Enough is Enough... Buy it!!!, or You will be considered an arshole

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Rhodes, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Yeah, I've heard of Russell, but I'm in Sydney and he's in Melbourne and we have our scene and they have theirs and I'm sure if the two clashed there would be a lot of rock throwing.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2017
  2. stevitch

    stevitch Audiosexual

    Aug 27, 2014
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    When people start paying for music, then musicians can start paying for software. That's an oversimplification, but why should developers and musicians be considered differently? Like the big screed published by 8Dio a year or two ago, preaching as to why it's morally necessary to pay for (their) software. Musicians arent "in business" like developers are - and the irony is that developers need money to stay in business, but musicians need software to keep producing music. I'm not justifying using un-paid-for software (as it were), just noting a conundrum. "Buy it if you like it/make money with it" is to developers what "Supoort the artist" is to musicians: hollow moralizing, even subtle doublethink. I keep coming back to the expression, "Why own the cow, when you can milk it through the fence?" I have to put my best work on Spotify and gain a pittance for streaming plays of it, but it's what I have to do to make my work available to POSSIBLY BE HEARD among the numous sewer of music flooding the world now. And "maybe" someone will like what they hear and go looking for more of it (and pay for it) – or just throw a few coins in my can on the sidewalk next to my cardboard sign with "support the artist" scrawled in my blood on it, because they were succesfully guilt-tripped into it.
  3. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    As long as a musician (really) has not enogh money to pay for a software, there is no loss for the developer in reality. Instead, the developers should hope for the success of the musician, so that he's able to buy the software.

    I think, it's time for new ways to pay for software so that both, developer and musician get what they need. "rent to own" is a good starting point.
  4. Life is tough as it is, sometimes it feels like show business instead.
  5. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    The paying consumers of music are young people (the 13-years-old-girl phenomenon), but an older musician can sell music to them.
    Us older guys mostly have less hair but a wealth of experience and wisdom . So we should use, what we have! :mates:

    Btw. the sister site shows an ad for "YouTube Success for Music Makers and Artists" today. It may help a little to improve marketing?! :)
  6. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    I'm a pessimist by nature and that attitude has never let me down. A song by Ian Hunter haunts me lately. Great song that addresses ageing musos so eloquently and heartbreakingly.... youtube it. Dead Man Walking.

    This is where the seeds we planted long ago
    Grew up to tell us we're too old to know

    I've been here before - this is where the novelty starts wearing off, wearing off, wearing off
    And all the world's a stage - it's just that I ain't on it anymore, anymore
    This ain't Eastenders, this ain't Eastenders, this ain't Eastenders, it's the real thing
    What am I supposed to do now?
    Crawl down the hole of monotony - monotony - monotony - monotony

    The silence is deafening - the phone never rings
    Won't somebody help me cos - I feel like I'm drowning
    If I should sink - if I should swim
    It doesn't really matter anymore - Dead man walkin'

    I've been meaning to tell you for oh so long
    Baby you got it right 'n I got it wrong
    Now I know what ageism means - you gotta try a little harder
    you gotta be a little stronger

    I've been here before - this is where nothing happens anymore, anymore, anymore,
    Someone else's rage - someone else's pain
    Someone else's ego - you will believe, you will believe

    This ain't Eastenders, this ain't Eastenders, this ain't Eastenders, it's the real thing
    What am I supposed to do now?
    Sink to the bottom of obscurity, obscurity, obscurity, obscurity

    It's a foregone conclusion - a fait accompli
    It's all taken care of - you don't have to worry
    If I should lose - If I should win
    It doesn't really matter anymore - I don't really matter anymore.
  7. Flow

    Flow Member

    Mar 21, 2017
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    I am sorry for writing this, but you were given a privilege to spend your life making music. I guess it goes without saying it, but very few people in the world get such a chance to spend their life doing something they love.

    I think it's also nice for people to have studio-like equipment on their home-computers. The quality of production might drop worldwide as more people will have a shot at doing something they love, but it does not affect the good one's production quality. As more people join making music and sharing it, the more diverse sounds we also have nowadays.
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  8. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    But money and fame are the major incentives. If you could hardly achieve one of them, some big talents may not even begin making music but become a lawyer instead. :snuffy:

    But it is as it is. "the times they are a changing" and have ever been.
  9. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Hey @tooloud : Two more videos on how to make money from your music for download on the sister site. It's about US monetzing systems; I don't know if it helps down under :) Check it out:

    SkillShare How to Make Money as a Music Artist with Sam Mollaei, Esq.

    In fact, in 2012, more that $1 billion dollars in music publishing royalties went undistributed due to missing or unverified data...
    ... You need to make sure those earnings have no problem finding you.
    ... Today, music artists have more opportunities than ever to make significant income from their songs. While artists want to concentrate on their craft, making an income from your passion is the hardest aspect of the music industry.
    Having access to information online doesn’t equal understanding; and just because you CAN make money from your music doesn’t mean you know HOW to do it. This is where this course comes in!"
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2017
  10. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    They are major incentives of the "ego" which is not necessarily the best place for music to develop.:guru:
    And they both are extrinsic gratifications, also not very healthy in the long run.:bleh:
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