
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by superliquidsunshine, Jun 28, 2017.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    wow.. what a drag.. but somehow still smiling...:yes:

    think of it this way.. just a great opportunity to show off that awesome haircut..

    also, someone give that man a kazoo.. the music making never stops !
  2. Notice the Jimi Hendrix satchel? It is a fantastic bag created by an old hippy lady on Long Island who creates them from old t-shirts and lines them with heavier material on the opposite side to give it strength. It has a little pocket on the inside for keys, etc. I probably will never see ner again to buy another, should have bought a bunch.
  3. chippy33

    chippy33 Kapellmeister

    Nov 4, 2011
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    Man, theres got to be a song forming about being stuck in the moment! Get well soon.
  4. "I've Got The Can't Feel My Right Leg Blues, Can You, Blues", much to the delight of the doctors and nurses who said nobody has ever played music before in the Surgery. Next time I'll bring a guitar and put a hat on the floor.
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  5. Zikkk

    Zikkk Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Between A and B♭
    Quack quack!
    That's the spirit! Best wishes from all of us!
  6. Perfect!
    No cute nurses, but I saw some very hot Portugese visiting interns while eating my sandwich before, way hot!

    One can only hope...things like that used to happen lots when I was single with long hair and the will to make them happen...memories....

    Who needs a kazoo when I ALWAYS have a harmonica with me...just in case (like when I jammed with George Harrison... l, that was on guitar, but you know what I mean)

    "I've Got The Can't Feel My Right Leg Blues, Can You, Blues", maybe I'll follow it up and add the superliquid flourish.

    Edit: things are a bit jumbled on my retorts, but you all will sort it out!!
  7. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    I was just gonna ask.

    You jammed with George! Now that's a lifetime well spent.
  8. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest


    pis or it didn't happen... don't care if you have motorize your wheelchair and gun it home :bleh:
  9. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    not sure what's going on, but i'm glad you're in good spirits. hope everything works out and you can get back to making music soon.
  10. Lette

    Lette Ultrasonic

    Sep 8, 2012
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    a secret garden
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  11. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    That photo with the hanging wheelchair, come on man you were taken to a prison hospital, they just don't have the heart to tell you yet that. What actually happened to you was that you were hang-gliding over London and forgot to strap yourself in, and you fell 12,000 feet on Buckingham Palace and flattened the Queen like a pancake, so you're in for double-life man. The story given to you about your numb leg is a lie. That leg was left dangling out of the ambulance doors as you were trying to escape and a cop shot it 17 times, have a look, see the holes? Haha .. have a nice dream! And start thinking about the escape plan as soon as possible.
  12. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Hey, grab some of that hand sanitizer while you're there! :rofl:

    Seriously though, I hope they can do something to help you out!
    Is that the c Maj harmonica?
  13. Yup, C Major. Seydel is the shit, this one being an 1847 Noble with an aluminum comb and stainless steel reeds. It is like totally air tight and plays like a dream come true, as loud or as soft as you wish and able to translate your emotive state like nothin' else that I have ever played. I run it under water before I play and it is just like new every time. It weighs a ton in your hand but is a little wider than most other 10 hole harps. I suggest spending the cash above and beyond what a similar Hohner would cost. Bends and most over blows are creamy.
  14. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

  15. I have told the story someplace, I think, but make a long story really short...

    On Maui, driving to Wainapanapa, nauseous from the million hairpin turns, get out to jump in the ocean to get refreshed and not drive any more hairpin turn for a little while, see a guy with his back to me, guitar in hand, go back to the car to grab my guitar, get there only to discover it is the youngest Beatle, ask if its cool to sit and jam, yes, we play his songs, my songs, jam out, say goodbye, have an incredible memory that I relate to you folk while still leg numb but finally getting some movement after over five hours.
  16. Ponstory Games

    Ponstory Games Ultrasonic

    Oct 29, 2016
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    Good gravy.... Well, at least you're taking it pretty well. Hope you get out of there soon.
  17. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    Alright ya ol' reprobate, jeez some folks'll do anything to get free drugs huh............I's been under No 1 sons mode of transport all afternoon so just got in an saw this.

    Nice wan on the George jam ya lucky bastid, I saw em in '66 at the "rattle yer jewelry" gig...........too much screamin'..

    All that thon pic with the harp needs is a little Hitler moustache and yer the spits of thon geezer from Sparks, and Shirley it shouldn't be you blowin' summat when yer on yer back...

    TC Moosh.
  18. Maybe I'm just a glutton for punishment.
  19. Were you in the cheap seats clapping your hands or one of the others asked to rattle their jewelry, Lol.
  20. The meaning of life is...being your friend! You're the best!