Maschine software

Discussion in 'Maschine' started by freefeet12, Jul 11, 2017.

  1. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Looked but couldn't find a direct answer.

    1: Can the software export in mono. For example, say I want to export a mono kick drum or sequence of them under sound export. (for each pad)

    2: Can the outputs be routed in mono? Say I wanted to rout this thing in a DAW, am I stuck using stereo outputs? I notice this in other drum apps/plugins. It's either all stereo outputs or a limited amount of mono outputs because most of them are stereo, or worst, the mono outputs are put at the end of the list making them useless in a DAW with limited aux per instruments channel like in Logic.

    This never made sense to me, maybe someone can explain why you would rout mono samples to stereo outputs unless you intend on using some kind of stereo effect, or why you would want to export stereo files of mono sources? The only drum based/percussion/sampler plug/app I know of that lets you use all mono outputs is Geist2. I'm hoping Maschine's soft allows this as well because I'd like to get one. Edit: Kotakt 5 can also do this. Battery 3 gave you more freedom in this regard too but still had 1 stereo channel by default. Battery 4 has 4 of these default stereo channels.

    The bigger question is, unless I'm really missing something obvious, is why NI,a company I assume is huge, does not have the foresight to implement this basic function throughout all drum/possible mono sources in all the programs they make? Especially drum focused ones.

    Whats the deal? :dunno:
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
  3. savadious

    savadious Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2012
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    It is there - you can do it by routing everything to a new bus. Make that new bus mono.
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  4. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Thanks for the reply.

    Excuse my ignorance, but how? Also, are you talking about within Maschine 2.6.5 software?

    I'm trying out friends set up and as far a can tell there is no mono output option anywhere in the software. There is mono input however, wtf. For example, loading it as a plugin in both Logic and Ableton results in stereo outputs. A Multiout (mono) isn't an option in Logic, for example. Granted, I'm a totally new to Maschine but I don't see it anywhere, Not on any youtube vid that I've checked so far,in the software itself, or in the user manual.

    Now if you're talking about bus all the forced stereo aux's to new mono ones in my DAW, screw that. That's a mess and defeats the purpose of sending individual mono drum samples from the plugin to the appropriate mono output. I can't believe this. How does no one complain to NI about this? The entire community should be up in arms demanding they implement the basics asap. It shouldn't even be a requested feature in the first place.

    Guess this answers my other question:

    Yeah, I'm not going to pay that much $$$$ for missing basics. Sucks, so disappointing. I really wanted one.
  5. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    makes me happy I only ever bought the MkI controller... used...

    amazing how such a big industry enjoys such profits all while taking a big dump on their customers by leaving
    out obvious features and functionality...

    it makes using liberated versions of the software look like justice served
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 12, 2017
  6. savadious

    savadious Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2012
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    Ooh ya I see your point now...

    You ARE forced to use a different DAW. Feels bad man.
  7. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    No my point is that the software is missing basic functions and I'm not happy about it because I really would of liked owning one. I love the work flow, it's fantastic imo. It's not that it doesn't work in my DAW, it's that it doesn't work properly in any DAW. It's simply not an option. You can't even export audio files in mono. They, NI, completely over looked it, since 2009 it seems. That's 8 years of not implementing something that's still very much widely used across the industry. It's not like I'm asking for something rare here. Even old hardware samplers could this. You can find it on any mixer. (not Maschine's apparently) Many instruments are just mono. It's a fact of life. It's one of the basics of audio. Amazing.

    I could look past the very many other features that can be found in something like Geist2 for example, but basic audio routing is not one of them. Just my opinion. One I'm surprised, seemingly, the majority of Maschine users do not share or it would have been implemented by now, not that one should ever have to ask for it in the first place.

  8. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    whats the advantage of an mono over a stereo Channel ?
    If I really want a mono signal , I just use a stereo mixer plugin and set the with to 0
  9. savadious

    savadious Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2012
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    I understand you.
    When something takes more than a few seconds to figure out - and I dont have time to look it up - I just find the quickest workaround.

    Seems like everyone else did as well - except the 1 or 2 guys here and there posting on the NI forums.

    BASIC - if the devs think enuf people need it - they can make it happen.
    Take a look at the upcoming features in the dev section. They do listen to us... we just have to make enuf noise sometimes :wink:
  10. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Yeah, I can do that, like using the Directional Mixer in Logic, for example. I could also take the imported audio and convert them, or just use either channel, or hit the mono button in certain situations. I could even use the gain plugin in LPX, and some other stuff that escapes me right now.

    A mono sound in stereo, for lack of a better term on my part, is basically dual mono, or just louder mono, or "big mono". (or was that panned identical mono sounds? I forget, doesn't matter, results the same) It has it's uses and for me that is usually some sort of perceived stereo image. Other than that, a mono Kick in stereo file or routed to a stereo channel, for example, is useless to me.

    Also, I shouldn't have to use extra time/resources and it's just easier for me to work with mono tracks. Plus Logic has a balance knob on stereo audio channels instead of a true pan knob, which forces you to use the Directional Mixer plugin, which is retarded on their part, imo. So mono is even useful there. It's all just extra distracting work and more load on the cpu's. Plus, did I mention it just should be there in the first place because it's a really basic often used part of doing this whole audio thing? The thing is $350- $800, it should be there.

    Thanks guys, I got my answers. :like:

    I'll wait to see what the future updates bring. Just sort of wanted it yesterday. :sad:
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2017
  11. Moonlight

    Moonlight Audiosexual

    Jun 12, 2011
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    Totally agree, there should be the ability to merge to mono samples in Maschine, and where we are at it, a stereo swap feature :)

    Sign up for the Maschine Beta and start a feature Request !
    I will vote
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