XP - SATA - C+ & .NET Framework

Discussion in 'PC' started by jack, Aug 28, 2012.

  1. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    i installed XP (plz no discussion about the OS itself) on a SATA HD with 500 GB - but XP could only made a partition which is about 130 GB so the rest has no partition.

    1.) How could i merge these Partion together - think need something like partion magic or something like that (as XP can do that*)? And would you merge them?

    * I read about a regedit trick .. but not sure about that.

    2.) I know many appz need and install the C+ Environment and .NET framework. On my old system there a lot of different version from this "add-ons" installed. Would it make sense to install these addons before installing the appz?

    Thanks in advance.

  3. danfuerth

    danfuerth Kapellmeister

    Mar 1, 2012
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    You need to Instal XP SP2

    So you need to Slipstream SP2 in the Original ISO ( or download ISO whatever..)

    XP ( orginal ISO) is limited to that amount you seen.

    So in case you installed XP and have spave left over just make partitions of the rest of the space.

    But you need to install SP2 in order to see the other space.

    Also your bios ( if using an older PC) must have 48-bit-lba BIOS!! or it will not see the 500 gigs

    Either Way make an XP ISO and slipstream the SP2 or SP3 files ( I have always used that kind of ISO, never the original one)

    Bottom line.. If the Bios sees the drive as 500 gigs, then you need to install XP as SP2 Install ( Slip Streamed SP2 files into the original ISO)
  4. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    Thanks for your feedback.

    Just for maybe further installations - via a slipstreamed SP 2 in the original iso i could make bigger partition then 130 GB!? What have you killed in your SP?
    As far as i could remember or better said what i have read, XP can't make bigger partition BEFORE installation.

    But yes have already installed SP 3 - and everythings get shown up fine. So you would make another partion out of the rest of space (> 300 GB)? I'm not sure about that - ok there is maybe one benefit to make different partitions. So you wouldn't recommend to make one partition?

  5. zalbadar

    zalbadar Kapellmeister

    Oct 24, 2011
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    C+ .net frame work and DirectX are simply add on's that windows need to run some programs.
    If your programs don't need them to run there's no need to install them at all.

    I just install the lot since it's easier to do them all in one bunch and know that every program will run straight way after installation, then install them when you find something won't run cause your missing it.

    In the way I think would answer you question best. It dosen't matter if you install the programs first or .net frame work and C+ first.

    Important. Some installers may be written in C+ wich means it will be needed to run the installer
    No profesional programs are but some small companies do from time to time

    I hope dan's answerd you big hard drive problem cause I've never try'd xp in a drive bigger then 240Gb. I find XP is slower on big hard drive so I put in on a small drive with a 2nd bigger drive for the stuff that consumes a lot of space.

    Don't know if I'm really being any help here, but thats what I know of these things
  6. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    Thanks for your feedback.

    As far as i could remember if you install direct x you have only one package installed - the older version gets overwritten. But for example the .NET framework comes with different packages. 1.0; 1.1, 1.5, 2.0 etc. That's why i thought it could may make sense just to install the newest (and complete) environment.

    Oh and nearly i had to reinstall the whole OS again.. afte optimizing the settings for "Audio workstation" it missed a dll - but could replace it. *no*

    Once i bought this 500 GB HD i had already a 120 GB and 300 GB HD - but the smallest is the loudest HD i have right now.. so i don't want to use as my OS HD. And the 300 HD is my acutally OS HD. Nowadays i would tend to by two small HD instead of one big HD.

    Still not sure if should merge the HD, but i tend to keep/use two partitions with the 500 GB HD.

  7. lukie

    lukie Newbie

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Hi Jack have you gone into the control panel to Administrative Tools, Computer Management, disc Management and active the partion.
    I take it your main c drive is 130G, hope this helps
  8. jack

    jack Newbie

    Dec 26, 2011
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    Hello Lukie,

    sorry for the late answer. Thanks for your feedback. It took a while to make a decision - made one partion from the rest of the space. Also deactiveted too much services.. But everything is fine with that (now).

    Not sure about that environments - as written before it's seems to be little different to other environments (where you only need the newest version and not dozen different versions). But i want to try to keep it simple. Right now there are only 3 VSTi installed - and there shouldn't follow much more..

  9. GanjaRa_

    GanjaRa_ Newbie

    Jun 8, 2012
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    just install your apps.

    some will install MS Visual C++ Redistributable 20xx itself, with other appz its included in package to install manually

    when any is missing you will get an errormsg showing missing redist. also with netframework, when an app is missin it, it will report this to you
  10. Galera

    Galera Newbie

    Oct 15, 2012
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    You could download Parted Magic LiveCD, boot from the cd and expand the partition to fit the size you want. It's very easy to use and you don't need to install any kind of software, just burn the iso to a CD or DVD (or even a usb drive), boot from it choosing prompt for boot when your PC starts (normaly F8/F9 will take you there). Good luck !
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