Enough is Enough... Buy it!!!, or You will be considered an arshole

Discussion in 'Internet for Musician' started by Rhodes, Jun 23, 2017.

  1. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I bought 8.5 Pro and will not being paying Steinberg any more either... in my mind their policies are greedy
    and my customer service experience with them showed me they couldn't give a rat's ass if they sold you a hardware product
    that has design flaws and does not deliver on the features advertised. No arguments there...

    totally agree sir..:wink: I avail myself of enhanced demos.. and then buy when I am convinced the dev is delivering
    a product worth it's salt.. and I intend to use it often... I haven't made good on that in all cases.. but then
    I don't have a bottomless pit of cash to give them all their due at one rip.

    I just think it's better to keep your blood pressure under control regardless of what some griefer troll
    is shouting on a web page. Then you can say you know why you are doing it and what it means ... without the aggravation.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2017
  2. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Just let not forget that this thread is exclusively related to AUDIOZ. (read the first line of the first post in this thread)

    Comments like the one that @Deathklok made a few posts above, are perfectly fine in places like AudioSEX or any other place that doesn`t deal with pirated software.

    Anyway, @Deathklok , considering some legality and facts, as said before, I bought the few things that I use, so, Your post directed to me, seems a bit over the line here ?!?

    - are You against the possibility to try the software and than decide if I should give You my money ?
    Trying to sell me a Dead Horse ???
    Good Luck!
  3. dashfiss

    dashfiss Kapellmeister

    Jan 30, 2014
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    I dont know how long you've been around, op, but crackers have said this in their releases for decades, from cracked games in the '80s.

    If you like it, buy it.

    And I think it's a sensible reminder that both one-man and big companies rely on income to put food on their table. And MANY of the softs out there, be it VSTis or DAWs, are incredible inventions that deserve to be paid for. Morally it's 100 %the correct thing to do if you make money off it, and if you use it often too, imo. If you make one song a year to share with your friends, it's not entirely the same imo.

    If you have a lot of pleasure and/or income from the softs, buy them. Otherwise it's kinda like going to work doing nothing and expecting to get paid. It won't fly, not for very long anyway. Straight to hell, dude ;)
  4. dashfiss

    dashfiss Kapellmeister

    Jan 30, 2014
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    And you know what pisses me off the most... When a one-man company spends months and months making some VSTi, it gets posted on Audioz, and eeeeeverybody is so careful to thank the uploader/cracker... Yeah ok, and how about a thank you to the guy who took months out of his life to actually make the fucking thing?

    Lastly, if you have empathy enough, how would you feel if you spent months on a thing, and a few days after release it's cracked? What would you feel when you saw that post? I think it's a good thing to have that thought once in a while, that's the very least they deserve.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2017
  5. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Strange that the discussion is now at a point that was explicitly excluded by the first post. Maybe I misunderstand the purpose of the thread.

    (1) There are people on AZ who tell other people to buy the software (I assume in the comments?)
    (2) The op complains about such comments, pointing to the purpose of AZ
    (3) The op calls out for other people here on audiosex to give their opinion regarding (1) and (2)

    Well, I say, why does it bother you if there are such comments? You don't have to read them and none of those comments will prevent any downloading. And if you are convinced of such sites as AZ, those comments, even when read, won't touch you at all. If they do, then there's some consciousness for the illegal activities and you feel a little guilty. But that's not the fault of the comments. It'S just what you make out of them. If you can't ignore them, try a site with less of those kinds of comments.

    I don't think that any of those comments make sense on a site like AZ, but I do understand where it comes from. It's the little policeman in all of us, and maybe even the producers of the software.

    But, this whole warez thing is nothing new. It exists since Computers exist. I remember very well how we copied each others tapes with games for the C64. I remember our rapid disk copy tool used to get the newest cracked Amiga games. I remember the Notator dongle on the Atari 1040 ST and how we hated it (because it only allowed for poorly working cracks). And I remember the first mailboxes (no, not today's mailboxes, but those that were some kind of internet in the modem days), that were mainly used to exchange cracks, serials and music.

    See, no comment ever stopped the scene. So why do such comments even bother you?

    (This all in regard of imagining this to be a thread on AZ. My personal approach is a little different nowadays, as it was 20 years ago)
  6. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    You seem to disregard the first part of that sentence "If you like it" ...how convenient...

