Windows 7 Lite by k1ller97

Discussion in 'PC' started by Ankit, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Just installed it and I am impressed.

    Link -

    Click on "Show All Files"


    Here's a list to features that are disabled/removed:

    Action Center
    Default Computer Program Acces
    Diagnostics Troubleshooting
    Disk CleanUp
    Infrared File Transfer Application
    Mobility Center
    On-Screen Magnifier
    People Near Me
    Speech Support
    Sticky Notes
    Welcome Center
    Windows Contacts
    Windows Faxx and Scanner
    Windows Repair Disc
    Windows Sidebar
    Windows Slide Show

    1394 Driver a.k.a "Firewire"
    TV Tuners
    Bluetooth (still works if you install your drivers)
    Diva Client
    Floppy Driver (really useless)

    3.All language packs except native english

    Sample Music and Videos
    Sample Pictures
    Sound Recorder
    Windows Codec Packages
    Windows DVD Maker
    Windows ISO Burn
    WIndows Media Center
    Windows Media Ecoders and Decoders
    Windows Media Player
    Windows Sounds

    Internet Explorer (you can still install other browser)
    Internet Information Service a.k.a "IIS"
    Remote Desktop and Assistance (you can use team viewer or other alternative)
    Remote Desktop Connection
    Windows Mail

    Bitlocker Drive Encryption Service
    Block Level Backup Engine Service
    Diagnostic Policy Service
    Diagnostic System Host
    Diagnostic Service Host
    Disk Defragmenter (best alternative: Iobit Smart Defrag)
    Encrypting File System a.k.a "EFS"
    Function Discovery Resource Publication
    HomeGroup Listener
    HomeGroup Provider
    Media Center Extender Service
    Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider
    Parental Controls
    Portable Device Enumerator Service
    Program COmpatibility Assistant Service
    Protected Storage
    Remote Registry
    SSDP Discovery
    Tablet PC Input Service
    TPM Base Service
    UPnP Device Host
    Volum Shadow Copy
    Windows Backup
    Windows Biometric Space
    Windows Card Space
    Windows Defender (really useless)
    Windows error Reporting Service
    Windows Media Center Receiver Service
    Windows Media Center Scheduler Service
    Windows Player Network Sharing Service

    Adapter Troubleshooter
    Advaced UAC
    Corrupted File Recovery
    Disk Quotta
    IMAPIv2 Burning Support
    Location and Mobile PC Sensor
    Manual Windows Setup (you need to boot from installation media if you want to install Windows)
    Microsoft Custom Dictionary
    Microsoft Sync Center
    Natural Language
    On-Screen Keyboard
    System Restore
    Tablet PC
    Windows Cabinet Maker
    Windows Easy Transfer
    Windows Fot Viewer
    Windows Help
    Windows Memory Diagnostic
    Windows Portable Device (portable devices still works)
    Windows PowerShell
    Windows System Assesment Tool a.k.a "WINSAT"
    Workspace Runtime
    XPS Viewer
    Zip Folder (better alternative: Winrar or 7zip)


    Application TimeOut=1000
    Auto EndTask=Enabled
    Lowlevel Hooks TimeOut=1000
    Menu Show Delay=6
    Wait to Kill Application TimeOut=2000

    2.Task bar:
    Show run on start menu=Enabled
    Taskbar animations=Disabled
    Aero Peek=Disabled

    Context menu:
    God Mode=Enabled
    Registry Editor=Enabled
    Administrative Tools=Enabled
    Change Regional Settings=Enabled
    Change Wallpaper=Enabled
    Desktop Icon Settings=Enabled
    Folder Options=Enabled
    Network Connections=Enabled
    Registrt Editors=Enblaed
    System Proporties=Enabled
    Task Manager=Enabled
    Copy To=Enabled
    Move To=Enabled
    Grant Admin Permission=Enabled
    Open With Notepad= Enable
    Open In New Windows=Enabled
    Register and Unregister dll=Enabled

