Strange computer slowdown and need help

Discussion in 'Computer Hardware' started by Bunford, Jun 4, 2017.

  1. saltwater

    saltwater Guest

    i dont understand what u mean

    im on apple so i don't have to bother about drivers at all
  2. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    In a working OS you don't need to worry about the drivers, that is unless you have some problems. VGA drivers nowadays are generally updated to be more compatible with newer games, so update it if you're a gamer and play newer games. Regarding Nvidia VGA drivers older ones do work better with my systems. In XP it is 196.xx and in W7 it's 296.xx. Quite old eh? But they work without any problems! :wink:

    Great info on Windows 10 LTSB! :wink: Musicians who need to use W10 [only W10 supports Thunderbolt... thanks MS! :mad:] for some reason should obviously use only that version to avoid having too much unnecessary MS bloat and dozens of unnecessary background tasks that can cause problems. And really, you shouldn't use your production system for Internet. Use VirtualBox with any OS you like for Internet instead, if you can't be bothered with dual-booting. Starting a virtual machine is like starting a program. It is that easy, and it is so much safer. That way you avoid having to use AV and other anti-malware which can cause its own set of problems.

    People who use Firewire interfaces [I do] should stay with XP or W7. My TC SK48 is best supported in W7 actually. Firewire works best in XP SP3 and you don't have to tweak anything to make it work properly. In W7 you might have to use "legacy Firewire" driver from XP which is easy to install as W7 comes with it. I'm not sure about W8 and I wonder if W10 works with Firewire at all. There are so many things to consider when installing the OS for music production, other then just using "the latest and greatest".

    I hope you will be able to solve your problems with your OS Bunford! Keep us posted! :wink:


    p.s. I've heard that W8 also works with legacy FW driver from W7, but you have to copy it from W7 to W8 manually. Just a little bit of useful info for firewire lovers. :wink:
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
  3. digitaldragon

    digitaldragon Audiosexual

    Apr 27, 2016
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    This was something concerning to me when I was setting up the production PC. Which OS to put on the damn thing. I went with W7 and it's been remarkably reliable and smooth. But... it's not connected to the internet, and other than plugin/DAW updates, never gets updated. I don't have to worry about security holes in it.
    The MOTU interfaces I have both use firewire, but I got a MOTU 428 PCI card which has four firewire ports and there was a W7 driver available that works reliably except for occasionally not detecting the HD192 on first boot. I think the system gets up and running before the HD192 is ready for it so I have made it a habit to always start the HD192 up and let it come to a ready state before firing up the PC.

    @Bunford, really curious as to what the solution ends up being. Please post back, even if you decide to re-install the OS. At least we could infer that it was a software issue if reloading solves it.
  4. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    It's cool that ur using an apple; that's defo the most environmentally friendly option. I think Von Steyr uses a toaster from 1984, and I can only afford a potato. At least it's tasty when it overheats. And also wireless.
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