RIP Chester - The Legendary Linkin Park Vocalist

Discussion in 'AudioSEX Memorial' started by metaller, Jul 20, 2017.

  1. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    You are wrong @blacknblue. One could maybe say *I choose to feel empathetic* in terms of compassion. But @tulamide is right: Empathy is not something you choose to switch on or off. And this is scientifically proven. Some people have more empathy which makes them more social.

    I get it, you don't have compassion for him, but empathy is a different thing. If you had empathy for him you'd know that in his mental state, he hadn't thought about all the consequences for his environment that result from his action..

    It is also not a good thing to compare people... Whoever they are..
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
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  2. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    Ironically, the last song I played on my iPod was "Shadow of The Day" by Linkin Park, when I last listened to my iPod which was on Tuesday evening. Couple days later, the guy singing the last song played on my iPod, dies. I don't usually get too worked up about celebrity deaths... but this one kinda gets to me a little more because I was really getting into Linkin Park's music more than usual lately. I was reminiscing old memories by listening to my old Linkin Park CDs and such. Then next thing you know, this happens. It is a scary coincidence. I actually had a hard time focusing 100% at work today, partially because of this. Also have other things on my mind. But damn, Bennington was such a talented musician. Linkin Park is something else. I don't know any other band that can pull of slipping rap into a hard rock tune without the two elements clashing vigorously and ruining the songs. Bennington's singing and Shinoda's raps juxtaposed in such an interesting way that I don't think any other group could pull off.
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  3. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    I really love their music. From their first album to the recent one. People here saying that he did suicide which is not a responsible thing to do. But I lost a musician that I like. Which is very sad. No one can make music like Linkin Park. They are different. And Chester's voice is different and amazing. I am sad that I couldnt hear his voice in future.
  4. Renatus Deca

    Renatus Deca Ultrasonic

    Oct 7, 2015
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    I'm gonna try to keep it simple, and I'm unable to take a side in these debates.

    I suffered hard from PTSD and depression. several suicide attempts were made and I also felt ashamed for making these attempts.
    I had a mental breakdown at work once... I was actually trying to keep myself from doing anything drastic, so I just cracked. In the background I had "The Morning After" by Chester playing in continuous loop. My co-worker was scared , she called up our boss and close friend. She described the scene to him and specified how the song was playing over and over again as I sat i sat balled up in a corner (incoherent & crying), and how it was frightening her. She described it as me having a soundtrack to my own death. Our boss told her to immediately cut the CD-player off and just sit with with me until he got there. The song went off and and I actually began to calm.... I wasn't better but I was a little more at ease.
    After that incident I never listened to that song for at least 5 years.... I was scared to because of my associating it with one of my darkest moments.
    Later that year I began mental-therapy. Long story short, my therapist imposed upon me the first, and most successful, mental block upon me. She said, " The children of someone who commits suicide often grow up to repeat the pattern, too".
    You kill yourself, you kill your child.

    That worked for me... that was all I needed to hear. Since that session, I have never tried to commit suicide, again. The PTSD and depression are still there (although not as severe), but suicide is never again considered the remedy.
    Unfortunately, as human-beings, we're all wired differently.
    Chester had six kids. Was he a selfish ass-hole? Or was his support system (family, friends, doctors etc.) so inadequate and/or unaware, so as to not impose upon him the consequences of his ultimate actions?
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  5. Renatus Deca

    Renatus Deca Ultrasonic

    Oct 7, 2015
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  6. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I won't take a side on this debate either. I'll just say that I battled a 6 year depression streak. Very hard core depression. I still have a little of if left. I haven't quite won the battle yet. But I'm getting close to victory. Last August I tried to take my own life. This wasn't the first time, but I have done it numerous times. I also have a little bit of PTSD from being picked on because I was different. I am actually a redhead with asperger's... two things that today's youth really loves to make fun of. It's really tough dealing with that. When some people joke with me, I don't always know if they're joking or not. If I fly off the handle at someone for making a joke to me, it's because someone else told me it before. While the person I fly off the handle at may have been joking, the people who told it to me before, were not joking. When I battled my depression, I didn't have friends to run to for help. I had cats. 4 of them died in the course of 18 months. But those were my true friends. Each time I watched one die, my depression worsened. When I tried to take my own life, no one was around to care. Even when I cried out for help on social media, out of the 380 people who I was connected with at the time, zero of them reached out to me. I eventually had to wipe a lot of people out, relocate, and start new. Because the place I was at, was not home. It kept me warm in the winters and cool in the summer but year round all I had was bad experiences. The song I made called "Come Away" (I posted a thread on it in March of last year in the "our music" section). The name "Come Away" is about living in a place where you can't be happy. And that while you try and try to find happiness, there comes a point where the only remaining conclusion is that there is nothing good about being there and no benefit to reap. So you find another place. But there is always someone you wanna take with you. And if they "come away with you", it will make it easier to leave. The song does have lyrics but I never recorded them. It talks about not being able to enjoy your life because of a crappy "9 to 5", and listening to the same sad songs on the radio to remind you of how sad you are. "These days, they're dark as night. Like the portraits on the wall in black and white" reads one of the lyrics on the lyric & chord sheet I have for the song. Referring to a life of dismal darkness and no color. "Gonna tear them down, set em all ablaze, and let the flames guide me thru the darkest days" notes the second line implying one burns the black and white portraits, symbolizing one is trying to take a sad life and turn it around to make the future brighter.
    Also, you can kill yourself without dying. You can do this by starting over new. While this is not always possible, it could be more possible than you think.
    And to you my friend Renatus, while I don't really know who you are, I can still say this: I'm glad you stayed around. I'm glad you decided to keep living. I'm happy to know you will live to see another day. You have a purpose to be on this planet so keep on living life and don't let anyone/anything discourage you from continuing your journey. :mates:
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  7. nikon