    You seem also to disregard this small detail that the developers, very seldom give a chance to fully try the software before buying it ?
    I`d gladly thank You, if You would be the one that uploads the software to be evaluated, but it seems that is not the case... so what should i thank You for, if I have no idea of the "fucking things" You made ?
  7. Caldera

    Caldera Platinum Record

    Jul 24, 2012
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    It's so simple: Buy the stuff if you make money with it. Who has said that before?
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  8. Maizelman

    Maizelman Rock Star

    Jun 19, 2017
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    Yeah, or try covering these comments with your fingers or a piece of paper. :rofl:
  9. chippy33

    chippy33 Kapellmeister

    Nov 4, 2011
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    Thanks to this wonderful site, I have played with and tried many Daws and plugins. I'm now the proud owner of Cubase 9 pro, Ableton Suite 9 and Reason 9 essentials. I also have a healthy amount of plugins and Vsti's that I have grown to love and use and so those too have become legitimate copies, I have even managed to aquire several waves plugins and love having the stability that geniune copies bring to my game. You can knock all you like but I can only view this site with a positive feeling and joy at discovering new tools that help me achieve my musical aims and targets.
  10. Daz

    Daz Guest

    Firstly...my comment has nothing to do with buy it, don't buy it what ever, nor do I think I have ever made a comment like that, more on that shortly, but to make things clearer regarding the topic....

    I have never seen a comment like that on AZ, or suggestion, it appears you are taking things out of context.

    "a bit too fast... I think that this developer deserved more time (and I really dont want to sound hypocritical here) ...
    Thank you anyway even though I already bought it...
    Please do the same if you can and like his work, guys..."

    "Please do the same if you can"
    And if you can't then use the warez version, I see nothing wrong with this comment, and these....

    "A must buy,As always with Klanghelm!! Thanks for the chance to try it"

    He is not saying you must buy it or you should be ashamed if you don't etc, he is saying it is a must buy for himself, and good on him if he likes it that much.

    "It's only 23€ ($25) for an outstanding plugin. If you like it, buy it and support the dev."

    A suggestion, not an order, and no mention of what you suggest.

    "if you like it and use it alot please support them and buy this one
    It is important to support these small developer's
    One thing I wish is that these developer's would have a donate link so warez users can send them at least a few dollars"

    Horsemen is a well respected uploader, and once again the comment speaks for itself.
    Of course AZ is for Warez, and no one there is thinking what you are suggesting, the guys making these comments use warez and don't buy everything nor do they expect others to ( I assume ).

    "He's a horrible little p____."

    I assume you have perceived this comment to mean he is that because he doesn't want to buy it, obviously it is about hoffy's rude smart ass attitude, not to mention vulgar comments...

    "No I'm not going to buy it, I'm going to download it and give it to all my friends to use.
    Stop me."

    No one is suggesting he has to buy it nor is anyone trying to stop him from using warez, what a stupid thing to say.

    My comment has nothing to do with the software or supporting devs etc, it had little to do with the post itself actually and was rather off topic and about various comments on other posts as well.
    I was quietly suggesting to SAiNT if someone like hoffy who makes comments such as this....

    "I've been using AUDIOZ for years and I only download maybe 2% of the shit I see on this website. I just come here to see all you people argue amongst yourselves F______ LOL YOU'RE ALL SHIT."

    ...is a Resident, then how about these guys, the ones I mentioned on that post, who regularly make helpful contributing comments on the site, I was making a suggestion to SAiNT, what he chooses to do about that suggestion is obviously up to him.

    As for the Klanghelm software, I haven't bought it nor have I tried it, but if guys want to buy it and state that they think supporting devs is a good thing.......good on em, and if guys want to use warez from AudioZ to help them make their music.....good on em, cheers. :wink:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 24, 2017
  11. midi-man

    midi-man Audiosexual

    Sep 25, 2013
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    I feel the same after trying Cubase 5 for quite a while, I purchased 7 and upgraded till 8 .Then I purchased it. Costed me a lot, but I was really comfortable with the DAW so it was worth the money. But then I got a hold of tech support and that blew everything away. Support was pure junk they have no clue as to what they are doing. I even was the one that requested the undo ( dual undo ) you see in the mixer now.

    So I went on to try Reaper, no crack, it just keep running and running with a nag screen. Then after I got really comfortable with it I purchased it. I also kind of felt bad since it was really cheap in comparison to Cubase and there support is really good, so far.

    If developers really want people to purchase there software, they should take a hint from Reaper. 30 days is just not enough to evaluate a piece of software.

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  12. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    If you think the music industry as a whole is ethical, you probably also believe the Catholic Church give most of their money to the poor.
  13. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Of course it is taken out of context... out of many conexts (plural), out of many "threads" at AZ.
    What other interpretation would You give to every other post bearing the phrase Buy it, or You should buy it, or support the developers... on a site like AZ ?!?
    Hypocrisy or people that have no idea where they are :dunno: (it seems to me that everybody know where they are, so...)

