Watched Wonder Woman! -> So disappointed!

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Elisea, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    What is it that makes most of todays movies so disappointing? I just watched Wonder Woman in cinema and can't stand how they hype that movie for absolutly nothing. The story is mega stupid, the humor is for grandmas and there is such a lack of logic - its an affront for every reasonably intelligent person. They had 2h to build up characters but if they get in trouble you just feel nothing. You know, Diana is a goddess, she can't get hurt. Everything else is also boring ... I'am just pissed off. After this movie i only felt emptiness!

    I mean, look at Nolans Batman trilogy! Its the same genre but cames with lots of twists and hidden plots, what makes it very enjoyable. And when i saw Gal Gadot in Batman vs. Superman i found her amazing - and i still do. I guess there is no woman wich fits better in this role. But please ... how could they butcher Wonder Woman in such a way? It was just a waste of time and money. :thumbsdown:

    And in every news paper you can read about the best super hero movie of all time - because a woman made it. Besides I can't believe how high rated this movie on IMDb and RottenTom is.

    No thanks! :mad:
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  2. Aileron

    Aileron Audiosexual

    Jan 5, 2017
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    They could rename it Wonder Dyke to lessen expectations.
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  3. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    If you don't like to get despised by the masses, never speak out like Foster against anything. Try to love everything, otherwise when you say sth is white, people would unanimously say it's black, and vice versa. Yes, even artists.:bleh:
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  4. adirsab

    adirsab Newbie

    Apr 4, 2017
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    Nolans Batman suck.
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    From all these new super hero movies only the Logan movies ( X-men) are decent. Old superman (Christopher Reeve) set the bar very high for these movies.
    Nolan didnt convince me either.

    Also IMDB closed its forums to hush the criticism of many shitty movies. They claimed it was because of trolls, yet those trolls were representing perhaps 5-10%, other 90% of posts were mostly objective critical or informative positive debates.

    The new world order doesnt want your opinion, they dont care, they see us as numbers. Its all about control and money these days. The music and movie business has deteriorated to a very low, dark age level.
    Stupidity is the new "norm".
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2017
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  6. Tarkus

    Tarkus Producer

    Oct 3, 2015
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    N.Y.C. area
    Dark day, the day IMDB closed their forums. That was the best way to get a real review (details) of a movie.
  7. SyphonX

    SyphonX Kapellmeister

    May 23, 2013
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    It's not the new "norm", it has always been the standard "norm". :winker:
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  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    It used to be more balanced, good vs bad shit, now its like 95% of bad shit.
    There is no balance any more.
  9. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    phew...finally some positive input and some bright light shinin' on the day! For a moment there I thought I was going to get depressed but this helps me see the positive side of life again. :hahaha:
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  10. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    The movie is made and targeted at 13 year old girls. For the most part, adults have given up on cinema and pop music. So it is all happy dippy, glitter infused, shit.

    You wanted a darker more conflicted Wonder Woman, this might have kept certain people with their very high standards for their subjective take on family values out of the theater. Movies are there to make MONEY, not just at the box office, but T-Shirts, games, Halloween costumes, posters, and nick knacks.

    This is why to your adult mind, everything seems, dumb, there is too much action and not enough substance, it is ridiculously cheerful when there should be tension, and at slightest provocation anything can and will explode. The best way to deal with this type of movie is just to not go see it.

    Find something else to do with your dosh, buy a record from someone you really like. Take the girl out to a karting track instead, just find anything else to do, and do not even bother to pirate shitty stuff.... makes the studios think they've made something wonderful and people are just stealing it rather than paying for it. Once nobody is interested, maybe they will get the hint... the movie was shyte that is why nobody bothered to waste their time on it.
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  11. seriousofficial

    seriousofficial Producer

    Jan 18, 2014
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    oh wait, no....there goes my high hopes for today..:chilling:
  12. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    Roger Waters, somewhere in the 80's

    And this when movies weren't even half as bad as the crap they release today
  13. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    Damn. I really thought you were going to say you were disappointed because someone spat in your popcorn!

    What kind of logic was you expecting from a supposed Amazon, that's not an Amazon, because she was handed down to earth from Zeus? Oh and as for the reference to Batman VS Superman? If ever there was a mismatch in the movies? It's that! How long would you honestly think it would take for someone who can alter the course of history, because he can fly around the world faster than the speed of light, to defeat a man in a bat suit armed with a batarang?
    Oh and being caught out by a sucker punch from Batman? I mean!! Come on! Even if Superman had a kip, and Batman landed a punch? He would at least break his hand!
  14. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Look at my avatar... The same Goes to movies.
    Almost every remake of old series are about bad jokes.
    13yr old kids are the target for a bigger score.
    Who likes shit of pop loop based music?
  15. mrpsanter

    mrpsanter Audiosexual

    Mar 28, 2014
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    I'm not saying that I will not see Wonder Woman but I most certainly will not pay to see it.

