Dark Electro Cinematic Music Video - Feedback Needed

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by mebitek, May 10, 2017.

  1. mebitek

    mebitek Producer

    May 10, 2017
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    Hi Guys,
    this my lastest track made with maschine, komplete and some external libraries like Spitfireaudio ones.
    The video is selfmade with After Effecs and filmed with a Canon G25 camcorder.

    “ Mebistep “ (Beget movement ) is the first video-single extracted from the album “Art has no Diplomacy “, now available on the Sardinian factory Nootempo’s official youtube channel.

    Mebistep is a conceptual video that moves between suggestive images drived by an electronic and dark music with a cinematic atmosphere telling us about the unconscious (re)vival. A kind of a “ creator Id ” that becomes a puppeteer a bipolar being taht creates, destroys, celebrates his ritual.

    This video Clip was realized in all of Its parts with the collaboration of Serena Pilloni and a full Sardinian production team, recorded in Mogoro the artist’s birthplace.

    This video is part of a project , a trilogy born with "Unconscious (Cinematic Movement)" and it will have its end with a third “ episode “ .

    Mebistep opens with an assertion, followed by a quote from the well known psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung : “ As an ancient, bizarre and grotesque craftsman, we were able to create God from our innards, shaping her-him into a stunning inanimated doll, which we can slightly feel but cannot own as a part of ourselves. We can just fear her-him, but always in chains we linger together until the end of time.”

    the track si available on soundcloud:

    any feedback welcome
    best regards from Sardinia
    Last edited: May 11, 2017
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  3. mebitek

    mebitek Producer

    May 10, 2017
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    sorry guys, I posted the wrong video. now is correct
  4. ponty1604

    ponty1604 Noisemaker

    Dec 26, 2016
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    I like your track....and that you put so much effort in your work...keep on going!
  5. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    I like the dark stomping bottom of your track. Feels good in my belly. :yes: (Drums a tiny bit to harsh.)

    Only disturbing thing is the off beat piano sound at 1:30 because it destroys the destructive feeling suddenly. Its to clean. I know it becomes important at the end where it fits better. But its not a melody just a supporting element wich doesn't need such an introduction. In my opinion. And for the part at 1:30 i would suggest something thats really out of tune or odd and maybe in a silly rhythm. (industrial sound etc.) The theme is kind of psycho so you are free to go crazy. Just saying.

    The video invironment is beautiful and fitting. (Had some gigs in Italy and really enjoyed the style everywhere.) Only thing i have to critisize is the b-movie dramaturgy at some point. Just for example: Right before the beat starts you see a window. Its beautiful. But it has nothing to do with the dramaturgy. It isn't so important like it seams. Better would be something disturbing and announcing. Maybe a close up of a crazy moving eye or backwards dropping blood. You know?

    But keep on going and stay as busy as a bee. You will learn with every new release. And don't take my critic personally, its just an opinion.

    Greetings from Germany :thumbsup:
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