion is v2 - but im hardly using it.

    i think its better to invest in something like omnisphere and so far as i know its also there for MAC - when you know what i mean.
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  7. Duu

    Duu Noisemaker

    Jun 9, 2011
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    St Albans nr London Town!!!
    IMO... Omnisphere over Nexus without any hesitation....Nexus has it's appeal ease of use etc, but IMO has no/
    very little depth and as already mentioned the sounds new and old have been well and truly rinsed!!.
  8. Bluespiral23

    Bluespiral23 ex.mod

    Sep 3, 2011
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    I think it's time to stop foolish around about nexus use what there's out there or buy it....and the expansions!!! :rofl:

    And about to pay crackers ..... it's a complete bullshit..!!!! :rofl:

    Before to post read the rules man!!!

    No warez on the forum.....better if you play with xbox!!!!!

  9. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    oh wow! sorry man, but stop whining already, i didn't put it as obviously as you try to make it look.. i even apologised in advance for bringing up this subject. look i'm just a simple downloader, i hear a lot of things on the internet about this plug not being available but i think i trust the opinions on this site some more than those.. that's all, some double checking from my side. stop being such a wise ass and make it such a big problem, i was trying to be polite u know... :bow:
  10. paraplu020

    paraplu020 Banned

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Sewers of Amsterdam
    p.s. keep your east european red light district type girl, i'll play with that xbox :)
  11. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Amsterdam Pirate,

    I can easily understand that you're rather bored by all these 'Red Lights' mainly due to your location, however you're still a bit lucky to have all these Coffee-Shops so close as an Amsterdam resident... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
    ...because since recently they're closed (or rather forbidden) to foreign people, if I'm not wrong...

    This reminds me the 'famous' song 'Roxanne' :blues: :wink:

    @ Bluespiral23 illegal raver,

    Well, I'm rather agree with 'Amsterdam Pirate' despite his comment about 'hackers/crackers'... I feel it more like an expression of his 'own' opinion :

    rather than a direct claim for absolutely get a 'cracked' version as he even told that : "i'm about to buy it @ some music store... "

    Now, what about your so... :bleh: posted picture ?

    Is the 'incitement to debauchery' permissible within this forum ?
    OK, the lady seems to take pleasure in playing with the joystick of her XBox, but it remains somewhat ambiguous, don't you think ?

    :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
  12. zspin.stomp.shuffle

    zspin.stomp.shuffle Newbie

    Jul 30, 2011
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    i have no idea if you could run nexus AiR and a legit version on the same PC(Mac forget it..if you can which i don't know if possible, then a person could buy a legit plus the new expansions they want and maybe spend that $1000 up..since the synth is only $300 you can buy 15 expansions for that $700. And they have all the old expansions to use on the AiR version.

    Conclusion..AudioZ has all but 1 of the Vengeance sample packs and most nexus sounds are on them trust me.

    let's hope someone unlocks version 2.3.5 by 2013!!
  13. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Buy Omnisphere and you are done ;)

    It's almost always like this:

    Me: "I like the sound, how you managed that crisp, yet so distorted firm fat sound? "

    Artist:"It's Nexus"

    Me: "I love your kick, nice body and low end, cut your mix like a razor, nice click you got, what you use for this or you layered some stuff?"

    Artist: "It's Vengeance sample"
  14. KillaRayBeats

    KillaRayBeats Newbie

    Dec 15, 2012
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    Here's what I do...(if u have 2 PC's). I loaded my legit version of Nexus 2 on 1 PC and the "hacked" version on another PC. I take the actual Nexus 2 content folder from the hacked version and put it into the legit version content. Seems to work on most of the sounds. Haven't tried to take the legit version content and put it into the hacked version yet, but I will eventually and update my post here. Try this and let me know if it works for u....KRB
  15. Jim Greulich

