Make this punch Snare

Discussion in 'Working with Sound' started by Karisma, Jun 8, 2017.

  1. Karisma

    Karisma Newbie

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Hello everyone !

    I'm French, sorry for my pitiful English... I work with FL Studio.
    I need your help for creating Electro / Rock snares.

    Indeed I have been looking for a long time to reproduce this type of sounds.
    Here is my favorite band that uses exactly the type of snare that I seek to reproduce.
    The Invader title in the 49th second is perfect for listening to the Bass + Snare mix. All titles of this group use a very powerful snare. Listen, listen!

    I learned the technique of parallel compression, to approach this type of sounds but I can not. What VST or basic sample (DRY) is needed to create this type of snare?

    Thank you for your help !
  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Well welcome to the forum, a parisian at that ! Bienvenu parmi nous !
    So there was a tutorial on the sister site, but it's not there anymore but I'm sure you can find it elsewhere, it's by Vespers and it shows you how to sound design (in Ableton, but it's irrelevant, you can do what he does anywhere) drums, snares specificaly (but others too) and really hard snares like the one in the song you've put a link to.
    It covers tuning, layering, processing the whole deal. He starts from drums he picked from songs done by others and then shows how to arrive to similar results. It's very nice. Th precise name of the release is as follow (again you can't find it on AZ, but maybe a torrent out there, or a link somewhere else), it will make your search easier : Vespers.Blitz.Beats.Sound.Design.Ultra.Class.ALP.TUTORiAL-SYNTHiC4TE
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
  4. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    I like to make these snares with minimum of three layers:
    1) 200-ish sine (usually lower, in this case). Set amp decay and release to taste.
    2) white noise layer. Amp decay and release to taste. Try longer than the sine. Degrade (bitcrush/SR-crush), EQ/color it the way you want.
    3) Very short noise transient. Could be white noise or filtered white noise.Or anythng really (hat, shaker, tap, smack, etc).

    Send the snare to compressor and/or limiter. Try to preserve some transient, to keep that "smack".
    Send the summed snare (or just the snare bed/noise tail) to a gated reverb. You can also try to send a totally different snare to a gated reverb, so that the only reverb you hear is from a totally different snare (preferably tuned in the same pitch/frequency as the one you are synthesizing).

    Layer an additional middy (bandpass the mids) snare (real snare) to add some additional character.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
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  5. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Oldschool 80's snare. see great example above. :)
    Smooth and tight transients should be the main focus while layering and processing a snare.
    Thick body, a hit and some sparkle. (pitch envelope sinewave, tick, noise)
    Mixing the layers together is done with volume.
    Bitcrush the sounds together at 12bits for a little crunch and depth. not more then 1 or 2 times downsampling. Then a low cut between 100hz - 150hz is needed.
    Then bounce down the layers together, before you use reverb.
    Now reverb it, sidechain gate it, EQ the reverb to cut out unwanted lows and highs.
    Now bounce down this snare including the reverb. Then process the 'snare + reverb' audio with emulation EQ, maybe saturation, gentle compression, gentle limiting.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
  6. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    :rofl: Should have given a more in depth answer now I feel bad !
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
  7. relexted

    relexted Producer

    Jun 18, 2011
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    You're right on the synthetical part of the layers, but they aimed for that 80ties snare dude.
  8. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah the flavor, I completely agree. Probably because of the gated verb part.
    Just saying it's done in a specific way, and not with just a synth drum and some verb like it used to be in 80's dance music.

    Oups I didn't see you edited your post...Never mind. :wink:
  9. Elisea

    Elisea Guest

    Big difference is, this snare doesn't need a bottom because it sits just on top of a fat kick drum. But i have to agree: The "style" sounds a bit like 80ies drum computers (with much more noise).
  10. Karisma

    Karisma Newbie

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Merci Talmi :)
    Wow! I did not think I had so many answers! But I admit I'm a little lost ...
    To summarize, I try to understand baxter's message. What is 200-ish in French? (Sorry I really can not find a translation ...). So I have to realize my basic snare sound with a synth like sylenth1 or serum?

    The band is actually passionate about the 80s but if I understand the snare is not really a sound of the 80s but a modern replica?

    Thanks to all this is great and I will be able after many years of research alone to succeed! :)
  11. beatroot

    beatroot Producer

    Nov 14, 2012
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    Try some Simmons SDS V Drum sample Packs found on the net or on our sister site.You can get the same sound.Also available on Addictive Drums Reel Machines:wink:
  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Allright I'll go in version française for a bit.
    Ce que @Baxter suggère ce que d'abord tu génère avec un synthé un son - ici donc une onde sinusoïdale autour de 200 herz et sans doute plus bas soit sol ou fa sous le do du milieu avec une enveloppe d'amplitude de ton choix mais il te conseille de la faire un peu plus longue (le decay) que celle du reste de ta snare, pour une snare pas d'attack et sustain à zero joues sur le temps de declin et relache (decay and release) - en plus de cette couche, il te faudra ajouter une couche de bruit (bruit blanc typique) avec une env d'amp un peu plus longue et ce bruit peut être bit crushé (c'est de la "dégradation" de signal) equalizé ou filtré, comme tu le sens. Enfin pour la partie percussive de cette snare il te conseille la aussi d'utiliser un bruit ou un sample avec une transitoire (un élément qui percute) présente (une shaker, un clap même une hht par exemple).
    Tous ces éléments tu les superpose et les envoies vers un compresseur (tu peux aussi les saturer) ce qui leur donnera de la cohérence, puis tu les envoies vers une réverb (gated), et il te dis ici que tu peux aussi envoyer une snare (acoustique par exemple) différente vers la réverbe ce qui distinguera ta snare (attention à les accorder cependant). La réverb donnera la profondeur, qu'on distingue dans ce que tu nous as fait écouter.
    Le ton est à l'ancienne, c'est la réverbe, mais il y a plusieurs éléments présents dans cette snare ce qui lui donne cette puissance. Les snares comme ça sont faites en superposant différents éléments, en les fusionnant...Elles ont une saveur à l'ancienne mais aussi une certaine modernité, les snares des années 80 sont moins denses.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
  13. Baxter

