Find relief! Here is the "#1 chart hits" hate thread.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Elisea, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    61, of course, like one of Château Pétrus exceptional vintages :winker:
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  2. The Revenant

    The Revenant Platinum Record

    Oct 6, 2015
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    Same as Glenn Miller, that Snow White who wanted to play like uncle Tom.. but failed.

    Agreed 100%. Hate is not an appropri(h)ate word. We have a better one in french: "détester" (despise ?) which is a bit more harsh than the opposite of "aimer" (to love). Anyways, guys, it's time to drop semantic and shoot on another "masterpiece":

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2017
  3. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    I have to agree. For me the 90ies were the time, when everything changed into a meaningless industry without any rough edges. Grunge was an exception and maybe crossover. I remember when i was in a discothek and they played blocks of techno, 90ies like "please don't go" (Wich is (bravo!) probably the ugliest example of the 90ies shit!) and then grunge. It felt like shock therapie! :suicide:

    Besides that the 80ies were sparkeling in any way. Everything was new and they really went crazy in every aspect. When i watched tv with my parents and some "cool" acts showed up they always called it shit (Because of The Beatles, you know?) but still got impressed by stupidest things. "Wow! Look! She stands barefood on stage!" or "Look at those crazy hairs!" Just every artist tried to outperform others by styling and new sound creation. Every voice sounded unique as it was important to stay induvidual. Today its nearly impossible to recognise most of the chart hits as separate artists or songs. Its all the same. At least its my impression.
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  4. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    Common! "My heart will go on"? You seem very brave to post such a lovely (teary) song in here! :winker:

    In context to the movie it was a really good song. I loved it. Problem with songs like that is, they got massively played on radio outside of the context and lose their magic or getting dull.
  5. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    I really understand your problem. As i mentioned, here in Cologne every year everyone gets crazy on carnival. I mean REALLY crazy! Its not only the most outstanding season its also a festivity with lots of booze, music, dancing and sex. (Last one is no joke, its nearly impossible to don't get touched or kissed by strangers.) But according to your problem, you can hear every year almost the same songs in every pub, on the radio or even on the street. And guess what. Most people love to chant those songs loudly, so it will never change, even if you can't stand most of the songs anymore.

    Just an impression.

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  6. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Why do I get the feeling you are someone I recognise from the past as a negative character that was put in my bin and emptied out with the trash?
  7. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Hey buddy, it's great to have you back again. Jees we certainly have missed your voice of reason!
  8. artwerkski

    artwerkski Audiosexual

    Apr 20, 2016
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    Funny thing... like #1 hits create themselves and that we 'the public' are actually responsible for them being #1's.
    Because we like the tunes so much, enough to buy them. Not really.
    Not the case. They're carefully crafted and created by 'the industry' and their minions. Especially the last 40 or so years. Then they're
    systematically shoved down our throats from every angle. They've turned it into a true art. The art of indoctrination. Almost military
    It was and is never about the music. It's about the gold and about control. The dollah man and pushing his plan forward. No 2 ways about it.
    It has absolutely nothing to do with music. It has to do with conveiing a message and to conform society. Especially the youngsters.
    As is the whole hollywood celebrity cult. And we buy it like cake. Willingly under hypnosis... for ever asleep and no real danger to
    the establishment above. Period.
    There is a huge aparatus in place to maintain this kabuki, this facade. There's a lot at stake. I've seen it up close and it's sheer maffia. Where
    if you don't quack in tune or you walk out of beat you'll end up dead. Or at least under the proverbial bus. Career wise.
    And everyone wants a piece of it it seems, hence the perpetuallity of the beast. Hence the huge sacrifices some of the high flying
    artists endure to maintain their status in the 20million dollar club. To hold on to their little place in this hemispere. Ultimately, like in the mainstream press and media, the different aspects of the machine is all owned by the same money. The studio's, the labels, the management agency's, the agents, the promotors, the festivals. All of it. Yes, there's a lot of truly tallented people, artists, engineers and producers
    involved in it but unfortunately they're in it for, yep, you guessed right: m o n e y & s t a t u s.
    #1 hits and their artists are carefully picked and lead down the path they layed out for them to maximise profit and effect on society.
    Pretty sad actually. To see music, something so spiritual, so healing, so much fun and yet so serious, being raped and denigraded to a
    hundred million bottles washed upon the shore. Thats why places like this are so great and so close to the pulse of new, honest and authentic music. :) Don't let it fool you. It's business as usual and music has left the building long ago... She's with us now, showing us the way and hoping for better days........
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  9. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I would not say that I hate the following, but I do feel a certain amount of self shame when I hear it. As a much younger man I bought the cassette tape, and thought it was high art.

    Fads are fads and that is why they come and go.

