Audio Unit plugin to route audio out of Logic Pro X

Discussion in 'Software' started by Hans242, Jun 10, 2017.

  1. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    There are only two plugins I know of that do this job. The first is Audreio and the second one is Source Nexus by Source Elements. Audreio is not very reliable and does not support more than one, maximum two outputs at a time. Source Nexus supports up to 24 channels and is really stable. This could be my dream candidate. But the 24 channel version costs $295 :woot:

    Why I need this? Well, I have been producing music with Logic Pro X for a long time and I always ran into the problem that Logic Pro X does not distribute the cpu load to multiple cores very well. So essentially when I have a plugin that really uses up a whole core, Logic's audio will stop or stutter. I already set the buffer to 1024 samples and with this setting, the most problems are gone, but that's such a high latency that it makes no fun to use it any more. So out of this reason and for some other reasons it would be really great to have a plugin with which I can route audio from several plugin instances to other hosts and work with the audio there to route it back into Logic then.

    Does anybody have an idea which software can help me here?
    I already tried Loopback by Rogue Amoeba, Jack Audio and similar stuff.
    But I need a plugin.
  3. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    The things I do while shitting...
    Which cpu, Card and version of logic and OS?
    The latest version use cpu very well.
    Why you do not use Another computer with VEP 5... Is cracked for pc and even an old computer have lots of power because is almost dawless way to use plugins.
    Soundflower do wonders to route virtual and hardware ports with any numbers of devices.
    Time to clean my ass...
  4. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Vienna Ensemble Pro. You can't connect Logic to another DAW, but you can externalise any heavy instruments or effects and it manages really good the core load. Not cheap though & requires USB eLicenser.
  5. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Just load a heavy VST (diva) and a heavy processor (TDR Nova on Insane setting) and insert 10-12 instances of Nova and you;ll see a single core overload. Strange thing is, macOS Activity Monitor shows a load on all cores but Logic's show the load on a single core. When it spikes, the audio drops. Sadly not even dividing the processes over multiple busses helps.
  6. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Thank you for your replies so far. I already use VEP 5. I have legally purchased it. But I can't connect daws or standalone programs with it. Only the plugins to the VEP server. Using this to connect my Mac to the windows machine is a dream though and I don't want to miss it any more for that task.
    Any other ideas?
  7. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    You can connect Ableton Live, Reason, Reaper, Plogue Bidule (and may be more) as ReWire slaves with LPX. In the first two you'll not be able to load 3rd party plug-ins though, so I'm not sure it works.

    But at this poit you may very well just change daws if you consider LPX' performance so poor...
  8. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Oh and if you want to see what I mean just try a CPU heavy plugin. For example insert one instance or two instances of CPU heavy Acquas from Acustica. If you don't have a post 2013 Mac, you will see one core overload pretty quickly and see what I mean.

    Well I have a 2010 Mac Pro with dual hex core 3,33 Intel Xeon with latest LPX 10.3.1. But isn't this irrelevant when I'm shit... ehm I mean for my question here about this kind of software in general? I mean I find the question about hardware only relevant for tech support.
    Soundflower always crashes here and is extremely unstable and it doesn't provide a plugin like I asked for.

    P.S.: I hope you're typing with your clean hand, bro! :winker:
  9. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    As I said above, I am sure there are plugins of which already only one or two instances make one core overload.
  10. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Well I thought I made that clear that I actually don't want to change daws. I am soo used to LPX's workflow and interface and everything... Naah, don't want to change.
    I already tried this with Ableton and Reason (even latest version 9.5 which I purchased) and unfortunately both don't support external plugins while being run as a rewire host. I haven't tried Reaper or Bidule though.
    But doesn't Rewire only provide a routing INTO LPX only anyway? Or can I also route audio OUT OF LPX? If that would work, this is new for me. And what I need is a routing option from one plugin instance inside LPX out into another daw or host program and back.
  11. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    I'm a recent convert to Nebula and Acqua plugins and I love them, but their site shows which DAW'S work best with their products and Logic was low on the list. Reaper was top due to it's multithreading capabilities. I use Logic and with this knowledge I'll be freezing tracks as I build a song then export audio to bring into Reaper and bring in the AA plugins.
  12. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Welll...but I doon't want to change :(:(:(
    Guess that Reaper is a good option...
    Thank you all for trying to help... :sad:
  13. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    OK. Reaper 64-bit supports loading 3rd party plugins while being rewire slave. Indeed, audio streaming is one way: from slave to master.