    Baxter Audiosexual

    Jul 20, 2011
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    Oui! Très bien!

    Sorry about the last second goal. ;)
  14. Karisma

    Karisma Newbie

    Jun 8, 2017
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    Thank you! And thank you again !! I will try tomorrow I think to realize everything ... I will have for a little time to understand and realize ...

    I will come regularly to inform you and if possible to put audio if possible to improve my snare!

    Special mention for Talmi and his explanation in French of a great help for me ^^
    And baxter for explanations!

    The sylenth1 is perfect for the realization of the basic sound or the Serum can be?

    Thanks! :)
  15. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    You will get the best results with whatever synthesizer you like best and are most comfortable with.

    If you are going to do make your own drum sounds a lot of the time you wight want to invest in a drum synthesizer, I am very partial to FXPANSION Tremor and Waldorf Attack (although I think Attack is now discontinued.)

    Vos meilleurs résultats seront avec le synthétiseur que vous préférez le plus et qui vous semblele facil a utilizer.

    Si vous allez faire les sont de votre propre batterie souvant, vaut mieux peut-etre investir dans un synthétiseur boîte à rythme. Pour moi les logiciel, FXPansion Tremor et Waldorf Attack mon bein servi (je suis pas sure mai je pense que Waldorf ne vent plus Attack .)


  16. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah tremor is fantastic (but any synth will do, they usually all have noise and a sine). You can make your entire drums there or use it to create dope layers. And the fxs FXPansion offers are really good (in tremor, geist or their synth, specially synth squad).
    Nice French @mozee :wink:
  17. NicoDPS

    NicoDPS Platinum Record

    Aug 13, 2015
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    Wherever I may roam
    For my part I use a clap for the transient, a tom (or a kick) pitched up for the body and white noise for the tail, add some compression and saturation, bounce it and then add a transient shaper if needed and some reverb.

    Pour ma part, quand je veux une snare qui tabasse, j'utilise un clap pour la percussion, un tom (ou un kick) transposé vers le haut (cela raccourci le sample) pour le corps de la snare et enfin du white noise pour la queue (tu peux le synthétiser, ou prendre un sample voire la queue d'une autre snare).
    Je fais passer tout ça dans un compresseur (en parallèle) et un (ou plusieurs) plug-in de saturation (j'utilise Decapitator & DevilLoc de soundtoys, Saturator inclus dans Live, et Camelcrusher de Camelaudio) avec le dry/wet entre 40 et 60 %.
    Quand je suis content du son, je bounce en audio et j'applique un transient shaper si nécessaire (pour booster un peu l'attaque et/ou le sustain), et une reverb.
  18. Swiss Made

    Swiss Made Member

    Dec 30, 2011
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    Switzerland & France

    You can get XLN Audio Addictive Drums ADpak Reel Machines on the sister site. Still available there (just verified).
    Oh, even better and also available, the complete package, XLN Audio Addictive Drums Complete v2.1.5 is there as well and contains all add-ons including the ADpack, just c/c the bold sentence in the search.

    Putain l'angoisse.... la réponse en français me semble plus difficile à appréhender que celles en anglais :woot:.
    Damned, faut que j'arrête de passer ma vie sur les sites, les livres, les films et la musique anglo-saxonne moi....
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2017
  19. Karisma

    Karisma Newbie

    Jun 8, 2017
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    I started creating my snare sound.
    I will try to do the best and inform you to hear the result.
    Is there anyone working on FL Studio to share my file with you and improve it?
    Can you also share a sound / project inside a post?

    I'm sorry but i'm lost; What is the "sister site"? :(

    Pour Swiss Made une réponse en Français, j'ai effectivement Addictive Drums 2 (je ne sais pas la version exacte si c'est la 2.15 je vais regarder car il n'est pas installé sur mon pc lol). Mais les snares utilisé par Dance with the dead sont dans la Reel Machine??

    Merci à tous:)
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2017
  20. Karisma

    Karisma Newbie

    Jun 8, 2017
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    As promised, I keep you informed of the creation of my snare.
    As I did not have an answer if it was possible to post a sound directly on the site, here is a link SoudCloud towards the sound ...

    I'm waiting for your advice and criticism to progress :)

    Thanks / Merci :)
  21. Karisma

    Karisma Newbie

    Jun 8, 2017
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    I lost my team? ^^ I'm so bad? :(
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