Guitar-sounds' lovers are not usually getting satisfied by today's electronic music. Is it true?

Discussion in 'Education' started by foster911, Jul 7, 2017.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    I can predict the future of this thread but I've wanted to ask this question since time immemorial.:bleh:

    I've noticed that the physical instruments' sounds' lovers (esp guitar) do not post any electronic music to music section here. Why don't these guys love the electronically synthesized sounds or music? They remind me of old-school vintage-porn aficionados. Do they listen to electronic music ever in their lives?

    I also have noticed that they only and truly praise music that have been produced with guitars in our music spot even the bad ones. I really can not find any positive and robust point in guitar or other instruments' sounds but it seems that these guys have only been addicted to the mentioned instruments, and the electronic sounds are kind of poison for their ears. Why?
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  3. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    Well, first of all, many people over a certain age (myself included) aren't into EDM -- it's just not for them (or me). Beyond that, it's something that goes back to the late Seventies/early Eighties, when the first really affordable synthesizers started hitting the market. Many punk and metal musicians gave up playing guitars and started playing keyboards, thus ushering in "New Wave" music. The musicians who didn't harbored a sort of resentment towards these guys, as it appeared for a while that synth music was angling to replace guitar-based music, and that synths themselves might artificially be able to replicate guitars without the "hard work and practice" guitarists felt (and still feel) they had to go through to achieve the real thing. That animosity still exists, but I'd say that, these days, it's probably more a matter of personal taste. Hard rock guys probably aren't listening to techno. I wouldn't say they consider it "poison", per se, but guys who practice with guitar, bass and drums most likely look at some dude with a couple of keyboards, a laptop and a Live controller and don't really consider them musicians. Do they have a point? That debate could fill an entire forum's worth of posts. I myself am a keyboard player, but I love guitars and hard rock. But I'd rather try to replicate a convincing electric guitar in Kontakt than work with an actual guitarist, even though an actual guitarist could probably lay down a great guitar track in just the five minutes it would take for me to figure out all the key switches I would need to use.

    But you can't say every guitar guy feels that way. I also know plenty of hardcore metal musicians who fucking love keyboards and synths, so, if you've stumbled across forums or music articles where everybody appears to be trashing electronic music, it's likely that a lot of them are just posturing to be part of the herd ... not unlike the guys who swear the only way to record "real" music is to use the same J37 four-track that Abbey Road used to record the Beatles. The hardcores are never going to be swayed into liking electronic stuff or synths, but as that's never prevented an electronic musician from making money, I wouldn't put too much stock into that point of view.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2017
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  4. Daz

    Daz Guest

    I can predict the future of this thread because it was started by Foster, but I've wanted to ask this question since time immemorial.:bleh:

    I've noticed that the vst instruments sounds lovers (esp soft synths) do not post any acoustic or electric guitar based music to the music section here. Why don't these guys love the acoustic type sounds or music? They remind me of young computer animated Hentai-porn aficionados. Do they listen to acoustic music ever in their lives?

    I have also noticed that they only and truly praise music that has been produced with soft synths in our music spot even the bad ones. I really can not find any positive and robust point in soft synths or other cold hard ear piercing sounds but it seems that these guys have only been addicted to the mentioned instruments, and the acoustic sounds are kind of poison for their ears. Why?

    Just for the record, I like synths and guitar, I don't care what produces the sound as long as it sounds good and works in the song, and more important than the sounds themselves was just emphasized in bold :wink:
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  5. TW

    TW Guest

    I see myself as one of this guitar lovers XD. But i see my self first as a musician. I play Bass, Guitar, Piano, Drums, harmonica and an ok sax. And by play i mean i can easily play with a band right away theese intruments for some jaming or the standart cover songs. But i also love to play around with a synth and get lost for some hours. Maybe Foster you should learn some guitar playing. And listen to this music. You ll probably learn more about music than you did since i follow your posts and songs in this forum XD.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2017
  6. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    Why take something which stems from a simple matter of personal taste and blow it up to be a matter of bigotry?

    EDM is for skinny effeminate beta cucks; rock guitar is for brawny alpha males. 'Nuff sed.
  7. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    Well, now i finally realize why our dear Foster have his problems. And his grand visions of creating something original fails all the time.. kind of speaks for itself and his looked up into "electronic" instruments.. really sad..
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  8. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    My man, I'm going to quote you at my signature for a couple of days. You've made my day.
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  9. mag666

    mag666 Kapellmeister

    Dec 24, 2013
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    Best of both worlds? ;)

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  10. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    There's some unpredictability in the way the sounds reach your ears from organic instruments, from guitars to brass instruments. The air blasts, quirks in intonation of an instrument, flawed tuning, the resonant capacities of building materials and their age, even the way one feels at the moment will affect playability. That is simple nada in electronic music, especially with digital boards and soft synths. Old schoolers (like myself) have grown to expect these variables in the music we hear. Otherwise, it feels like sterile music. As time goes by, capacitors and other electronics start to wear down in analog synths and that imprints some personality in them (just before they break down, mind you). That's why I suspect old synths are so revered. Younger folks have ears educated to discern off notes more efficiently and react to the unquantized performance, but they are less sensitive to brittle, harsh distortion and sausage compression, which is the heart and soul of lifeless, sterile music (for me).
    Now you're messing with porn. Please don't start a thread about it. :mates:

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  11. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

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  12. Downlo

    Downlo Producer

    Apr 6, 2017
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    What about those hundreds of Progressive Rock bands that use Guitars and Synths?

