Find relief! Here is the "#1 chart hits" hate thread.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Elisea, Jun 20, 2017.

  1. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    Yes, i know it was me who made the turning point in the serum thread. Sorry for that. But its forgotten already. (I hope at least.) And my request to reply or not refers to safran5020, because i just started i sensless hate thread and not a discussion about it.

    I mean, could you please just be easy and funny and write something about that one song you have to turn off just in the moment, you hear the first seconds of the intro? It was not my intention to critisize you or anyone else with this thread. My intention was only to combine the appetite for bitching with an informative lesson. (The note with the serum thread was meant as a cheerful appeal.) Maybe its naive or childish ... but thats not my problem. I like to be foolish. And in this thread i invite you to join in. Ok? :winker:

    @tulamide I have to agree with Withney Housten. In that case its not the song but rather the interpetation wich made it really anoying. Its one of the songs i can't hear without aversion. And I guess without the movie it wouldn't have been such a hit. Most of the posted songs are simple but not this one. The song reminds me a bit of "Power of Love" from Jennifer Rush wich let me cry several times only by listening. (No shitting!) LOL

  2. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Boah. Have you seen Jennifer rush lately --- Without words --- :woot:

    (I must confess, I named my first daughter Jennifer because of her :unsure:)
  3. I don't understand all the hate that is mustered up from the depth of the psyche in regard to some thoughtless shitty tunes, as hate is a powerful word and emotion, steeped in darkness, and when mindfully or mindlessly purged, hurtful in it's wrath, transforming itself all too often into a bloodied, stained and painful verb of action both when it manifests physically and even well as when it is seemingly innocently expressed psychically. I know I'm preaching, but it is best to access any hate that is festering deep down only when it is a life or death situation, one where one needs the access to that hate to keep the family, yourself and/or your neighbors alive, i.e., using it as a transforming agent that can help you shift from a kind human to a veritable killing machine to stay alive. Propped up caually is one pillar of why the world is the way it is, the other that expressing ones love feels awkward and a sign of weakness for others. That said...I think that Whitney's voice is fucking incredible and that she never goes over the top, but rather steers the song to a grand height of emotion through her amazing and near perfect vocal control. She never screams but rather is VERY loud, using her diaphram to push the air as she sees fit to take the listener along as witness to her story. Notice how she seamlessly shifts from fff to ppp within perhaps just one bar at the end of the modulation (key change). She never clamps down or closes her trachea, and that my friends is not screaming nor is it yodelling, but rather to witness a master at the top of her art. One for whatever reason might not enjoy this sort of song, but it's not a bad one. I do agree that all the other songs that I quickly listened to in this thread, that is, before clamping them down and out of my ears, suck mightily and hopefully will never enter my consciousness again, but hate, nah, it's just not worth it.
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  4. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    Absolutely agree. Hate is a strong word. Aversion sounds better! I also have a wide spectrum of music styles that i hear in different situations and moods. And "Schlager" really is a special thing, because you not only have to get drunk to bear it, you also have to get drunk to drown your shame. I'am from Cologne and you wouldn't believe what booze can do to you if you go out at carnival and bawl the stupidest songs. :drunks:
  5. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    No one would disagree here. Whitney's skills were amazing. The problem is/was, she had to show it in every fucking word with lots of trills, shifts and yodeling what i never really prefered. Its just an animosity of me to like a voice more, if its not killed by vibrato. But thanks for your reply.
  6. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Oh, I would, as I'm from Dortmund :bleh:
  7. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I only would disagree in this part, as hatered isn't a good advisor in any situation. Best is, to keep cool, if it's possible.
    When it comes to music, hate doesn't describe the feelings one has, correctly. It's more discomfort, or aversion as Alisea said. Real hate is a deep and daunting feeling, I think I've never really had in my life.
  8. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    I don't know why, but as an American in Germany, I always found the word schlagzeug to be particularly funny when directly translated. I would call our drummer a "thing hitter" which always caused a few chuckles.
    This would be my entry:

    Not because it's a bad in any way. Production of the time was good. It's a solid song. It's just that here in the southern US of A, this was, is, and will be played over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and......
    by many of our local bands. They just can't get over it. And after you've heard it mangled a million different times, the opening chords tend to start turning your stomach.
    And my hate is reserved for ex'es! :rofl:
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  9. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Sorry @Elisea .Can be a bit protective, no harm intented toward you.

