Reverb for vocals

Discussion in 'Software' started by krewznie, Jun 15, 2017.

  1. Cribs

    Cribs Member

    Jul 29, 2016
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    Check out the demo on youtube for the Seventh Heaven reverb!

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  2. krewznie

    krewznie Newbie

    Jun 11, 2017
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    Thanks everybody for your concern i do really appreciate thanks....i ll go try CLA as well.
  3. mercurysoto

    mercurysoto Audiosexual

    Nov 23, 2011
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    The bottom of the rabbit hole, next to Alice's
    TY, my friend. I never thought I'd own an Ibanez, but that bass kicks (b)ass.
  4. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    Valhalla, Lexicon and the new FF are my favorites atm
  5. Kwissbeats

    Kwissbeats Audiosexual

    Mar 31, 2014
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    )So since we got that out again:thumbsup:,

    but which of these excells in realy tiny short reverbs on spoken word and rap vocals?
    kinda crossover slapbackdelay style of reverb.(mainly early reflections

    I generally like breeze, but which brand would you grab first?
  6. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Aren't there some reverb engines out there where you can dial in only the early reflections? I've looked through Altiverb, but couldn't figure out how with it.
    For a short room, I like the brick drum room in Altiverb. Don't know about how it would work with spoken word/rap material. I like to use it to glue the mix together. I wanted to experiment with primarily using early reflections for gluing the mix, and use some reverbs with longer tails when I wanted a bigger sound on a particular track/bus.
  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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  8. dbmuzik

    dbmuzik Platinum Record

    Apr 15, 2013
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    The most important thing is the condition of a vocal before it hits any reverb. Just about any reverb will sound good on a well balanced, clearly audible vocal that has no irritating or piercing resonances. On the reverb note, variety is what you want in accord with your creativity. And IR reverbs with a versatile set of parameters offer the most flavors in one box. I've yet to try it, but LiquidSonics Seventh Heaven must be good considering their involvement with Slate's VerbSuite Classics.
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  9. lluisxvi

    lluisxvi Ultrasonic

    Aug 6, 2015
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    just consider
    STA Delay from AUIDIFIED incredible warm and primarily designed for using as insert effects as there is the tube summing process inside the plugin. Ah!! ¡¡can be free!!
  10. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    @Talmi, wow. Never noticed those dials! That window looks somewhat different. I guess I need to read the manual to figure out how to get there. Thank you! At least I know it's in there! Which is nice, cause I'm already using it.
  11. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Actually took me a while to notice those (I didn't read the manual I confess, it's rare, but on this one I was pretty lazy). There are little arrows at the bottom right of the different areas "I/O", "EQ", "Damping Time" and "Time" and you get access to more options there.
  12. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    Thank you, sir! You may have saved me from another dull evening of reading manuals on the toilet! :rofl:

    I've went ahead and started another thread for this so I don't continue cluttering the OP's thread. :bow:
  13. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    Well it really depends what you are wanting the results to be. When I'm tracking and mixing primitive "trve kvlt" black metal then I'm using one of my Alesis midiverb boxes because they nail that "shit on purpose" grainy, gritty daubed in a too much of the wet signal that I pull it to around 10% more dry and it gets the job done without having to diddle around, I would not really go digging out my boutique alesis midiverb for many additional reasons, Same way when I'm playing a clean, post-rock/post-metal type of thing I dig out one of my boss rv-5 reverb pedals, It isn't that it's a great sounding reverb except for that role/area it just works perfectly with a boss dd-5 plus the sadly now long ago discontinued slow gear and an ebow+ is another handy bit of kit for such specific sounds (or a fernandes sustainer system in the neck position of a guitar instead of an ebow).