  10. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    All my ex'es live in Texas.. which is why I reside in Skynyrd land... :rofl:

    Yes you did choose perhaps the most odious issuance of this once gloriously beautiful woman..and good singer...
    try this one on for size... perhaps still drecky in your book.. but she was never anything more than a pop singer..
    and un-apologetically so .. before you start scorching ..this is around 1978 mo'.. good times.. will they come again

    this stands regardless of her choice of material to sing... she was a magnificent voice..
    she was like an American sweetheart as well.. but ended as yet another tragically desolated angel...

    now if you wanna talk Pariah .. I mean Mariah Carey... different story.. :snuffy:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2017
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  11. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    I loved this song, but again I never saw the video or even knew the artist until now. (I guess I was to young.) Thanks for your contribution. Its the typical sound that - for a certain reason - everybody found cool in the 80ies.
  12. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    I always regarded her as eminently ignorable pop tart-ism.... not that she's a bad singer.. just a mediocre one..and cute etc.

    If I didn't like this particular song.. it's probably because I thought the original was substantially better... except for the hair... :no:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2017
  13. Hey mon amie, TRev...that is one that is pretty much a one to one translation. In English the word is detest.

    And now following the money...

    Truth be told, even though I recognize Whitney Houston's incredible pipes, her delivery in my ears and mind go a bit over the top when she sings "yes" a few of those times when it comes around and has the effect of me quickly turning knobs or pushing buttons to purge the offending noise. But since this is a music forum I wish to try to hopefully correct a misconception that was mentioned earlier about Houston's supposed yodeling...she wasn't. I am no yodeling expert although I do have friends who are ardent yodelers and belong to clubs here in Switzerland where the like-minded gather and yodel themselves into ecstatic fits of grace. Although not partaking in this vocal artform, I have however attended a good number of yodeling competitions, fundraising dinners as well as incredibly cool and freakily interesting Schwingen competitions (the Swiss take on wrestling which is a big to do) where there is yodeling, Schlager groups playing and singing as well as alphorns horning away in harmony, and all this music happening as two 120 kilo men try to subdue each other while fighting for the prize of a cow, grappling warriors in piles of sawdust). Yodeling is a form of singing which involves repeated and rapid changes of pitch between the low-pitch chest register (or "chest voice") and the high-pitch head register or falsetto. She only rises or falls once and maintains her voice within that place. The wavering is coming from her diaphram in the form of vibrato. This is Jewel showing off her yodeling chops and a reference to the difference in her and Whitney Houston's singing. The Devil is in the details. Namaste and blessings.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2017
  14. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    Yes, you are right, but there is still no guarantee that such carefully crafted songs really hit the top. As long as I know there really is a kind of mafia wich produces and owns 80% of the pop market. They own and buy the rights of thausands of songs and create pop stars from templates with only one goal - make the most money out of it. But there are also bands or artists who hit the market by chance and grow with it. Rammstein is a good example. When i visited one of their first concerts on a big festival, they already had a very impressing show but I never did waste any thoughts about what their later impact in the mainstream could be.

    To be honest i also didn't see it coming that influences like house or techno, hip-hop, rap or even dubstep and trap could be part of the mainstream. I guess they are not planned from scratch, but the industry recognised the potential of those niches and started milking.
  15. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I haven't had time to read the whole thread but if no one's mentioned Rap, then all Rap that has made it (has been placed by the psycopathic elite) into the charts is awful. Rap should not even be a music genre, it is poetry to music.
  16. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yep...In the 80's ! You have listened to rap lately ? Man I wish there were still poetry in it...Now mostly it's music - albeit poor quality often but not always, we have some good rappers on the board you should check what they do, great mcs and great prods (yep @Cav Emp I'm still thinking about you) - and it has been for a while.
    And maybe to be on topic rather than as usual dissing an entire genre, bring forward an example of what you claim...Well unless you don't have any. It's a claim that pretty much cannot hold with any tune made in rap those last 20 years...But whatev
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2017
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  17. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Mostly agree, but why can't we have great poetry and music at once. I'm pretty sure, there are some examples, but I'm not an expert for rap. :dunno:
  18. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    This brings back memories of my time in Pirmasens (schlabbeflicker! LOL) in 1990 when Germany won the world cup! I was trying to make my way home after leaving the local Hard Rock, and must've gotten kissed by 20 or so complete strangers. Some were a bit more than a peck on the cheek. Everyone was drinking, yelling, etc.
    It was a better after event celebration than any superbowl party I've ever been to!
  19. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo Member

    Oct 22, 2015
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    This one gave me the creeps!
  20. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo Member

    Oct 22, 2015
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    ...and when I heard this one the first time I almost crapped myself laughing that such shit can be produced but eventually I would also tease my friends with da..da..da when it was playing..:rofl:
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