(SOLVED) Audiosuite "stocked" Avid plugins missing in PT

Discussion in 'Pro Tools' started by LeMec, May 30, 2017.

  1. LeMec

    LeMec Noisemaker

    May 30, 2017
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    I've installed PT 12 in Win7 64Bit but as i open a session none of the audiosuite plugs are there (reverse, gain, normalize, etc...).

    I've in the meanwhile installed the Air effects adn instruments bundles...

    I got those now but still nothing regarding "utilities" plugs that i love so much...

    Any ideas ?
  3. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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  4. LeMec

    LeMec Noisemaker

    May 30, 2017
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    Thank you for your quick reply ...and...terribly sorry for that. My bad. How can i delete the other post ?

    As for your question i went there and nothing...Apart from the AIR instgruments and effects i mentioned
  5. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Don't worry about it. I'm sure the mods will pick it up and delete it. Just a friendly heads up as you're new around here.

    I don't use Pro Tools myself, but do have it installed in case I need to open a project in it. I tend to use Blue Cat Audio PatchWork and open VSTs within that in Pro Tools personally so have a minimal amount of .aaxplugin formats installed. However, in the folder I pointed you to, I do have a plugin for the ones you specifically queried, like Reverse-DC, Normalize-Gain etc. The fact that you do not have them there is why I'm guessing you are not seeing them.

    Here is what I would do if I were you:

    1. Check the same folder I previously mentioned,but in Program Files (x86). If they are here, you would appear to have installed the 32 bit plugins and 64 bit DAW, which is where your issue is.

    2. Run a search in Windows Explorer file browser for Reverse-DC Removal.aaxplugin and see if it brings you any results (ignore any in the Program Files (x86) as they will be your 32 bit plugins). If it finds any, you could try copying them into the folder in my previous post and then open Pro Tools and see if they show up as it may be you inadvertently moved them or the installed glitched somehow.

    3. If nothing is found, then my guess is you have installed the DAW but not the plugins.

    To install, did you use the Setup.exe file in the in the root folder (rather than the one in the sub PT folder)? If not, go and run this and it will open up the AudioUTOPIA custom installed and it's likely you haven't installed the plugin, which is step 2. See photo below (this is 12.3.1 and wording is different, but same options):

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  6. LeMec

    LeMec Noisemaker

    May 30, 2017
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    Again thank your for your time...I tried to delete it but i can't find a way to do it....

    And yes, i do believe i didn't installed them. But if i do it now i won't have to install PT all over again right ? Just setp 2 ? And if i do so won't i loose the AIR instruments and Effects i installed before ?

    Sorry if i sound such a newbie but it's been a long time since i had to deal with this issues, i've just moved to PT 12 a couple of days ago. Always worked with PT 10 without a flaw for ages...one get used and forget how it is in the installation fase...
  7. black bounty

    black bounty Platinum Record

    Nov 8, 2015
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    funny coincidence, I've had the same kind of issue a few days ago, but with PT 10 on mac : most of the waves plugs had "disappear".

    although I tried with removing PTools prefs ( playlist.digidesign, DAE, prefs xml etc .. ) as mentioned in a few forums here & there, no way to get my waves plugins back.

    then I went to the preferences / audio engine and it was on "loopback", so I chosed my mac soundcard instead, checked my frequencies, restarted, and the plugins were back!

    it happened after PT crashed a lot because of "memory saturation checking plugins" ( I also removed a lot of unused )

    maybe start PT holding the shift key, and it should rescan your plugins.

    ik it's not the same OS, versions and plateform, but giving you clues to check for

    take care mate

  8. LeMec

    LeMec Noisemaker

    May 30, 2017
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    Damn...I feel just like the village idiot.

    You were right, i forgot step 2 at the PT install...Problem solved.

    Thank you for your kind help