Mac Pro 2,8 quad-core Intel Xeon to run PT 12 thru Digi 003 Console

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by LeMec, Jun 7, 2017.

  1. LeMec

    LeMec Noisemaker

    May 30, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Hi all,

    I would like to know if i can run PT 12.5 using a Digi 003 Console as an interface in this comp;

    Mac Pro (early 2008)
    2x2,8Ghz Quad-core Intel Xeon
    Memory (i have to buy it yet)
    Graphics NVIDIA GeForxe 8800 GT 512 Mb
    1Tb Sata Disk (i have other disk available )

    I mainly record, and mix .

    Must know to decide if i buy it from a friend or not and make the great jump from PC to Mac

    Thank you in advance
  3. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Hmmmmmm.... it's nearly ten years old. You may find that the new iMacs will do more.
  4. LeMec

    LeMec Noisemaker

    May 30, 2017
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    Hi tooloud,

    Thank you for your reply. I'm aware of that but sadly there are some "financial" limitations that don't allow me to go that far.

    What i'm trying to know is if i will be able to record, mix, master medium size sessions with some VI's and plugins with that soft and hardware under that kind of cpu and config (PT12/Digi 003 Console). I'm going to add it 32Gb of ram and 3 more disks (2x 1Tb, 1x 750G) for samples and recording volumes.
  5. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    I've used the exact same model for more than 8 years as my main recording machine. Quality hardware, but slower than my i7 notebook now. I never ran Pro Tools on it, so I can't comment on compatibility. Did you check on the Digi website if it's supported officially?

    I'd recommend to check memory prices before you decide to buy it or not.
    It runs on DDR2 FB-DIMMs with ECC @800MHz. Not very common and probably a bit expensive.
    Does it have no memory installed atm? With 8GB it will already run ok. Going for around 300 $/€ that kind of computer is the cheapest option to enter Macland.
  6. LeMec

    LeMec Noisemaker

    May 30, 2017
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    Hi timer,

    Yes i did. But as one knows compatibility verdict is in the users world. That's why i'm trying to get some feedback from actual users instead of a "list" of compatibilities. That list says it will be installed and run, but doesn´t talk about what concern me. WIll it run without crashes and with acceptables levels of stability.

    Regarding the ram it has 2 x 2Gb sticks at the moment but one is failing so... And i got myself a pretty good deal for those 32 Gb.
  7. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    True, but Digi used to be quite strict with certification. For more specific info you could check the daw-mac mailing list:

    If you can get that 32Gb significantly cheaper than the computer itself, you probably got a good deal. (Or a bad deal on the computer :winker:)
  8. LeMec

    LeMec Noisemaker

    May 30, 2017
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    The main question is will i be able to run PT12 (whatever version) thru DIgi 003 Console in this Mac. And when i say running i mean mid to large sessions with around 30+ audio tracks, VI's (Kontakt, SD2, etc...) and plugins as i record and mix too in a stable way ?
  9. pepsi65

    pepsi65 Newbie

    Dec 28, 2013
    Likes Received:
    yes LeMec
    I'm using PTHD 12.7 on an imac i5 with digi002 and it works great !
    Put good quantity of and Go on !
  10. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    Keep in mind peripheral connectivity. Back in 2008 I think Firewire 400 was standard. I may be wrong, but you may find yourself locked into some outdated technology there.
  11. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    No problem here, it's FW800. And you have the option to extend connectivity via PCI cards, as long as their chipset is supported by OSX.
  12. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    As long as there is no software incompatibility (OS version,drivers,daw, plugs) and you put sufficient ram in there (8 gig at least), yes it will cope with 40-50 tracks with some plugs with np. I still have a 2007 Core 2 quad QX6700 with 8gb ram running perfectly on Hackintosh Mountain Lion with a Gigabyte board. Considering yours is a Xeon which supports larger memory sticks and already an original Mac, i don't see why you would face a problem. Just don't expect it to run various Diva instances or full on channel strips on every track realtime etc etc.
  13. LeMec

    LeMec Noisemaker

    May 30, 2017
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    Thank you all for your kind help and replies.

    So not going to be stucked to PT10 ?

    I would indeed prefer the use of AAX plugs and multi-core use of the cpu by PT 12. and not to be limited by the ram ceiling of PT10 and 32bit.

    I tend due to my professional use to go quite heavy on processing (plugs) and VI's so PT12 has become my standard now
  14. timer

    timer Producer

    Jul 30, 2015
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    I don't know where you're located, but if you use it professionally, but at least in Western countries even at small places one or two days of work will pay for a 2008 Mac Pro. I understand it's different at some other countries, but if you are located within 1st World, just set up one and try!

    If otoh you're short on money you might try if a hackintosh works for you.
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