EDU Discount Cubase

Discussion in 'Software' started by zero-frag, Jul 19, 2017.

  1. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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    Hello everyone,

    I have a question regarding the educational discount for Cubase. I'm hoping some of you could enlighten me on the topic as it is not very clear on their website.

    In order to get the educational discount for Cubase, do you have to be a student in a music related field? Or can you still get the discount if you're simply a student in an unrelated topic ?

    Thanks !
  3. TW

    TW Guest

    A friend of mine asked me the same 2 weeks ago. There you go.

    In short yes related field is a must have.
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  4. Listening_player

    Listening_player Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    A reseller will give you the discount if you are a student, not matter if the field is related to music, if he even asks for a proof
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  5. TW

    TW Guest

    sure he will ;). I posted the official rules from steinberg. Check ebay. Pay 15 bucks more and you get a so called "used" Cubase 9 edu Version without any asking for a educational proof ;). (Completly new boxed)
  6. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I only sent them a copy of my student ID and they accepted it as sufficient proof. In all reality, I was at a trade school for construction... which has nothing even remotely to do with music, and I got the discount within 36 hours. In fact, I just bought HALion 6 and The Grand 3 thru the education store the other day.
    Also keep in mind the EDU license states that it's not legal sell music that you made with the software you bought from the education store. But, if you think about it, it's really not any more or less legal than selling music with stuff you downloaded from the sister site. The chances of getting prosecuted for it are also the same - very slim. I buy most of my stuff anyways. The stuff I use is mostly the stuff I bought because the sister site either A. Only had it for PC and I'm a 99.9% Mac type guy or B. Didn't have it at all. Like Nexus2 - I use that in everything I make. Everything you hear from my works since 2014 has at least 5 instances of Nexus2 in it. Or like AiR music soft - Minigrand is my go to for pianos. Or like Groove Agent 4 and Addictive Drums 2 - these are my go to for drums. I actually got these at very low prices from Their site has some pretty low prices. I got GA4 for almost as low as the educational license - about $129. The EDU license is $110
    If you have the balls to sell music using the stuff you downloaded from the sister site, then it would be laughable to be afraid of selling music you made with the EDU version of Cubase. Especially the DAW. I have an idea around that - buy Reaper (it's ridiculously cheap). Mix the each track down individually from Cubase to make stems, import them into Reaper, mix the track down as the master WAV file. There, how are they gonna know? Just say "I used Reaper!" I mean, you wouldn't be lying! LOL!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2017
  7. Boujwa

    Boujwa Ultrasonic

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Go to ebay !
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  8. Listening_player

    Listening_player Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Where did you read that? I´m actually quite sure that you are allowed to sell the music you made with the edu version
  9. zero-frag

    zero-frag Producer

    Feb 2, 2014
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  10. TW

    TW Guest

    I dont think someone here will tell you that. Cause noone can definatly 100 % assure you that. That is why i posted the official Steinberg rules.
  11. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    From steinberg's FAQ:
    See question #9...
    "9. Are there any limitations to the education products?

    There are no technical limitations to the education versions. However, any results that were produced with education products may not be used commercially and may not be sold
    I look heavily into these types of things before I buy an educational software. However, if you buy an upgrade version, there is no educational discount for that. Say, when Cubase 10 comes out, and you wanna buy the upgrade, you would have to pay full price. BUT, this will also be an upgrade to the retail version, giving you the ability to sell your results commercially. When you import your license into the eLicenser control center, you will see the license as something along the lines of "Cubase 9 Pro EDU" I don't remember the exact wording of it. Be aware of your limitations and buy cautiously. Either way, you will have an educational license whether you submit proof or not. I do recommend buying on ebay simply because of this possibility of getting it quicker not only thru potential lack of obtaining proof (it's illegal to sell an educational product from Steinberg without obtaining proof. Steinberg will sue them for that if they find out). Plus, the seller may also be closer to your area, allowing you to get your software faster. Unless it's downloadable. Could take longer because when you buy from Steinberg's site, you will have to submit proof of education first before you can even perform a checkout. Once you are accepted, you will receive a link to the education store where you can buy the desired product and download it immediately. If it's a downloadable product, I recommend the Steinberg store. If you want the boxed version, I suggest eBay.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 19, 2017
  12. Listening_player

    Listening_player Member

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Ok, I stay corrected there. I´m quite sure that there was no such term when I bought Cubase 5 some years ago. I hope there´s no limitation anymore if you bought an upgrade, at least the license doesn't´t state edu anymore.

    Edit: After reading your post more careful the second time I saw, that you already answered my question