Active Members Only: All Mac related Problems with Kontakt

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Introninja, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. signalflow

    signalflow Rock Star

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Los Angeles, CA
    Read my post on the solution. I used to have issues but no more.
  2. Isamabravo

    Isamabravo Newbie

    Jun 9, 2017
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    hello horsemen.
    my problem is the following one:
    On my system (os x 10.12.1) the kontakt version 5.6.6 ked crashes logic (10.3.1) when it load with komplete kontrol, though kontakt without Komplete ,and the stand alone version works perfectly. Any suggestions? Thank you horsemen anyway!
  3. belalugosi

    belalugosi Producer

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Well known™ codesign problem…

    Run and paste the following command:

    sudo codesign -f -s - /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/Kontakt\ 5.component/Contents/MacOS/Kontakt\ 5

    (sudo requires Developer Command Line Tools to be installed in order to work)
  4. Isamabravo

    Isamabravo Newbie

    Jun 9, 2017
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    But Sorry
    I installed Command_Line_Tools_macOS_10.12_for_Xcode_8.3, and entered the command. But my kontakt crashes logic when loaded with komplete kontrol. kontakt without Komplete in Logic ,and the stand alone version works perfectly
  5. SomeOtherGuy

    SomeOtherGuy Member

    Sep 4, 2014
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    I recently upgraded from a Macbook to the new iMac, I used Migration Assistant to move all my files and apps over to the new machine. It is effectively the exact same setup as before. Everything works perfectly except my Kontakt Libraries have not transferred. When I open Kontakt (5.6.6) I have no libraries, where on my previous machine I had about 50. I CAN locate the .ncint files and reinstall them one at a time, but I'm not looking forward to doing that. Is there a .plist or a database hidden away which will restore all my libraries, or else what has possibly gone wrong?
  6. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Most NI installs are based on the machine ID (at least legit ones), so I have always had to re-register my NI stuff on a new computer. I think you are probably going to have to do the same with adding the libraries, unless something has changed... sorry!
  7. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Yeah, 3 places:

    \Library\Application Support\Native Instruments\Service Center << here are xml files corresponding to each nicnt name (and more or less the same content but different extension)
    \Library\Preferences\ << scroll to file names starting with com.native-instruments.____nicnt name___.plist
    \Users\YourUserName\Library\Preferences << scroll to file names starting with com.native-instruments.____nicnt name___.plist

    Normally if you have the files in first two folders I mentioned, the files in the third get created automatically when you open Kontakt or load a library for the first time.

    Edit 1: The fun part

    Native Instruments seems to be phasing out the Service Center in favor of Native Access. So we all know that we must use a previous version (like 5.6.6) to add libraries the easy way (add button). Version 5.6.8 invokes the new Native Access app so this is a no-go in what concerns installing apps.

    Now, I have this funny issue: my version of 5.6.6 is not writing anymore the Service Center folder, just the plist files in the other folders. This translate to 5.6.8 will display the newly added libs, but 5.6.6 will not (it seems 5.6.6 is reading the libs from the xml files in Service Center folder, while 5.6.8 is reading plist files from /Preferences folder).
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 21, 2017
  8. mcrein