    nikon Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Well done Chester... You left your kids to grow up without father, just because you are weak... well done.
    Ahh... idiot!
    So many poor countries in this planet, so many people who even can't survive the month, with or without salary... and they lives and survives.
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  8. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    O my god. Why do all that great artists take their lives the one or the other way!?

    I cant't understand it, I must confess.

    But It's horrifying unfair and tasteless to speak the way it is done in this thread. People with this undecent attitude most likely have a lack of life experience. Never went through hell? Lucky you!

    Only one thing is perfectly clear to me: Chester was a person in deep trouble and nobody helped him or could help him, even himself.
    No one of us knew him, so who are we to judge about?
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2017
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  9. Sadly missed.
  10. Dread_J

    Dread_J Kapellmeister

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Peru, Indiana
    thanks Obama
  11. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Suicide is never justified. But calling them idiots and making fun of them won't help anyone. You all have no idea what that guy was going through at that particular time. It's a psychological disease which must be cured. It's not easy to commit suicide. But it's easy to say he never thought about his family. Well of course he did but the depression was on the higher level. Stop judging people.
  12. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    I've not made fun of the death of this singer bloke. Not one comment about him has come from me. Quote it if you have it.
    Perhaps you should get over yourself for being a bit too precious like the negative downvoters, or don't, it's up to you.
    I'm cool either way. :shalom:
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  13. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    When I was interning at a record label one of my biggest tasks at that time was to find music like Linkin Park. They really made this hybrid style accessible to the mainstream and were truly cutting edge. So bummed about this loss..
  14. virusg

    virusg Rock Star

    Jan 4, 2012
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    near you
    very sad to read, no words ...Rest In Peace ! will miss you :(
  15. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    That's fine. Your contributions in this thread can be read, no need to bring those nasty jokes back to attention. Being the asshole on a funeral is not really something one should aim at, but some people seem to need it. You had your moment, I hope you feel well with it. Ah, you already said that you do.

    Perhaps you should get over yourself for having gone too far on the death of a human being you don't care for, or don't, it's up to you.

    Both is fine, I don't expect you to understand your mistake :shalom:
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  16. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Any more advice from da man? Your aggressiveness is a clear sign of oppressed emotions. You should talk about them instead of trying false arrogance. Let it all out.
  17. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    The only mistake has come from you falsely attributing a slur after misrepresenting my post. A decent person would accept that mistake and apologise, or at the very least, not try to re-litigate their way out of their error.

    And again, you imply I have gone too far over the death of a human being. Once more, I've done no such thing. This is a fact. Deal with it.
    What I did do, was make a commentary on previous posts to mine, that questioned as to why famous people take their own lives. As I'm not bound by your pervasive sense of morality, I therefore see no problem in making a humorous tangential reply. Comedy also comes from the darkest of places just as personal tragedies. Laugh, or don't, as is your wont, but leave the schoolgirl drama out of it ffs.

    Now knowing this, that there is no issue outside of your faux bleeding heart, no matter how much you want there to be, you should just get on with your grieving, if that's what you're doing.

    Good luck with that :shalom:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2017
  18. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    the death of one is tragedy ( to someone ).. the death of a thousand is a statistic....

    I look at it this way...

    here is a guy who had everything in the world except happiness... and now he has deprived his children of a Father...
    6 of them...,pretty selfish,

    it was his choice... .but he chose a permanent solution to a manageable problem...
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  19. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    I'm not going to give a personal opinion as that's all it is and I or others don't really have the right to implement our own bullshit thoughts as the one and only path that everyone must follow in life.
    If you think you are righteous or informed enough to enforce your own moral reasoning across all borders uniformly without exception then possibly you should check yourself before you spill such drivel and plain hurtful crap.
    Would also like to say that it's pretty damn sad to some of the comments raised here but that's the way it is I guess :sad:
    Simple facts are that he was a person loved by many :dunno:
    Whatever the reasoning & personal notions of what everyone must do in life set aside the only thing that matters is he's gone forever and has left loved ones behind who are suffering and that's real sad.
    Pretty simple really - RIP Chester & thoughts & condolences go to his family, friends & fans :sad: :bow:
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  20. Lambchop

    Lambchop Banned

    Jul 19, 2017
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    151,600 people die every day. Some not by their own hand; some don't even want to; I choke back manly tears.

    When someone wants to die & succeeds? :wink:
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