Adam S3H vs Hedd Type-30, can't decide.

Discussion in 'Studio' started by Evorax, Jul 17, 2017.

  1. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Hi guys,

    I'm less than 2 months away from getting my new monitors (plus 2 x Adam 12 subs, one for each speaker) and I was wondering...

    Does any of you had the chance to listen to both those models?
    Their price is the same in UK, almost 5000 pound a pair, both models seems to pack some new tech and improved design.

    Before I'm gonna compare them side in the store myself, I wanted to find out if any of you guys got across these.

    Some people rave about S3H already, even preferring them over ATC SCM20MK2 in side by side comparisons.
    Not much info about the Type30 but seems as capable as S3H.

    Thank you
  3. Millenium

    Millenium Producer

    Jul 14, 2011
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    I compared these two models with many other and In my opinion the new "Adam S3H " are much better than Focal trio 6 Be / the SM 9 or the Hedd Type -30.

    Sorry for my bad english ..
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2017
  4. Ari Linker

    Ari Linker Newbie

    Mar 24, 2017
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    With that kind of money i would get Barefoot speakers or Genelec 8351
  5. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Barefoots and Genelecs are not much value for the money IMHO.

    I like the 8351 from Genelec but it's extra cost doesn't justify any advantage or performance over the new ADAMs which seems to have implemented a lot of bang for the buck in their new flagships, especially S3H which might even sound better than the 8351 and also seems to pack more features too. The new S3H even gives ATC a run for the money, lol.

    I'll go to my local shop this Friday to finally test the S3H against the Genelecs, Hedd, Focal, Unity, Dynaudio (flagships), ATC, Quested, PMC and even Barefoot.

    I'll update you guys in case you're curious how it went.
  6. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    I prefer the HEDD Type 30 for a more transparent sound. I have always found the Adams to be a bit colored on the highs. With that said, I suggest that you test both models in your studio if it is a possibility.The interaction with the room is the main factor. make the decision with your EARS not your eyes.
  7. Ari Linker

    Ari Linker Newbie

    Mar 24, 2017
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    You sound like a fanboy of Adam, so nobody here can make you choose other brand, Hedd is a spiritual brother of Adam, same league, 8351 have room correction like nobody else, their system make the subwoofer invisible, PSI in my ears sound better than those i mentioned, Barefoot and ATC are at the same fidelity level but barefoot has better lowend, ATC has better midrange, Lipinski are very very nice too, PMC are good too but i havent heard the TwoTwo series, only the big mastering ones, In the end its all personal taste, any speaker from this list would work to make great music, mixes and mastering. The room is half of the equation, but if you are looking for high end speakers your studio is already very well threated and you have experience in acoustics and engineering, anyway, let us know your opinions after you listen those monitors. Sorry for my bad english.
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  8. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    I might sound like an Adam fan-boy but that doesn't mean I'm one. It's just the amount of changes and features brought with their new series and the fact that all the drivers in these new Adam flagship speakers are re-designed and has NO same materials or similarities used in the previous generation.
    Even the cabinet/wave guide been redesigned as well and also some news states that ADAM reinforced their QC as well even tho the brand has been known for its reliable products already.
    Speaking of "colored highs" like some people used to find in the previous SX generation, the new S series has a new improved "S-Art" tweeter which some users consider it as smoother and less colored without sacrificing the level of detail reproduced. Which I think it might be that "cure" for the users who didn't like the highs from SX generation that much.

    Ribbon tweeter it's not a bad thing. Been implemented by other high-end companies like Unity for example.

    Now... To y'all disappointment towards me, I just wanna let you know that I'm buying high-end monitors just for production and a some slight "during-the-production" mixing.
    Even tho my room is well treated, I still wanna pay for a fresh pair of ears to give my songs the final touch.

    So I hope that the Adams for example, can still sound as fun to work on production wise and not just purely flat. I think that the digital eq curves made possible on the back of the new S series to help me with the "hype" in case I need any.
    Some say that's exactly what makes the new eq curves a great feature in the new S series, making the monitors more versatile. You can switch to a colored curve for a hi-fi feeling just for the production alone then you switch to flat mode for the mixing purposes.

    Still, I gotta go for that big personal monitors shoot-out in the store to get my final conclusion and judgment.

    Thanks guys!
  9. TonyG

    TonyG Guest

    Remember the suggestion I made earlier. If you can arrange to have the monitors tested at your studio that should be the right way to do it. The interaction with your room is going to be playing a big part, a crucial one at that, in the way you perceive the sounds emanating from any monitor. Again, make the decision with your EARS in your studio not with your eyes based on what I or other members,manufacturers and reviewers write.
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  10. Millenium

    Millenium Producer

    Jul 14, 2011
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    A good DAC can make a big difference ...
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  11. Ari Linker

    Ari Linker Newbie

    Mar 24, 2017
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    Barefoot and Genelec also have different curve options too, I also would like to add Amphions, Augspurger and Tylers to the list, you still sound like an Adam sales representative.
  12. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Should I post a pic with my actual Dynaudio? LoL.

