Diva(4.0) issue, (Win7, FLs 12.4.2) Help?

Discussion in 'Software' started by TheRocktopus, Jun 11, 2017.

  1. TheRocktopus

    TheRocktopus Newbie

    Jul 14, 2016
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    Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I couldn't determine which board was most suited.

    Oops, make that version

    I've been having a weird issue with Diva. About half of my many presets, if not more, cause a severe stuttering that makes it impossible to use those presets. I don't think anything is wrong with the presets. It seems like a CPU issue, because when I choose the preset, my computer starts to slow down a staggering amount, but I do have what should be a sufficient processor, so I don't understand why this is happening. I tried different versions, but it only seems to get worse the farther I go back. This is with only running one instance, btw.

    Is there anything I can do to fix this?

    Thanks for any help.:wink:

    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
  3. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Man I have a i7 6700k and even with reaper, Diva makes my computer stutter...It doesn't happen on half the prsets though, it's actually pretty rare since I upgraded. But still a few can have that effect if I already have a lot of CPU hungry fxs or vsties in my session.
    You can lower quality to make it better, if it's on try to turn off the multi cpu option (might be clashing with your daw if it also has a multi cpu activated).If that doesn't help that means you lack power. Diva, Bazille are amongs the most hungry vsties there is, in fact except acustica stuffs and altiverb I don't have much things that come close to those. If you have a secondary computer either with reaper or Vienna ensemble pro you can unload diva from your main computer and load it on your other setup, in worst case situations that's what I do. Or if you don't have that option, you might need to think about upgrading.

    Oh and I didn't install the latest (1.4.2, the ones you're referring cause it's still a beta, no gain in CPU use, just a fix for the buggy vst3 which I don't use)
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
  4. VIVIsect

    VIVIsect Ultrasonic

    Jun 18, 2011
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    Yeah, if you go to the DIVA product page, they warn you repeatedly that DIVA is a massive CPU hog (she's a diva, after all!). For me, the only thing that makes it usable is enabling the multicore function.
  5. TheRocktopus

    TheRocktopus Newbie

    Jul 14, 2016
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    What's weird is I have a cpu/ram monitoring program that displays on my screen and in my system tray, and actually, when this happens, there is still plenty of processing power available. It only goes up to like 75% usage (total, with all my other processes) so it shouldn't be stuttering, technically. Also, it happens when it's one of the only things in my DAW that is currently running/open & there's only one instance of it.

    I tried to enable the multicore function. It's a little better, but not much. It's too bad really, I think I just realized that I love the sound of Diva much more than, say, Zebra, or Omnisphere. I mean those are amazing, but there's just something special about Diva. lol

    Unfortunately the only other computer I have is an HTPC with an A8 amd processor & barely any ram, so that's not quite an option for me. I'm just starting out with this stuff anyway. I hoped that maybe I was doing something wrong. lol
    Thanks for your suggestions & help! :mates:
  6. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Best Answer
    It doesn't have to be at 100% to stutter...It's usually around the amount your mentioning that the audio stutters. Try raising the latency in your sound card.
    When you cpu starts to be really assaulted by request to make calculations, a too important part of its power of calculation is allocated to this task and it becomes unavailable to transmit to your audio interface the chunks of data it should be transmitting (which is and should be a continuous stream, it's realtime perf), that your interface is expecting... (and the size of that chunk of data is define by your buffer size, a higher size will be less demanding for your cpu, small size he has to transmit very often)
    Diva is one of the rare vsti that does that (the cost of the great sound you enjoy), these days when a CPU doesn't follow it's usually because some other components of your computer locks him down and keeps him from doing its job elsewhere.
    But here it's actually a case of cpu choking, a diva choking.
  7. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    brings to mind a thought I've had before..they make gaming computers... when are they going to start making computers or
    components specific to small/bedroom producers.. we are niche market to be sure.. but we have certain demands of our hardware
    that it seems a smart marketer/manufacturer could supply solutions...

    what you said @Talmi made me think.. why hasn't someone made something, sort of like UAD's offboard processing.. that
    is more general where processor hungry vst could be hosted... while the main computer just handled your tracks and DAW needs..
    not tech savvy enough to really break it down but you get the idea...

    and how does it work when you move Diva to another computer? it would not be the same effect as freezing tracks so they
    didn't consume resources?
  8. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    In that case Diva consumes the ressources of your other computer, but I still can use it live. The link is made via network. One side sends midi (but you can also transmits audio from the main setup to an input on VEP to a verb for example that you host on vep), the other sends the audio back, which is handled by the audio interface on the main computer. VEP is like a daw (but without sequencer, it's like just the mixer part). It can host vsties, vstfxs, you can group tracks, you have pan, stereo widener, volume, auxes, sub bus. You can relocate a lot of things there. But my secondary computer isn't an almighty powerfull one, but it can handle a few divas or other hungry synths, a few verbs. I can use VEP for kontakt too. I prefer to have all my libraries and kontakt on my secondary setup.
    Not only are we a niche market but apparently potential marketer/manufacturer enjoy to torture us and drive us nuts.:crazy:
    They have at least that in common with OSes devellopers.:snuffy:
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
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  9. techdevil

    techdevil Rock Star

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Use the Multi Core button, Luke and much joy you will have....