    Back in the days You would be banned forever from all the news groups that had something to do with illegal content, just by posting something similar.

    I didn`t tagged You here, to accuse You of anything Daz; actually You were very polite (even taken out of context)... but rather to invite You to express Your point of view on the matter.
    I just went from top to bottom of the thread at AZ, tagging everyone that posted something, since there is no place for such discussions on a public part of AZ.

    Cheers, ad thanks for posting.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017
  14. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Hi Rhodes,
    Would you mind clarifying your place in the music business? It seems it is the financial aspects that concern you. Do you make money from what you do? How long have you been in the industry? Have you ever played a live gig and been paid? How much money have you spent in total on vinyl, CD's, audio equipment, studio equipment, software, etc.? You take umbrage at what you call theft, but has it ever impacted you personally?
  15. Infidel

    Infidel Producer

    Jan 18, 2015
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    WOW!! This thread started with some bunched up panties. The software industry has burned many customers including me. Warez is a way to get back at them. So is stealing music because the concert and music industry has bent over and plowed their customers. Kinda hard to buy concert tickets to support a band you like without getting them at 10 times the price at a resale vender. F em All.
  16. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Would you mind clarifying your place in the music business?
    - I am in no music business, I play `cause I like to do it ...it is a passion for me, and I don`t expect any financial gain for that

    It seems it is the financial aspects that concern you
    - Not really, but when I see that a plugin costs more than a DAW, I get a feeling that there is something out of place ?!?

    Do you make money from what you do?
    - I make money with what I do, but not with any kind of art

    How long have you been in the industry?
    - I am not in the Industry

    Have you ever played a live gig and been paid?
    - Yes, but money is not why I play

    How much money have you spent in total on vinyl, CD's, audio equipment, studio equipment, software, etc.?
    - Don`t know the number, but a lot for my standards... out of my head, I`d say, enough to buy a small apartment. (loads of amps, guitars, studio gear, CD`s, Digital Pianos, Vinyls...and so on... now that I think about, more than a small apartment would cost me)

    You take umbrage at what you call theft, but has it ever impacted you personally?
    - I don`t understand the question "You take umbrage at what you call theft" ???, but yes, things have been stolen from me if that is what You mean.

    Now be so kind to tell me what all that has to do with this thread ???
  17. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    I think it has everything to do with it. It clarifies, at least it seems to clarify that you feel that immorality is what causes you grief in regard to people stealing software. Had you stated that you were being directly affected in your career by thieves downloading your albums it would explain your definition of those thieves as arseholes. But you have, like myself, contributed a great deal of your time, resources, knowledge and money into perpetuating an industry that thrives. So we are all part of the machinations of an industry that, in this day and age is give and take.
  18. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    Thanks for posting, although I feel a bit confused now...
    it is late here; time for a beauty sleep :)

    Cheers! :cheers:
  19. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    R2R put it nicely:
    Support the good developer if you use it.
    We would like to support you for free,
    as long as you understand what you are doing and what it means.
  20. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Confused is absolutely the correct answer when it relates to how we as musicians or producers or performers should feel about the industry today. The history of popular music as we understand it, began last century when sheet music was the big money earner for publishing companies. Gramophones and 78rpm records took over, then the vinyl LP peaked in the late 70's. There was a brief period where record company execs were wallowing in the profits from CD's and their mistake was thinking that particular medium would last forever. But as technology tends to do, it was superceded. And without foresight they thought they could control digital content. But the genie is out of the bottle and it just won't go back in, despite them trying. You can't contain zeros and ones. Hence, the end of big name bands like Led Zeppelin owning private jets. And those artists that do attain a similar status, will play stadiums that hold 80,000 people and charge $500 a ticket because they can't count on a "Platinum Album" like Thriller that just keeps paying royalties. The public is fickle. It has too many choices and that where this applies to this thread. It's music software overload and we don't know if we buy a $299 compressor, will the company keep supporting the product in five years, will the various standard used still exist.... AU, VST, RTAS, AAX? And it's not just software, I have 4 Firewire 800 drives that are landfill and that's the tip of the iceberg. I don't even bother trying to resell old gear. So, yes, be confused. Try stuff, do your homework. Look ahead, plan for problems because they will bite you later on. But I think it's harsh to say we are all arseholes in the current climate of change and uncertainty, none of which was our making. We're the bottom feeders trying to get a start in a game of poker where the deck is stacked against us.