    User account control=Disabled
    Windows firewall=Disabled

    IP Helper=Manual
    TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper=Manual
    Windows Search=Disabled
    Windows Updated=Disabled

    Windows Update=Disabled
    System Prefetcher=Disabled
    Auto Restart in the event of BSOD=Enabled
    UXTheme patch=Enabled
    Full Information During Shutting Down=Enabled
    Low disk space warning=Disabled

    7.Visual effects:
    Aero shake=Disabled
    Aero snap=Disabled
    Minizime and Maxizime Animation=Disabled

    Skip product key
    Skip auto activation
    Accept EULA
    Select this version on install
    Setup Language=en-US
    Network location=Home
    Protect you computer=Do not Install Selective Updates

    Software used: RT7Lite, WinToolKit, GImageX, vLite and RT7Booster

    Portable Devices are still working even the if the native service was removed.
    Bluetooth still works if you have drivers for you adapter/integrated bluetooth hardware.
    I have added 187 fonts for Office 2007/2010, read this:
    RT7Lite App Launcher removed from registry, System32 and SysWOW64 because are useless.
    vLite removed from registry because its useless.
    Microsoft Office 2007/2010 still works perfectly.
    Net Framework 3.5 was kept because is required.
    You can still install Net Framework 4.0, 4.5, 4.5.2 and 4.6.2!

    Don't remove "ieproxy.dll" from Program Files/Internet Explorer because its used by explorer.exe, removing this will brick your shell!!!
    Content of "Backup" folder was removed from WinSXS, so Windows Update is bricked and no longer works!!!
    Don't integrate updates into those isos because Windows Update is bricked like i said before, otherwise you get errors while installing Windows or corruption of install.wim!!!
    You can't make AIO (AllInOne) from multiple install.wim from those isos because of removed editions, every .iso has its own edition!!!
    Don't complain about removed features, search them on google from this list before you install Windows!!!
    Internet Explorer was removed and i haven't integrated other alternative, so here's what you can do:
    a. Put an installer file from another browser on your media installation.
    b. You can integrate standalone installer from another browser (i recommend google chrome), for integration you can use WinToolKit or NTlite!
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  3. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you
    System32 and SysWOW64 because are useless

    this mean 32 bits software do not work?? how big is instal new??

    i work make lite 7 enterprise- 629mb iso 1.4gb install new, i test studio1 3.5 reapre 5 protools 12.5 so far- much more test needed
  4. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    So it works good with 64bit DAWs or is it risky?
  5. Weasel

    Weasel Ultrasonic

    Jul 30, 2016
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    ??? Maybe include the entire paragraph at least? A Windows without System32 and SysWOW64 is unusable anyway. It says: RT7Lite App Launcher removed from registry, System32 and SysWOW64 because are useless.

    Pretty sure that means the RT7Lite App Launcher, whatever it is, was removed from:

    1) registry
    2) system32
    3) syswow64

    Because "it's" useless.
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  6. Exidus

    Exidus Rock Star

    Dec 21, 2014
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    guys, do you even read?

    As I understand it, it is the App that is removed from the folders...
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  7. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    Installed and tested Ableton Live x64 and some plugins. I have installed everything I use and it's working fine. You can see that no serious component was removed. It's the same windows 7 with some outdated bloats removed and some services disabled. One strange thing I found is that Auslogics Registry Cleaner removed more than 1000 registry entries after clean install. It was less than 400 with normal previous builds.
  8. lerkjurk

    lerkjurk Platinum Record

    May 22, 2014
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    Behind you

    Yes i read, i also search internet

    rt7lite is for edit install media, i search internet for "RT7Lite App Launcher" and i find nothing except this iso

    i do not understand why this is inside the install media, so i ask simple question

    thanx for your info on ableton ankit

    peace & love everyone
  9. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Haven't tested it, but usually the problem with Lite Windows versions is that they can't make updates, specially major updates (Service Pack and later equivalents). Still, Windows 7 isn't supposed to have another one.