    Well untill it fills all your cores that is... Shes a hungry beast, dont expect many tracks of Diva on anything.....
  10. savadious

    savadious Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2012
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    I swore off Diva after a saying DAMN DIVA on several hundred different occasions !

    Had to go to other products for this reason

    I was starting to think "U HE" is the sound she makes while laughing at us !!!

    "U-he, U-he, U-he"

  11. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Talmi you use Reaper... does this provide any useful functionality... ?

  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Reaper (and you can use this free plug with any host that supports it) can also be used to transmit data through the network with ReaStream, it transmits audio or midi, but it can't be used like Reamote or VEP, I think you'll have to have an audio interface on the other end (not sure about that one, I've never even tried like this), if you sent it midi so that it sends back audio (but it can be used at that effect I guess, but also to send midi to external devices or between daws).
    But that's a different functionnality than reamote, which is a - vague but still very efficient - equivalent to VEP.
    You get the offloading from the cpu but you still have the vstfx/vsti you offload, on your main setup. It's its processing only which is loaded on the other computer, you don't load the vst on the other computer. The end purpose is the same, it's implemented differently, for an elicenser and 350 $ you get a pretty interface in additions with VEP (well, and a few other advantages). Reamote is a solid option, any spear setup can come in handy if any vst causes trouble when you use it. I got hooked to VEP5 as VR released it, so I jumped onboard.

    And obviously the problem with reamote is that it only works with reaper. I use VEP with Cubase and Samplitude a lot. It's solid in Cubase for me, and the problem I have with it with the CPU handling are pretty much solved with VEP.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2017
  13. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    need more details

    - what cpu do you have
    - buffer setting
    - sample rate
    - daw ?
  14. TheRocktopus

    TheRocktopus Newbie

    Jul 14, 2016
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    I did not know any of that. Thank you for educating me, learn something new every day! Appreciate the explanation.
  15. TheRocktopus

    TheRocktopus Newbie

    Jul 14, 2016
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    -i5-3570 @ 3.4 GHz
    - 512smp
    -FL Studio (it was in the title of my post :winker:)
  16. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    im really curious what cpu you have :)
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    No problem.
    And yeah I had an i5 with close specs (mine was a little less powerfull) before, Diva is partly why I switched from it. Going i7 (and back then I got a second hand i7, 2nd gen, an i7 3770 which I now use as my secondary built) and having 8 virtual cores solved mostly the issue for Diva (still a few presets hanging though), I got the new built (the i7 6700k) lately to handle many divas and my acquas from acustica. But then the good thing is that the i7 3770 when only loaded with VEP (as opposed to a fully loaded daw which is on my main setup) can handle Diva much better, and several at that because it only does that. This cpu got a second life in those circunstances;
    With the i5 I remember that the mutli cores option on diva created more problems then it solved (usually the presets that have that option on are presets that require a higher load, and my CPU just couldn't cope with those), lowering quality in diva (avoid divine at all cost) and highering my buffer on my audio interface to the max helped a bit (at the cost of latency and playability unfortunately).
  18. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    do you have a dedicated GPU or are you using the integrated one on your i5?

    this cpu lacks Hyper threading functionality but if you are using just Diva, it should run rather well.

    do not stack effects over the same channel since only 1 core can be used per channel in any daw, proper routing solves this issue.

    from FL help:
    So what can you do to minimize 'CPU waiting' and improve multi-core performance? - Make sure that your highest CPU using plugins are routed to independent Mixer Tracks without shared 'Send' Channels. Multi-core CPUs need computational tasks that can be run simultaneously and so split across cores. Each Mixer Track represents an 'opportunity' to create these independent, parallel, processing paths. Each unit in the audio chain from the instrument through to the Mixer track and the effects must be processed in sequence on the same core. If one mixer track is linked to another, then all the instruments and effects on both Mixer Tracks now have a dependency and can't be split across cores efficiently. Symptoms of this situation are audio glitches as individual cores max-out and cause underruns while the overall CPU load still appears to be low.

    Check your core usage in windows task manager to see how your workload is spread, this way you quickly learn how to route diva + fx in your daw efficiently.

    then be sure to set
    Accuracy to "draft" <- real time quality
    and OfflineAcc to "best" <- render quality

    after you have done your work in diva, bounce to Audio, or freeze the track.

    generally check if your drivers are working properly and you have a clean working system.
    if only 1 driver is not working properly it can ruin your entire real time performance
    this could be anything from a simple usb stick to a mouse driver!

    you can check this with DPC Latency Checker http://www.thesycon.de/eng/latency_check.shtml


    Learn more about Daw real time performance here:

    But remember this is Diva, she's a demanding bitch! :yes:

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