Apple emulator to run Apple OSX software in Windows

Discussion in 'PC' started by Bunford, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    I haven't tried it myself, but using a server-grade VM host like VMware ESXi, you could run both Win and OSX with good performance on the same machine, although you better use separate audio/midi interfaces for each VM then, and attach them over USB, for example.
    Of course you'll need enough CPU cores, RAM and >=1 SSDs to make it run smoothly.
  2. Codrin

    Codrin Newbie

    Jun 6, 2017
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    I've hackintoshed my computer for well over a month now, and using Logic (never used it before) coming from Ableton.. Now at first it's a bit confusing and annoying and you gotta learn the shortcuts but after that it's well rewarding.. Since i switched to OSX i only wanted to revert back to windows a couple times because it's a wee bit harder to make some plugins work (spectrasonics in particular)... i can't find a sylenth that will work in LogicX and i've searched high and wide.. but other than that, i think if you're serious about producing Logic is the way to go.. do i miss Windows?? HELL NO.. I know it's offtopic but if anyone is having dilemmas to switching from Windows to OSX i promise you won't miss anything.. Also... if anyone knows a sylenth release that will work in LogicX i'd appreciate a PM :)
  3. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Don't you miss Ableton? I do, even though I find LPX great. I use both.
    As for Sylenth, never had this issue, with about 100 great other synths available on Mac :winker:
  4. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    because crapple would put up a lawsuit, it is not allowed to run OSX and OSX apps on non crapple machines. VMWare and VB (vb wanted make it possible to run OSX in a good way in it, like you can with Linux, but crapple said no, they frightened nobody would buy their overexpensive hardware).
    VMing and hackintosh are basical a violated of the Terms you go in, when you install OSX. Crapple is really an ass company there.

    i was talking with a guy a few years ago, who wanted make an ipad emu, so he wanted to collab with crapple on this, as he had a nice ipad emu already, crapple said no and quickly wanted to come with a law suit, if he wanted to do it on his own.
  5. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Apple lives from selling hardware with properly designed software "for free" if you own the HW, while MS lives from selling software and, in case of Win 10, from selling your dearest personal secrets. Your choice ... :bleh:
  6. Qrchack

    Qrchack Rock Star

    Dec 15, 2015
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    They aren't that bad, actually. They don't care if you do hackintoshing as long as you're not selling ready to use hackintosh machines.
  7. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    In the mid 90's I bought 2 mac clones by power computing. They were obviously not designed to run windows, just apple os's 7-9 i think. They were fine machines, and came cheaper then the Apple version at the time.. Had a few issues with graphic cards and whatnot... I think this was before Jobs came back and yanked the licensing... It was an attempt at the time to save the Mac from what seemed like all but certain doom at the time.

    I get the hate on Apple, and hell, I get mad as shit at them all the time with some of the unnecessary OSX updates (for me anyways)... and pricing, and ram "tax" etc. They do some pretty crummy things in order to make a buck. But I will also say, having used them since literally forever to make music, they have been the most stable for me. Not saying for everyone. They obviously spend a lot of time and thought with many aspects of the machine that do make for an elegant experience, mostly for the non-power user, but also for the power user to some degree. I think they are too expensive, but generally quality products when you get them that do hold value if you chose to resell, and hell, my machines that I currently use are way way old. I've thought about going hackintosh on next machine, as it seems to have come a long way over the years from the fiddling and constant maintenance required, pretty much would take an afternoon with some decent off the shelf parts etc... but wouldn't know how long it would last with future osx upgrades and whatnot... but that wouldn't be the point I guess....

    but yeah, they realized a long time ago that "control" of the hardware worked both a. for their profit margin, b. for their aesthetic "ego", and being sold as, and touted as, but I don't think as much with people like we encounter here as c. better for the end user in experience.

    Apple would shut the hell down out of anyone who released that software the OP wants, as it would be against all the above, and they really really like to have control... and there isn't as much demand to take on that legal fight one would surely lose. oh well.
  8. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    I usually use a DAW for what it CAN DO, not what it comes with. That's not a daw. that's a set of proprietary instruments. Premiere doesn't come with much (iirc), but people don't complain. You're free to use 3rd party instruments. OP didn't say they wanted the instruments or templates in FCP or LX.
  9. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    it is your own responsibility to secure your personal data, and nobody cares today about that anyway, because look, everybody load up photos, personal data up to clouds (not sure if this true, but wasnt something in the terms that google for example can use your photos for data analysis, let their AI learn to detect the content of the photos?)

    you are really sure OSX doesnt have teh same penetrating of the privacy?
  10. Riansky

    Riansky Kapellmeister

    Apr 2, 2014
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    OP didn't say he want Reaper or any other alternative. Basicly most daw can do the same as other. I was just asking what If I want to use stock plugins and instruments and don't want to use 3rd party ones. Reaper suck in that case. I'm quite sick of people always recommending Reaper like its something out of this world. If it was so good like most of people talk about it, don't you think it will be quite a bit more popular than it actually is ?
  11. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    Running light Win apps on OSX and running native OSX ones is a better option.

    Any sandbox/Wrapper would kill perfs on audio or video (latency, CPU,disk access,RAM usage...emulated drivers :wink:)
    As side note, virtual machines kill perfs too, the same way ;)

    Choice is simple : extensive apps on Win ? Run Win and use VM for OSX
    extensive apps on OSX ? Run OSX and use VM/Wine for Win

    Answer is on the "performance" side :mates:
    You can run a lot of light Win apps in Wine. And keep Final Cut Logic on OSX native.
  12. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    It does, but some people appreciate what you can do with less. If you want a somewhat-more-complete package, try SONAR (although, that's not without its downfalls)

    Popularity of a DAW is quite hard to measure accurately, as any survey will inherently have bias.

    Well I guess you answered you own question, if people are "always recommending Reaper like its something out of this world.", that means it's popular, or people are satisfied with it, or both.
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2017
  13. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

    Holy cow, why does an uncalled for and total irellevant discussion even start in the first place if the original question could have been exhaustively answered with one single word (Hint: "no")?