    Edit: ok, that's also the issue in this one
  10. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Just installed it in a virtual machine for Vienna Ensemble Pro and AudioUtopia plug-ins and works perfectly. Windows folder is around 5Gb and I allocated a 64 GB disk space (plus a 15 Gigs nexus installation, then another few Gigs for Altiverb & Slate reverb, 20 Gigs free remaining).

    It's a fairly old OS, I would not dare to expose it online anymore. But offline, with no antivirus and with only the needed apps installed (daw & plug-ins) it simply rocks.
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  11. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    32bit software works?
  12. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Don't know if I got your question right so apologies for stating the obvious in parts of my reply:

    The Windows version I used is Ultimate 64-bit.
    Vienna Ensemble Pro comes with two separate servers, one is 32-bit and loads only 32-bit plug-ins, the other one is 64-bit and loads only 64-bit plugins.
    Both servers can run at the same time (and they do on this particular installation as Win64 can run 32-bit applications)
    Both servers can be accesses simultaneously from a DAW project
    So all 32-bit (Nexus, Sylenth and that's all I have actually) work in parallel with the rest of 64-bit FX and VST instruments.
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  13. Andrew

    Andrew AudioSEX Maestro

    Oct 24, 2011
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    Between worlds
    Why do lite-tweakers always remove RDP? I checked with NTLite and it's fairly small (under 70MB with Terminal Server App).
    It's that one component which cannot be fully replaced by 3rd party app, yet all lite versions have it removed. :snuffy:
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  14. Xupito

    Xupito Audiosexual

    Jan 21, 2012
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    Agreed. Besides, you can just disable the service.
  15. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    I think this version is either broken or just a bad joke...

    Since I needed to refresh my 2009/10 laptop I decided to try this version (HP x64) over other versions. All I can say is that is basically trash and a waste of time. Basically installation driver is basically broken, you can't access you the NET and even if you download all the correct drivers like I did it won't do nothing except saying that drivers are missing. Even the display driver wich is supported by defaul by W7 couldn't load the correct resolution for display and such. I think that everybody can open and mess up with W7 release but create a build that works it need time and skill is not just a everyday job. Maybe the creator didn't think about laptop or compatibilities, maybe it works for him but HP users (an maybe others too) stay hella away from this.

    If somebody proves me I'm wrong I'm here for a discussion. Good day everybody.
  16. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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  17. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    If you want a proper windows dist - go and get it from the ms official site. Every custom build from young talented wanna be programmer is always a pain. :shalom:
  18. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    HP Pavilion Core i5 2ng gen here. All the drivers worked for me. Yes, It doesn't support any driver by default. I installed them from HP site and everything installed perfectly. One major problem with this version is that many important updates are not present in it. Some newer apps need those updates to work. But all Audio Production related apps worked fine in it.

    I am primarily using Win 10 Enterprise N LTSB which I recommend the most. LTSB requires a Windows 10 Enterprise license which is only available via a Volume Licensing agreement. But a p2p group called Generation2 made it possible for us to try/use it.

    My recommendation:-

    Win 10 Enterprise N LTSB or Win 7 (only telemetry updates excluded) > Win 8.1 > Win 10 (Home/Pro/Enterprise (Highly Bloated)).

    Win 10 Enterprise N LTSB excludes cortana, edge, store, all apps. There is no photo viewer present by default. Only ms paint is present. Uses old win 7 calculator. Only security and stability updates will come. No windows media player and media codecs by default. But they can be added via update file. Just open settings app and turn off everything in privacy settings. And enjoy the super stable experience.
    IMHO Win 10 Enterprise N LTSB is the only usable Win 10 edition. Every other Win 10 edition is getting bloated.
  19. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

  20. ddoctor

    ddoctor Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Does anyone know of a working/cracked version of that customizing win7 software (ntlite i guess) - I have tried more than once never succeeded to make my own version of win7 lite; my main concern is wmp, which is my only music player; could one install it over these light versions as update or find an installation files?
  21. Ankit

    Ankit Guest

    You can have AIMP, Musicbee, Foobar2000, VLC, Potplayer, MPC-HC etc for free. Why wmp?