need reassurance - will a new mac run cracked kontakt?

Discussion in 'Mac / Hackintosh' started by fatherom, Jun 2, 2017.

  1. fatherom

    fatherom Newbie

    Jun 2, 2017
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    Hi all,
    I've gotten myself totally freaked out, and need to be talked off the ledge.

    Haven't done music in 10 years, want SO badly to get back into...really want to use Logic Pro X. Was planning on buying a new iMac this fall.

    But have been reading all kinds of horror stories about cracked stuff not working well in Sierra (and who knows what OS X version we'll be on this fall). I primarily want to use Kontakt libraries (and maybe a few retro synth plugins). Will it be a ton of hassle with a new Mac? Or should I buy one on ebay now that running El Capitan?

  3. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    Why can't you just install an OS-X version that you find suitable for the software you're planning to use? :wink:

    My choice is 10.9.5 "Mavericks". It runs pretty much everything I throw at it.
  4. Mostwest

    Mostwest Platinum Record

    Dec 25, 2012
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    Latest logic requires OSX 10.11 if i'm not wrong.
  5. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Man i will tell you this only once so listen. Check the sister site and you will see who cries all the time, mac users.
    Why? Because the best stuff is cracked for the pc community.
    Because we care and we certainly do share.
    Would you like to know more?
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  6. fatherom

    fatherom Newbie

    Jun 2, 2017
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    This is the info I need to know before going the Mac or PC route. If going the Mac route (solely because I want to use the latest version of Logic) is going to make using cracked contents a PITA, then my only alternative to stay on a Mac is to buy all the sample libraries ($$$$). Or, I can go PC and use all the cracked stuff I'd like.

    I want to be proven wrong (i.e. someone tell me "sure, mac will work just fine!"), but not sure if that's the case.
  7. fatherom

    fatherom Newbie

    Jun 2, 2017
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    Yeah, that's part of my frustration. I'd obviously (going forward) want to have the newest version of Logic, and of course Apple will probably keep upping the OS version you need to be on.

    It would kinda suck to be "stuck" on old versions of OSs and Apps just to allow cracks to continue to be used. I's discouraging, because I really would love to use Logic Pro X. But Presonus Studio One looks nice, and I could use that on a PC.
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Covfefe; A crying mac user.
  9. RainManMac

    RainManMac Audiosexual

    Oct 12, 2016
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    Been using mac, works great, been through plenty of cracked stuff. Yes cracked kontakt works with Sierra 10.12.5...My mac is a work horse, wouldnt change it for nothin.. Its going to totally be your preference. There will always be stuff for windows they dont do for mac and vice versa. Good Luck, My mac sheds no tears. And so far all apps up to date
  10. RainManMac

    RainManMac Audiosexual

    Oct 12, 2016
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    "Sure, Mac will work just fine!"
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  11. fatherom

    fatherom Newbie

    Jun 2, 2017
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    What kind of issues do you have (if any) with other plugins (virtual synths, etc)? I've read some people saying that Sierra broke many cracks/keygens that used to work on El Capitan.
  12. RainManMac

    RainManMac Audiosexual

    Oct 12, 2016
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    Not that I know of, everything that I used in El Capitan worked fine in Sierra. I havent had any major issues, If anything just sometimes you have to batchmod some .pkgs to get them to install, little shit, any issue I've had I have always been able to fix it. And even better when I get some plugs that say they are for mac and the AU doesnt seem to work, I just use BlueCAt Patchwork and use the vst, like with some linplugs and studiolinked XXL brass and modern drums for example. also a few great sites for cracked apps that are updated daily. And I work my shit probably 10-16 hours a day.....str8 workhorse. If there is a specific plug you want to know whether it works or not, Ill be glad to let you know whether it works or not. I really couldnt tell one that does not work cause I have been able to get my choices to operate. And all the keygens have worked for me through crossover. So, this is just my personal experience, hopefully it helps you decide
  13. blaqmatic

    blaqmatic Platinum Record

    Sep 22, 2011
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    Divided States of America
    I'm only going to say this once...Never listen to PC Quacks that post on a Mac thread!
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  14. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    I'm on Sierra, and everything that was running fine on El Capitan is continuing to run just fine here (10.12.5). Kontakt 5.6.8, Waves, Melda, IK Multimedia, Arturia (not the most recent version, the version prior to it), FM8, Massive, Reaktor, Minimonsta, ImpOSCar 1 and 2, Breverb, ArtsAcoustic, iZotope's stuff, even older stuff like Korg's VIs/FX, EZDrummer 1, Superior Drummer 2.x, BBE, NI's Guitar Rig 3 and 5 ... and stuff that should probably just be retired, like B4-II, the v2 versions of SampleTank, Miroslav, Sonik Synth 2 and Mellotron, and Altiverb 6. And I'm using legit PT 12 and Digital Performer, plus doing my two-track editing in DSP-Quattro. You may have to scrounge around for newer versions if something is too antiquated to run, or at least grab 32Lives, Bluecat Patchwork and Metaplugin, so you can use everything across the board, but you'll be just fine.
  15. junh1024

    junh1024 Rock Star

    Jul 28, 2011
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    Is Logic X really waht you want to be using?

