MPC 5000 exporting midi files

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by lekb, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. lekb

    lekb Newbie

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Hi guys. I am not sure if this is a bug with my mpc5000 or something else. The problem is when i import a midi file from the mpc (os V2) into live a lot of the notes are missing. For instance often i only get the first kick, some of the snares and a few hats. I really cant be bothered to track the audio into live so this has got me really puzzled. I had the same problem opening the midi file in cubase. The demo track seemed to open up fine so any help appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  3. pjotr41

    pjotr41 Newbie

    Dec 22, 2011
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    i dont have eperience with MPC´s but are you shure that ableton or cubase is reading akai midi files

    normally midi files are saving only the midi signal and not sounds !
  4. lekb

    lekb Newbie

    Jun 8, 2011
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    I probably didn't explain that very well. There is a "save a sequence" function on the akai which saves it as a midi file. This will open in live but most of the notes are not there. It appears to be random. I have tried googling the problem but cannot find anything so i guess could be an OS bug, very annoying though. Sometimes i have to open my songs in the mpc twice as the first time they wont play, again seems random. Cheers all
  5. Studio 555

    Studio 555 Producer

    Mar 7, 2012
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    @ Lekb,

    Firstly, all the 'MIDI Files' are standard (but available in 2 Formats : 0 and 1). I mean, this is a standard adopted by all the MIDI Manufacturers in the early 80's to provide compatibility among all the MIDI instruments and gears of the diverse Manufacturers (e.g. Roland, Yamaha, Korg,... ) and above all, to avoid the 'mess' that was present among them in the early days of the MIDI Protocol.
    This allows to a MIDI Sequence to be read and played properly, according to the desires of his creator, within all the MIDI gears. Each channel contains the desired 'Instrument' with the exact settings (Volume, Pan, Program Changes,... ) as done by his creator.
    You certainly already knows it, it was just to clarify a previous comment :

    Now for your trouble : "...the notes are missing...", have you ever tried to use your MPC5000 as 'External MIDI Controller' in place of an 'usual' Keyboard (in case that you use one or several) ?
    If you use your MPC5000 as 'External MIDI Controller' and that it's properly set within your DAWs (which accept 'MIDI Messages'), each time that you play the MPC Keypads, the MIDI Messages are sent to your DAW's MIDI Editor. You can then see exactly what is recorded in 'real time' within either 'Cubase', or 'LIVE'.
    This way, you can record your 'MIDI Sequences' with your MPC and get the resulting 'MIDI Messages' (Notes, Pressure,... ) played and recorded also within the 'MIDI Editors' of your DAWs. Thus, if something wrong happens, you have a quick view of what could be the trouble...
    If all what you play, record,... satisfy you, you can now simply save your 'MIDI Sequence(s)' as a 'MIDI File' directly within either 'Cubase', or 'LIVE' ("Save MIDI File as..."), and you get it ready for further adjustments if desired (or needed)...

    In fact, no more need to export your 'MIDI Files' from your MPC5000 to your external DAWs with the troubles that may arise... :wink:
  6. lekb

    lekb Newbie

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Thanks thats a very good idea. just spent a few hours trying to get it to work only to find one of my midi cables is duff but will get another one and let you know how i get on. Probably would of taken me weeks to come up with that idea, cheers bro *yes*

    PYRUS MALUS Noisemaker

    Sep 19, 2011
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    Not 100% sure -- but I expect its a simple mapping issue -- If you have the I/O you could try to set up the MPC MIDI Out into Live (via I/O) and route MIDI In to an empty Drum Rack and play each pad/bank on the MPC to see where the notes are mapped in the Drum Rack -- assign Samples to the pads in drum rack, then try your MIDI file.

    Or, if you have the exported MIDI -- just create an empty drum rack and drop the MIDI file into the clip view and click to play
    The drum rack view in Live should show (light up to indicate) which pads are being triggered, the trick would be to assign the correct samples (Kick -> Kick, Snare -> Snare, etc) to the corresponding 'triggered' pads -- you follow ?

    Hope this helps.
  8. lekb

    lekb Newbie

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Thanks. I got the midi working in the end from the mpc to live, seems tight but unsure what latency this will introduce? Am running at 64samples buffer, dunno if audio buffer size affects the midi speed on my firewire audiophile if anyone would know? Still the midi saved inside the mpc does not load in correctly into live or cubase, even the demo which comes with the sampler. Must be one of the famous bugs which the mpc5000 is meant to have loads off. I wanted to have my drums replicated in battery and just drop the midi file in there to be certain it was bang on. Looks like i am ****ed for that idea then, balls.
  9. lekb

    lekb Newbie

    Jun 8, 2011
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    Well i finally have come up with a solution which works! I used a 3rd party project and modified it and all the notes are there. I have no idea why but not gonna worry about it, got full use of the mpc at last so happy about that. Thanks for the help guys. :)
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