    mcrein Newbie

    Nov 15, 2015
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    morning (at least in my part of the world) i am using K 5.6.0 for mac on el capitan. works fine. can use old libraries and new ones i've purchased seamlessly. this week i purchased the new best service the orchestra. unfortunately i didn't pay attention and it is for Kontakt 5.6.8 only. so can't use it in my existing Kontakt setup. it will run on the free Kontakt Player. but i am afraid that if i install Kontakt Player on my system it will mess up my existing Kontakt setup. how would you go about running the K'd Kontakt and the Kontakt Player together, is it even possible? or does anyone have a suggestion on how to run my new library with my present setup? is there a stable version of 5.5.8 that runs on mac?
    thanks so much for any ideas!
  9. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    That's a bummer. I don't think you can have "Player" AND "Kontakt" at the same time with the later versions ( I think a decade or so ago you could...)... Unfortunatley I have stayed at 5.5.1/5.5.2 for now, so can't help with any advice.... definitely missing out on some new libraries, but with all the problems I have seen, I don't want to mess with what I actually DO have working...
  10. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    I did the 5.6.8 thing. Added Thrill and hated the lack of add library. Deleted everything immediately and in the midst of emptying trash thought, "shit... preferences are going too" I reinstalled 5.6.6 using the tried and true method that's always worked, crossed my fingers, waited an eternity, all the time waiting for a failed to install message but then there it was, every one of my old libs back plus Thrill in the library. So my guess is I may never be using a Kontakt V6 no matter how great it may be. I run latest Logic with latest Mac Sierra. It's very stable and surprisingly snappier than El Cap.
  11. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    cool, so Thrill wasn't there though right? and if you don't mind sharing the "tried and true" method you mention? Glad it all worked out for you!
  12. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Yes, Thrill works in 5.6.6 if added in 5.6.8. The tried and true for me is the simple one of always ensuring you install from the .dmg then reset permissions on the k'd Kontakt app before replacing the one in your App folder. Run the standalone first. Then drag and replace VST and AU files. If you have validation problems the codesign above will fix that, but.... and I stress this, you must have the latest XCode tools for your OS. I stumbled upon this when the terminal command was giving me "no such file exists" when I knew there was.
  13. mcrein

    mcrein Newbie

    Nov 15, 2015
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    in relation to running Best Service The Orchestra (which only runs on 5.6.8 or player)...what about if i put Kontakt Player on another drive other than my boot one (which hosts my K'd Kontakt 5.6.0) ? i have 2 drives on my macbook pro with 2 OS's. i also have all my music samples and libraries and some apps on an external thunderbolt drive.
  14. sisyphus

    sisyphus Audiosexual

    Apr 29, 2014
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    That will work only if you boot from that drive as another system...
  15. DKB

    DKB Producer

    Jul 25, 2015
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    Hi guys
    I need some help please I'm having a issue with kontakt in legit and patched version. I'm on mac OS X sierra 10.12.5 MacBook Pro 16gig of ram 1tb ssd .
    I've been learning kontakt scripture for the last year. My problem is when making custom kontakt instruments is can't set the directory to save the samples to a folder kontakt crashes . This is a clean install of kontakt as I've just upgraded to komplete 11 ultimate during the sale . If anyone could give me so advice
    Please as at the moment I'm only able to save my builds as monolith files .
  16. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    You mean Thrill works in 5.6.8 if added with old 5.6.6?

    I'm still on 5.6.6 - when firing up 5.6.8 half of added libraries are not in the browser and can't load them in 5.6.8. When firing up 5.6.6 all the libraries are back. Don't know what to do...
  17. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    I added Thrill during a brief period of toying with the idea of keeping 5.6.8, but after a few days navigating without the library tabs, decided to go back to 5.6.6 and if Thrill was gone, so be it. But it wasn't. It was there as a Library where I left it. If necessary, I will install 5.6.8 again if a library I really like requires that version, but I'm finding that progress in general on Kontakt libraries has slowed, perhaps peaked. Either way, if I can't make music with what I already have, all hope is gone.
  18. mcrein

    mcrein Newbie

    Nov 15, 2015
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    thanks sisyphus for that a last resort i can reboot into another system (i have two drives in my macbook with separate systems) and use that version to run Best Service The Orchestra with Kontakt Player when i need to. bit of a pain though. would what tooloud experienced work for me? it's only this one library (ironically one i paid full price for) that i need to run in 10.6.8. and if so, what would be the process?

    thanks muchly
  19. mcrein

    mcrein Newbie

    Nov 15, 2015
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    well i jumped in and installed 5.6.8 (basically to run The ORCHESTRA) and i can confirm that it works. i can run 5.6.0 beside it and the two work least in standalone version. the only issue i'm having is that some of the added libraries i have in 5.6.0 are still not showing up in 5.6.8. it's only a few so not really a deal breaker but there it is...any ideas on why that might be so?
  20. Harrison

    Harrison Ultrasonic

    Dec 21, 2016
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    I am having the exact same issue, only with about 5 libraries but I am going to try and see if maybe rebuilding the library will help with that. I'll let you know what becomes of it.
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