    Jim Greulich Noisemaker

    Jan 11, 2016
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    I recently installed 2.2 AIR version but was wondering if someone could please advise on how to get original expansions that will work in it. I'm know the newer ones will not work but not too concerned about those. It seems as though everywhere that has that 2.2 version says it's will all expansions but it's really just the program with all presets and no expansions. Air's readme file indicates they can be loaded through the 2.2 interface, but what exactly does that mean? You still have to find those expansions somewhere to download and place in the same directory in order for Nexus to load them at start-up, correct? Any help would be appreciated!
  16. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I've had Nexus2 since probably 2 years after you made this post. It is still to this day, in my opinion, my favorite plugin. I use it in everything. If not buying it because you don't like the company is your logic, then I suggest not even looking into it. But the perks of pushing your grudges aside and buying the legal version are pretty simple - what @Studio 555 said.
    For $1,200, you can buy the fully functional version ($250), and a dongle ($25). This leaves you with about $925 to spare... which is enough for 20 additional expansions of your choice. Some will argue that my math is incorrect. But when you buy multiple items from refx, you get discounts based on the number of items in your cart. If you already have an elicenser, well then you can buy 21 additional expansions. 22 if you count the dance drums expansion, which is only $30 at full price, but with in-cart discounts it can be as low as $18.
    You will also get customer service for the product. If your dongle breaks, they will replace your licenses for free if you replace your dongle. The stories you hear about their "bad customer service" is all the result of one dude back in 2008, who was actually just doing his job... one person tried to sell their license on ebay. This is not legal. It will revoke your license.
    As for the anti piracy method, you have to think about it from a creator's perspective - As a musician, if you were struggling and wanted to make money with your music, would you like it if you woke up one day and say your albums being torrented and your album sales down 80 percent overnight? I would be. The only problem I have with the dongle shit is that you can't try it before you buy it. This is the main turnoff for poor musicians who can barely afford the roof over their heads, let alone a $250 software that they don't even know if they're gonna like. So both the pirate and the developer have understandable reasons for doing what they do as well as the roles they play.
    As for why do people go crazy for Nexus2, there are a number of reasons. One is that they want what they don't have. The sister site has a way of getting to some people's heads, and turning musicians into plugin/sample hoarding junkies who will not go make music without the latest plugin that hasn't been cracked yet. Even when they get that, there is something else. Eventually they make zero music and 10,000 requests... think you know who I'm talking about. Another reason may be that because all the DJs and stuff use it. Zedd, Avicii, Aoki, Deadmau5, etc, all have Nexus2 in their arsenal. So basement producers wanna keep up with the "trend". There are other reasons. There's curiosity, and then there's those who tried the AiR version and liked it, and wanted the up to date version where they can buy the other expansions.
    Nexus2 is very easy to use, and the sounds are usable right out of the box. For me, it acts as inspiration. I hear a lot of stuff in there that can give me some sort of inspiration and that's what I like about it. I can quickly make a decent song with it and just a little bit of processing. I like the options, and I like the sequences. The sequences are where you press one finger and a whole song plays. However, you can deconstruct these "songs" and change them into something else. You can remove layers and just have the bassline, or just have the drums, or remove the bassline so you can put your own. Mostly, I like how most of the sounds can fit so well into just about any mix I can come up with. I love it. But others may hate it. There are reasons for this too. One is the surprisingly common "I can't steal it or afford it, so let me hate it" logic. Others just think it's a load of shit. The sounds are not very editable, you can't make your own. There are also recycled sounds. Heavily recycled sounds, from other expansions as well as analog synths. This is the most common reason.
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  17. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    If I had a choice of spending that on Nexus, I'd save up a for little bit longer and get a Roland System 8.
  18. michaelbrac

    michaelbrac Guest

    1000 dollars u should get virus ti 2 ( i have ti 1)
    Its a dope.
    Edit: if you r not busy dj that travelling , get synth.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2017
  19. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I have one of those. I got it in June of last year. I saved up hella money for it... all I can say is it was worth every penny. That synth is just simply beautiful sounding. It's one of those analog synths where no VST can top its beauty. You have to have the real thing. You either have an Access Virus, or you don't. There's no in between. It's not like the Roland Jupiter 8... where there's 50,000 emulations of the friggin thing. There aren't many Virus TI emulations, and it's for a reason... because most sound designers won't even try. In fact, to comedically throw this comment back ON topic, you'd have a better chance of cracking Nexus2 before that happens. Hey, that's a new saying! Instead of saying "when pigs fly" or "when hell freezes over" I'll just say "Yeah, when R2R cracks Nexus2!" :hahaha:
    99.9% of people will not know what I'm talking about, but sometimes, like when talking about illegally downloaded software, this is perfectly ok. :lmao:
    But yeah. And if you wanna buy the "Nexus2 Complete Bundle" I recommend just saving up like a thousand bucks more and getting a Yamaha Tyros5. Now THAT is an amazing keyboard. I would die for a Tyros5. If one christmas I opened one of those up I'd literally scream so loud the windows would all break and snow would come flying in the house. But I'm the wealthiest (and 2nd youngest adult) person in my family so if I can't afford it, no one in my family can lol. Besides, they had a hard time understanding me paying $1,000 for my Access Virus TI2. This was the complaint topic of the hour when it came in the mail. "It's a keyboard... a very expensive keyboard!" I'm like "If you only knew how beautiful this thing is!" "Well I bet you I could find it for a lot cheaper!" and I was like "Ok challenge accepted. Go online and shop for Access Virus TI2. Good luck. You'll will not find it less than $1,200" She searched and searched at $1500 to $2300, etc etc until she said the words I don't think I'll ever hear come out of any woman's mouth ever again - "Ok, you were right". :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  20. carlwinslow

    carlwinslow Newbie

    Jul 26, 2017
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    Hey man how do i download torrents from audioz. I tried to register it won't send confirmation email.
  21. Aleksandar Iliev

    Aleksandar Iliev Member

    Aug 18, 2015
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    There are some good deals in ebay for Nexus 2 + Expnsions less than original Nexus.... just saying...
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