    I find for most general purposes both convolution and algorithmic based reverbs useful, I tend to use my trusty WizooVerb W2 for early reflections along with ValhallaDSP's VahallaRoom reverb plugin, It is really damned excellent as are others I've seen mentioned, Reverberate 2 for convolution is awesome and priced very well and Overloud's convolution processor and iZotope's Trash 2 being very handy for unorthodox stuff/what I guess could be called "sound design" (or just mangling stuff!).
    Then when I need to have reverb which does not sound natural as if from a room then personally I'll tend to go for the Sonnox sony oxford reverb, ValhallaDSP again for VahallaVintageVerb, ValhallaPlate and the quite specific and easy to over use but within moderation is a great reverb effect, ValhallaShimmer, SSL duende X-Verb, Overloud BREVERB, D16 Toraverb is good at replicating "cheap" older reverbs with questionable/compromised algorithms I find, Eventide Blackhole for full on effects/heavy treatments or the former Princeton digital 2016 stereo room for almost a reverb that is very sneaky and hard to apply and make something dry sound terrible, Korg legacy collection MDE-X is an old but still gold one that always sounds familiar but I don't tend to use that on vocal', Brainworx's stuff I really like but I've not yet demoed the reverb they released, FabFilter's Pro-R is very good with the typical excellent interface that can walk almost anyone through how to get a useable, quality result, There are Lexicon's own if you want the Lexicon sound along with Relab developments that do a very good alternative of Lexicon reverbs and the VahallaDSP plugin's are certainly far more than just capable of Lexicon style and Lexicon quality, It depends if you want the flavour of those great studio stalwarts or not really, HOFA do an interesting reverb of good quality, Flux with IRCAM have some excellent stuff available that should be tried out, Acon Digital have a very decent algorithmic reverb that is highly useable, There are many others but I'd say the other's I'd mention/highlight are Exponential Audio, It's by a man of the most impeccable of reverb credentials and he offer's various flavours and also Waves but only for the H-series/hybrid series which includes a very deep reverb along with the Abbey Road plate's being very useable and full of character, I know many people whom still swear by a UAD setup for the EMT plate reverb still to this day amongst others now also along with stating AudioEase's AltiVerb in the next breath as the two reverbs that they'd have if forced to cut down to absolute bare essentials.

    So that doesn't help answer your question, However you get a good idea of the many options available and I've not really done much more than pierce the veil regarding the options you have available, It really does hinge on what sort of results you are aiming to achieve.

    All the best and to all as always, Peace :wink:

  14. OCD

    OCD Member

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Yeah that Verb Suite plugins is tits!!
  15. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    LOL, that's not even out yet. Basically any other EMT 140 or 250 will do just fine.
  16. 5teezo

    5teezo Audiosexual

    Feb 2, 2012
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    Great Vocals are usually not achieved by just throwing a single Reverb at it. More often it's a combination of small increments of Delays (Slap Delay, Haas Effect), Doubling, Panning, Room and Hall or Plate Reverb.

    The rest of the Song has to present some sort of suitable sound stage for the vocals to live in to feel coherent. For Example: it doesn't make much sense to add a large Hall reverb to the Vocal of a ruff and dry boom bap instrumental unless it's some sort of special effect. It just sounds incoherent most of the times.

    So it's not so much about what Plugin you use but HOW you use it.
  17. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    True, I've not tried it myself but every demo that I've listened to sounds wank/cheap but not in a good kind of cheap. That Seventh Heaven one sounds very good from the little I've heard from it. Verb Suite is like getting sold a total bill of goods in comparison, I've found Slate's stuff quite hit and miss in general though, I know some people love it and that's fair enough but as a complete solution for mixing and mastering there are better plus I tend to prefer to pick and mix, Not bought into the whole subscription model thing and don't plan to do so
  18. SKnote Verbtone is the one I seem to be gravitating to mostly these days for vocals. I think that it is a really fine reverb and is modeled on a one by two meter plate. One has a good handle in controlling the audio vista, enabling you with width and density knobs as well as a choice to modulate if you wish. Equalization is also included as well as a way to "tune" the plate for harmonic content. For those of you interested...
  19. Holy reverb reflections, Batman, for just like three minutes I tried that Ircam Spat V3 reverb and was blown away by the realism o the spaces that it creates. I need to evaluate further. We might have a winner for algo verb!
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  20. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah I agree. And have you tried that with it :


    Depending on your daw (if you use Reaper, which I think is the case, then you're good), you can change the number of input, and then you can route all your different sources and place and oriente them differently in the room...As well as many other stuffs. It's bloody awesome.
    In this example I put 8 inputs, and then I get to play with them individualy.
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