    8/9 Pro/Express should be fine?
  16. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    what is there in the latest version of Logic that you cannot find in the older one(s) ? Alchemy ?
    because there's a lot of other virtual synths as good as this,
    and as far as I can remember, no library or soundbank gave me troubles for running on mac

    I have a custom MBP on mavericks, and so far got logic X (10.0.5) , kontakt ( 5.6.6 ), and the latest versions of ableton live, omnisphere, iK Tracks & almost any mac plugins one can find, and so far working nice.

    just be aware of your main HD capacity, because even with libraries & stuff on external drives, you quickly go up in storage usage, even just with apps. my main drive is a 750Gb SSD, and I should upgrade it once again if I wanted to install bootcamp or parallel desktop with windows.

    which leads me to my point, that it's easier in my opinion to run windows & apps on a mac than running both on a hackintosh (even if I find the idea of a hackintosh interesting).

    so far, since I've switched (from windows to mac) I don't regret it and have no intention of going back, even if a few softwares aren't available on mac yet ( like grossbeat, which I desperatly am dying to see on mac one day ) there's not enough of them to make me think about it.

    my choice would go to a Carillon system if I had to use windows aside to my mac ( even their laptops )

  17. fatherom

    fatherom Newbie

    Jun 2, 2017
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    I want to be running the latest Logic Pro X just so I know I have all the features (which I may use someday), but also I presume that when you buy it from the app store, you can't get an old version anyway. I figure when I buy the Mac, I'll end up with the latest mac OS and the latest Logic, and just want to be sure from that starting point that I can install Kontakt and other plugins, and then decide after that point what/when I upgrade.

    For those saying that everything that was working on El Capitan is now working on Sierra, were those situations upgrades of the OS (meaning your plugins were installed on El Cap and just came along for the ride during the upgrade to Sierra)? What I'm curious about is if i START on Sierra, if the installations of these cracked plugins will still work.
  18. Cashmeere

    Cashmeere Guest

    Do you think your computers gonna blow up if you use a crack not compatible with Sierra? Which there aren't any that I know of or use by the way and I've installed hundreds of plugins and virtual instruments so stop worrying you'll be fine.

    I installed all my software I used with El Capitan and Yosemite without a hitch on a new MacBook Pro 2016 these "horror stories" are just human error and lack of knowledge I'm assuming. Although I'm moving to legit so can't speak for the likes of serum or sylenth or fabfilter and some other big names, though I do know R2R fabfilter works.

    I'll tell you what if you can't install or get some software to work on the latest macOS and logic then message me and I guarantee I'll be able to get it to work for you as long as it's not some super ancient bad crack.
  19. fatherom

    fatherom Newbie

    Jun 2, 2017
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    I'm not worried :) Just want to get info. I'm not concerned that the computer is gonna "blow up" LOL :). I just want to make sure the plugins I want to use will actually work with Sierra (and newer MAC OSs).

    I'm a software engineer and pretty savvy. But I'll definitely bug you guys if I can't get something to install! ;)

    Thanks to everyone for the reassurance and offers of help. It's much appreciated.
  20. Cashmeere

    Cashmeere Guest

    In regards to Kontakt I'd recommend installing 5.6.6 because 5.6.8 (the latest version) removes the ability to add libraries with the add library button so you have to do it manually by adding a plist file which is effort considering you'll be starting from scratch, although for newer libraries that require 5.6.8 obviously you'll need to install it and it does work perfectly after code signing in latest macOS and logic although adding libraries is possible but a pain like I said so save yourself the trouble and stick with 5.6.6 for now
  21. Nigol

    Nigol Member

    Dec 11, 2019
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    And even now 2019 almost 2020 still the case.With my 2007 iMac running osx 10.11.6 and Logic Pro x version 10.3.3 KONTAKT 6 is just one bridge to far anyway, It's a shame that I cannot runI mpact Soundworks Pedal Steel or other great instruments. But big thumbs up for Steve Jobs.
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