    I myself wanted to get the Genelec 8351A initially cause I demoed them already in the past and it sounds awesome but then the new S series came out and I found out that for a bit less than the price of 8351As I can get more headroom/output (as S3H goes louder on paper than those Gens) and why not, the Darth Vader looks. I already booked my demoing in the store here in London and I'll post some pictures with the actual models that I compared and what I think overall.
    With this occasion, I will demo the 8351A again just to see how it stacks up against the other high end monitors. I'll keep y'all updated.

    P. S. The Gens 8351A are a thousand pound more expensive than the S3H and taking in consideration that both are high end, I can actually save the thousand pound to invest into something else, like adding the thousand on top of my dedicated budget towards a new high end audio interface/DAC, like RME UFX+.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2017
  13. e-minor

    e-minor Platinum Record

    Jan 17, 2015
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    Did you end up comparing these two monitors? What were your findings? Would love to hear what you thought and which you purchased. @Evorax
  14. pandroid

    pandroid Member

    Nov 16, 2011
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    If you haven't made any purchases yet give a try to Amphions Two18. If you have a chance to demo, do. I own One18 and all I can say they speed up my work tremendously. Clean, transparent and very revealing. If I would have to describe in short they just don't 'sound' and hype anything. Have it paired with Dangerous Source and their's Amp100. Great tools! Couldn't be happier in my whole carrier purchases.
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  15. Millenium

    Millenium Producer

    Jul 14, 2011
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    Hi Evorax,

    What have you decided to choose in the end ?

    It would be nice to share your experience :like:
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  16. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Spare the money and get a pair of these top notch!!!

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  17. Millenium

    Millenium Producer

    Jul 14, 2011
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    Top notch Bass reflex, probably the most accurate studio monitor on the market !
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
  18. twathead

    twathead Kapellmeister

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Totally agree with this, before you drop that amount of money on speakers, definitely try them in your own studio if you can.
    At that price any decent shop will let you try your final two speakers choices with a credit card put down.
    If you can, hire this microphone and measure your room with the speakers they lend you to see how your room interacts with the speakers.
    Also to find out what is problematic in the room.

    Or fuck it, go with with what makes you feel good & want to write music.
  19. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Hi Mil,

    It might sound weird or totally different, but after trying many speakers in my room through one of London store's try before you buy option, I found out that EVE SC307 worked best in my room, even holding great against HEDD Type20 and even making the Hedds sound less fun and inviting, kinda too sterile. I know that monitoring shouldn't be that much about listening & fun, but if the speaker designer can make a product that's both accurate, detailed and inviting enough to make you wake up super excited the next day to work on your next song, then that's just great.

    I currently own:
    1. EVE SC307
    2. Yamaha HS8 with blocked bass ports.
    3. Dynaudio DBM50 with blocked bass ports on the back as well but low-passed and with attenuated high-shelf to the min possible to make it simulate the auratones mixcubes, lol, focused just on the mids. and it works darn well,
    4. Yamaha HS8S Subwoofer.

    All hooked together to a Presonus Monitor Station V2, in a treated room with loads of bass traps and panels.
    I never play all at the same time but I did find out that the either Eves or Yamahas work well with the Dyns simultaneously, bringing the mids a bit forward (although I wouldn't call it a flat response), but Yamaha + EVEs sounds phasey and weird. Playing all o them simultaneously is never a good idea so just for that matter i'd rather check the mix on all of them separately to make sure it sounds right on all of them and then I carry on producing/mixing on the EVEs as they're the flattest, inviting and non-fatiguing from the bunch. In my room, EVE's sounded so much better than the 2way HEDD Type07 and Unity Rocks MK2, even though HEDDs are a newer design it was a bit disappointing compared to the EVEs.

    The only thing I wanna do next about my monitoring setup is to replace the Dynaudios with a pair of Amphion One18s which should occur in the next 7 months aprox.
    Other things i'd consider is to upgrade from Yamaha HS8S to 2 x EVE TS112 as a stereo pair, even though the single Yammy sub works just great.

    Last edited: Nov 18, 2017
  20. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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  21. bluerover

    bluerover Audiosexual

    May 3, 2013
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    The weak link in your chain will be your DAC and definitely the Presonus Monitor Station 2 (and your room). Upgrade your monitor controller to a Dangerous Music. Otherwise, IMO, a $6,000 pair of monitors seems to me like a waste of money.

    Might also want to say f*** it and hook 'em up with a pair of Zaolla cables too.
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