    Maybe these guitarists u mention just don't like music made in a DAW with everything snapped to the grid.
    Where just a little bit of swing is added by moving a slider. And midi notes are drawn in instead of played with natural timing and tiny mistakes.

    Personally i don't care. If i song is's good.
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  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    I have been playing guitar over 20 years and loved it even longer, i been making electronic music as long as i have been making music at all. i love all types of sounds it depends on the sound itself in question how much i might like it or love it or hate it.
    one other aspect to consider though is that it takes a different kind of talent to play instruments, were as electronic sounds you might not even use a real synth or keyboard so the talent and focus is on production and creation ( which real instruments still have to account for)
    with modern tools you can make a guitar or other instrument sound synth or you can just use electronic sounds or you can use real instruments, the storytelling you created is a false story it is just a fiction your mind is fabricating and does not reflect any person i am aware of, but i can only say regarding myself it is a fiction.

    NIN is one my fav mix of electronic and rock

    here is a top 40 song right now that has guitar in it

    the guitar in this song adds a flavor and feeling that fits perfect IMO

    "I can predict the future of this thread.."

    here you are making assumptions for which you have no justification ( pure imagination of what is in other thoughts,intentions)

    "..these guys have only been addicted to the mentioned instruments, and the electronic sounds are kind of poison for their ears..."

    here you are making assumptions for which you have no justification ( pure imagination of what is in other intentions)

    In the end, the reality boils down to people have options to create sounds they can play instruments or produce , arrange electronic or any combination it is the freedom to choose that we are talking about, that you manipulating into a dark storytelling.
    how to you get from choices and options human beings have to create music using real or electonic insturments - to twisting that into YOUR concept?

    for more decades than many of us been alive electronic been mixed with reg instruments
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2017
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  14. BudSpencer

    BudSpencer Producer

    Sep 14, 2013
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    This is an absolutely monolithic album. It has many synths. But, also, a (beautiful) 25 minute guitar solo. "Good" or "bad" music is only a matter of taste. Let people like or dislike what they will, for whatever reasons.

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  15. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    It's just personal taste.

    I grew up on lots of guitar, I play guitar among a few other wooden stringed and animal skin instruments and I like good EDM as much as I like anything else that is good.

    There is no magical voodoo melange that people respond to, but they do respond to well crafted and well performed music when they can connect with the intent and performance. There is a lot of what gets called EDM today that I can not stand, as as there was a lot of crappy tunes through the 70 - 80 - 90 - 00 that I could not stand either.

    Generalization only works a much greater scale than this, don't be the stereotype you are trying to avoid by generalizing individuals it is oxymoronic at best and a willfully ignorant at worst.
  16. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Guitar has a long history with it a littany of players whose names have become synonymous with the instrument. Their mastery of the guitar, their ability to imbue their playing style with a sound that becomes their trademark is almost unique in recent music history. Almost anybody with a good general knowledge of rock music history can identify Jimi Hendrix or Brian May or David Gilmour or Jimmy Page or Jeff Beck. The guitar is very organic and responds to how it is played in a way that a synthesizer blurs the lines for the listener to be able to identify a sound as being a trademark sound of a specific player. In the early days, Rick Wakeman had a sound. Keith Emerson had a sound. Chick Corea could make a synth live as could Joe Zawinul or Herbie Hancock. EDM offers little for guitarists just as it offers little for modern day synth players like Jordan Rudess. EDM is a very closed environment. It has to be, for if it strays from its formula it risks being something else and then how is a DJ going to fill the main room?
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  17. Montgent

    Montgent Kapellmeister

    Jun 22, 2014
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    I thought I get stoned, drunk and stupid, but Foster, you say the dumbest shit I've ever heard, Faoki.
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  18. dtmd

    dtmd Platinum Record

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Cheesy, painfully oversimplified decoupage lego "music".. is not about (sound) music.
    It´s about screaming mind distraction, with (loud wars) brick-wa(rick-ro)lled.. more or less rhythmic..

    ..(the chief wants some sauce with his rice.. type of important lyrics/song message..) noise.

    "Electronic music" is what, precisely? Electric guitar.. (analog and/or digital - but electric/electronic - distortion pedal, electric echo, electric delay, electric reverb.... electric compressor, electric eq, electric saturator....) doesn't fall in "electronic music category"? Every signal that is electronically pumped trough, travels trough, cables.. and is being reproduced by some type of electronic device, is not part of "todays electronic music"?

    Live played (for small crowd, not ammplified) "acoustic guitar, ukulele, banjo, piano.."..
    is likely not part of it.

    Electronic (that.. between
    SNR.. one way or another.. BZZZZZZ.. electricity.. sound..) Satie :

  19. I was bored to tears until I searched out the 1500 second guitar lead that you plugged. It took what to me was a boring and repetitive slog of sleepy-time narcosis inducing rubbish and gave it life, momentum and purpose.
  20. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    Why I should listen to this:

    Instead of this:
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  21. Ak3mi91

    Ak3mi91 Platinum Record

    Mar 31, 2017
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    Don't measure others by your own standards. The fact you are quite narrow-minded and always deflect any other "truths" to live in your own cosy world doesn't mean other people are like that as well.

    I know plenty of people liking both these genres. For example, I usually listen to progressive or melodic death metal, but I enjoy synthwave quite a lot as well.

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