    Wait! When was the last time I paid to see a movie?
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  16. mike2118

    mike2118 Newbie

    Jul 3, 2016
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    LOLOLOl It is a silly kids comic book written decades ago, and you are disappointed because it lacked...realism???? Maybe that's just your minds way of saying..grow up. The idea of fantasy and nonsense is to escape reality for a few hours. You want more realistic, then try walking outside and looking around. Lord knows its half you silly grown kids that live in a make believe world, that are why this worls has grown stagnate and sits idle, as well as being led around by a bunch of braindead manchildren who concot horrible economics and legislation from the silly fantasies in their heads. lololol
  17. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    Gottammit, I was having a good day until I read this:(
  18. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    Wow. You sound frustrated in a way that seams not healthy. But I didn't miss realism. Please read more carefully. I'am dissappointed about the technical aspects of the movie. You can assume that if i go in Wonder Woman, i don't expect an art house movie. My disappointment refers to the difference between media and politcal hype vs. quality.

    And to those who think a fantasy comic story can only be for kids and always stays for stupidy: Again I did not expect the translation of a comic story into the real world without any logical gaps. Most movies are based on fantasy and if you can't get into it, you also couldn't watch Walking Dead, King Kong, Jurassic Park etc. 80% of hollywood is fantasy. But you still have to wrap plausibillity into the character.
    Even if the character is one-dimensional like dredd, you can make a great film out of it. (As the Dredd movie 2012 showed.)

    What I mean is, that Wonder Woman is just plain behind its explosions. You don't feel anything. I think mozee nailed it: Those movies are only cashcows, nothing more than the most optimized products to hit the masses. And i guess most adults got used to it or some - like most of you and me - just hate it. If you watch older films, they may have silly effects and some uncool elements, but mostly you get into the character, you feel something. And to the logical aspect: the error in this movie is, that Diana hasn't any conflicts besides feeling "something" if someone unguilty dies. She also finds her power suddenly when someone unimportant dies. Then she knows: Its all about love! :suicide:
    Take the CGI effetcs aside and you end up with a b-movie.

    Von_steyr, I didn't know they closed the forums on IDMb. But I guess you can't trust voting on the internet anymore/anyway. And if you read comments and critics on IDMb, you mostly find 1 star or 10 star ratings what shows that most of them don't differentiate. MAybe there are more click-army (ies?) around than we could imagine. (Is there really no plural for army? Sounds strange.)
  19. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    mike2118 is right... the last two generations don't have a clue because of the world YOU grew up in. You worry about the most senseless and ridiculous things ("media and political hype vs. quality"!!!). You put stock in all the wrong places and then wonder why the f*ck you suffer from so many ailments... the same ailments that doctor's realized "we can just call it Attention Deficit Disorder and make millions of dollars from the drug to treat it"...:thanks: :crazy:

    Do you know what A.D.D. is? It's a creative child (or adult) who's mind cannot focus on one thing thing because he/she is a creative mind... always creating and visualizing. But instead, now we have an entire 2 generations of people that all they come up with is the same stupid music and movies! Why?? Because they have been medically and culturally altered by drugs and misinformation and have had their creativity stunted. :mad:
    That's why so many creative geniuses in both film and music are emerging from countries that are NOT the United States and affected by the pharmaceutical conglomerates. These are the same stupid people here in the United States that claim that inoculations caused birth defects and chose not to vaccinate their kids... and now there's an outbreak of measles, chicken pox and other diseases that had been previously stopped... :hillbilly:

    The moral of the story is... do your due diligence, and pay respect to history and those that paved the way FOR YOU. You do not know it all, much less anything at all... and for you to take frivolous, fantastical entertainment SO seriously, is a bad sign... for you. Not me...
    "I'm cool with it" :chilling:

    "Just saying..." :hahaha::rofl:

  20. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    Finally something I know about.

    Yes, armies is a correct plural form of army in English when referring to different factions or sub-divisions (does not have to be opposing sides.)

    arma - latin for tools, tools of war


    armatus - equipped in the tools of war

    haud secus instructi ferro homines : a band (many) of equipped iron wielding men

    expeditorum ad pugnam : a host gathered for war
    homines armatus : men bearing tools of war

    the above concept forms armata (the feminine form of armatus) as it comes from the past participle armare which is the literal act of arming or donning the tools of war.

    it comes into English through French armée an armed expedition with men equipped with the tools of war. It displaces harjaz - harjis (root : heer | har) the old Gothic Saxo-Norse for a host of men armed for war, a war band. These men would herja, make war or plunder, maybe while going a viking or reeving. You can still find archaic links back to the displaced term in nouns and verbs. fierd (faran - travel) is a traveling band of men, now probably associated with a militia, but the difference between a harjaz - harjis and fierd is in the state of the equipment. This can get long .... a militia might be armed with weapons, pitchforks, rocks, whatever....a hergian would be assumed to be properly armed by whatever contemporary standard of armament were.

    A harrier (a warrior - a person who lays waste and plunders)...
    To harry - to attack and make uncomfortable by constant raiding or violent acts...

    The name Harry is a familiar form of Henry (Henri) and comes to English from Germanic French as the Saxons were already using Heinrich - homonym, unrelated. It's root is actually Heimrich (ruler of the house.) The Saxon and Angle form of the name was displaced in English by the Franco-Breton form after the Normans took England.
    Back to the topic at hand. armée / army (eng) could be properly used to describe any expedition land or sea. When a professional soldier in the service of country (a man at arms) an home armé became an an home dans l'armée - a man in the army. The rest is academic.

    The whiskey is flowing freely today. I can not believe I took the time to write all that or even cared enough to actually put in text. Back to drinking....

    Good night
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2017
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