    Frankly the 90's were dreadfull on many aspects, and there are a lot of gems on the side of unbearable N 1. And I won't go on French territories, probably for my own sanity.
    Those dance remixes...:crazy:

    One good example (and the original wasn't bad btw by KC and the sunshine band)

    Don't really need to add more...It's just...Cringing.
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  10. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    @digitaldragon I love Lynyrd Skynyrd, but this one is really sort of lame until 6'.
    For me it's quite the same with Police's "Every Breath You Take".
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017
  11. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    See, that's where I can't go your path:
    - The song I linked is a constant repetition of the words "I will always love you", which is boring to me.
    - She sure is a professional singer. But the way she presents her voice is just annoying in this song.
    - My aversion starts at latest with this "and aaaaaiiiiiiaaaaayyy" and the yodeling "you".
    - Just because you can does not mean you should. I can seamlessly slide from a deep chest voice to a very high head voice, but that doesn't mean I should record my voice. It's technically ok, but still sounds unattractive.

    I stay to my words. The song I linked to is annoying to me.
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  12. Bobs Ur Unkle

    Bobs Ur Unkle Ultrasonic

    Dec 23, 2015
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    I'm old enough to just remember some of these, as a baby i guess, but the amount of pure shite that has come out since.... this must have been there late teenage days. again no offence intended, i don't need the wrath of the Audioz Godz to come down on me. :). if you look around here at how some of the post go completely left, turns into Mel gibsons Passion of the Christ on some sometimes :rofl:
  13. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    funny topic...

    I have always, like even as a small child, have always had the deepest disdain for this song:

    *frankie valli version as well but this is the one the was on the radio when I was a kid kid
  14. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    May be, you've had a bad day as a child, when you first heard the song, even if you don't remember.

    For me it's special smells that are connected to good or bad thoughts. It's like a switch: Semlling something and *ping* there are pictures in my brain connected to that smell.

    For music, I really don't have negative memories. Most of them are connected with girls or with playing the drums in my band.
    Obviously have never been offended while listening to music. ;)
  15. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @Bobs Ur Unkle, it was a close call between agree, and funny on that post!
  16. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

    Ha maybe but even to this day this tune, everything about it - from the lyrical message to the limp dick harmonies - something about it comes straight from my nightmares lol

    nah I meant, 'post a tune you hate' is a funny forum topic :wink::wink::bow:
  17. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    Twelve weeks at #1 in 1943. Harry James & Helen Forrest, "I've Heard That Song Before".
    Well, honestly. What dross. No subbass and the drummer's bowtie is crooked.

    In the same month as the song's release, German forces liquidated the Jewish ghetto in Krakow. Now that's hate, guys. Throw the word "hate" into as many expressions of personal distaste as you want but realize that mewing the hate mantra is always a dickhead posture.
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  18. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    Ah man! 4 minutes and 43 seconds of the same repeating melody: tehhh, te tet tet teh teehhh!
    No verse, no chorus, no bridge, no nothing!
    And he's singing like he has to shit very bad but is constipated somehow... Terrible, really.
    Most overrated song in history.....
  19. NicoDPS

    NicoDPS Platinum Record

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Wherever I may roam
    Glad to see you back! :mates:

    EDIT: Ooops, about the topic, when I was young(er ^^) I used to hate a lot of music, now I'm too old for this and try to find something intresting in all the songs I listen, of course, it can be very difficult sometimes... ^^
  20. Bobs Ur Unkle

    Bobs Ur Unkle Ultrasonic

    Dec 23, 2015
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    Either way thank you sir. All and any of my bad song memories are from the nineties age wise, and when any one of the Cesar's shows their disdain, (thumbs down) they really no how set the lions on a newbie around here. i never even posted a comment let alone a question for at least two years, for fear of having a full prison dirty protest against me :rofl:,I iterate - NO OFFENCE INTENDED....:rofl:
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