    I don't know exactly what you want to achieve with the second daw, but you could run instruments using reaper slave and make a 16 stereo channels summing mixer in vienna ensemble pro and process there (the last part I use quite often). You can apply all sorts of parallel processing (reverbs, saturation etc.) right in vienna if you think properly your project and divide between mixing and arranging satages.

    Here's my take (as I myself have more or less the same problem with logic pro): the composition & sound design part is all in logic pro x project (macbook) and the submix is made in vienna ensemble pro on external desktop. My mixing is more or less the same so if I lose vienna projects no problem, I can remake that part. Also, when not near my desktop, I can simply deactivate vienna and still work on my projects.

    I also use the project alternatives, the first one is the midi arrangement and when I'm happy with the project I create a new alternative with instruments exported in audio, this frees up a lot of CPU. And usually I stop on alternative 2, do the summing in vienna, and bouncing out the song.

    I understand you don't want to change (or buy that shiny iMac pro, kidding :) ) but you have to change someting in order to get better performance out of what you have and logical splits in workflow are more easy to follow.
  14. Hans242

    Hans242 Producer

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Thank you a lot for describing your workflow! :wink:
  15. FadedShadows

    FadedShadows Ultrasonic

    Dec 12, 2013
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    Washington, DC
    Note: In Mavericks/El Capitan/Sierra the old 1.6b version will not work and you will need to download the special signed 2.0b2 version of Soundflower here:

    This means you will not have to pay money to Rogue Amoeba for a program called Loopback, which does the same thing. :winker:

    General Config of Soundflower:
    1. Set your main sound preferences from the Mac system preferences to output to Soundflower.
    2. Inside your Logic audio preferences, set the input for Soundflower, then set the output to your audio interface.
    3. Make sure you select Input monitoring on the audio channel and you should be good to go.
    4. I have a video of the process here:

    Certain audio interfaces like the Avid Digi 003 (POS Interface), use to own one and hated it. The Avid Digi 003 will not work with Soundflower, b/c it does not actually use the core audio drivers from the Mac, which means if you have something from the Avid product line, you may have to use a different interface to get Soundflower working.

    Currently, I now use two audio interfaces to route sound from other DAWs or Sample from YouTube:
    1. Roland/Cakewalk V-STUDIO 100
    2. Alesis MultiMix16 Firewire.
    Here is Picture I drew in Photoshop that shows how it looks:


    I'll set the Roland as my master output in my sound preferences and then take a cable from it's main L/R audio outs and plug it into an open stereo input on my Alesis Mixer. Then I can open up Logic Pro, Ableton, or Reason and select that specific Stereo channel to record sounds from. This kind of setup also works great with like an older incompatible plugin, you can just open it in a separate app mode and then set it audio to the Roland. the possibilities are endless, also you don't have worry if soundflower is eating to much CPU cycles, not that it really does, but it can depending on how many virtual channels you have routed through it. I hope this helps.
  16. Grandy

    Grandy Member

    Jun 1, 2015
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    instead of all that routing hassle, why dont you just use freeze option in lpx?
  17. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    It's a workflow problem. you can try:
    • Use a rewire slave (as above)
    • Use a chainer (like plogue bidule, as above)
    • Use/switch to another DAW instead (like reaper)
    • Find alternative to your CPU-hog plugs
    RE: The CPU monitor thing, it could be a hyperthreading issue, but idk how hard it is to disable it in OSX.