Anyone used Yousician or similar to learn an instrument?

Discussion in 'Instruments' started by Bunford, May 26, 2017.

  1. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Anyone here used something like Yousician (or similar ideas) to learn the piano (or any other instrument)?

    I know some chords on the piano but use the basic 4-3 and 3-4 rules to work basic major and minor triads. Other than that i don't really know much. Additionally i dont have the muscle memory to play anything other than 4/4 chords and as soon I try to play 'licks' or play 8th or 16th notes I start going all over the shop, so wanna improve my dexterity, though I am a long time guitarist, bassist and drummer.

    Just looking for a recommended and quick eay way to learn the piano ideally, though obviohsly appreciate learning an instrument takes as long as it takes.

    Any thoughts, opinions or recommendations?

    Cheers! :wink:
  3. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Find a good teacher. Remember to reuse those 1st 3 fingers (once) when u practice scales, to give u 8 notes. Practice scales! Also use ur left hand much moar, cos u will need dexterity. Ideally, learn to flip pens / coins down ur fingers. Practice writing w/ left hand, assuming ur right handed? Now, tell me how 2 play guitar! Cos ima interest!
  4. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Can't really afford a teacher or I would. Maybe in time, but at the moment it's something I'm gonna have to work out a way of doing on my own. In UK piano teacher generally cost around the £25-35 per hour (probably equates to around $40-50). For an hour a week, that is a lot of money without much actually learning time per week in reality. True, they may be able to optimise learning, but it is still a premium I can't afford at present.

    And yeah, I am right handed. And always been rubbish at things like flipping pens of coins :rofl:
  5. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I mean, it's a bit difficult to fuck up ur technique, rly, as long as u get used to slipping ur thumb underneath, "reusing" ur best fingers, which is (supposed to be) proper technique. Worth playing along to songs u know when u hear em; "living" music is a good thing anyway. Good idea to get used to typing properly, w/ all fingers, if u don't already. All good practice is good practice.

    It's difficult to know (without knowing what u want) how to advise. If u wanna learn to read & play music, or to improvise better? I'm guessing the latter, but it honestly gets easier w/ practice. Just the whole intellectual insight, even. Just playing random comping w/ left hand & concentrating on playing melody w/ right will help. Then doing it the other way around. I think they call it jazz >__>

    If u can start getting into the habit of using a metronome to practice along to, it's invaluable.

    Yeah, that's a bit expensive, but try finding that old lady teacher who's happy to share & does it for flowers, cookies & conversation, moar than cash!
  6. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    There are no shortcuts in learning a musical instrument. The only "fast forward" button is a good teacher and lots of practice.
  7. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Yup. I have given up on ever reading music and just want to be able to play and improve in order to better and quicker write songs.
  8. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    This isn't true. I picked up my uncle's guitar at age 8 or 9 and taught myself from a starting point of not even realising you had to tune a guitar! I also taught myself to play bass and drums in my teens. I have never ever had a teacher, but still been on tour with my bands supporting established and well known mainstream bands playing both lead guitar and bass in the bands I was in at the time so not having a teacher clearly had no negative effects. Practice, I agree with, teacher not so much. If anything, I believe I am a better player now for not having a teacher and therefore not being "limited" to what is meant to be the "proper" taught way of playing an instrument. And yes, I can play improvised guitar stuff as well as advanced level stuff. All without ever having had a teacher.

    For me it is about finding a method that works for the individual, and being in my 30s now with a full time "day job", it means there is less time available for things like practice. I was just wondering whether these resources are any good in focusing attention into a practicing routing that enables you to learn quicker.
  9. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Like I said, it's good to find ways to make ur dexterity improve just in everyday life. I dunno what ur work involves, but even that thing about (fake) playing along w/ ("living") music is smthn u can do all day w/ headphones. If ur job involves typing, doing the same w/ keyboard inputs is smthn u can do all day. If u can start 2 incorporate music into everything, then everything becomes more enjoyable. Plus, ur also learning. I mean, for me, practice is (and should be) fun. Well, it is once u learn a few scales. I guess u could bring (ie) lil bluetooth MIDI keyboard 2 work & play / practice w/ fone @ lunchtime & on commute?
  10. Torrao

    Torrao Platinum Record

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Well, you never had a proper teacher so you can't really know what it would have done to your proficiency, do you? You definetely practiced a lot with your instrument, so you used one "fast forward" button instead of two. So no, I don't believe you're better at all because of not having a teacher. That's the lie you tell yourself and the main argument of people who didn't learn properly in the first place. I've known a lot of people like you, and they all end up taking lessons or getting stuck in their upper-intermediate level forever.

    You can be a successful musician and have no clue about your instrument. You can also be a wonderful teacher to yourself giving the endless material that now floats on the net. What I know for sure is that most theory/teaching detractors are the ones who never had it. And they don't know what they're missing.
  11. TW

    TW Guest

    If you wanna really master it. search for a good teacher.
    If you just wanna be a good player search the internet.

    You said you play bass and guitar. If you allready have a good theory fundamt yousicion or simillar sites are probably the most easy way for you to get better. Cause all you need to do is translate your knowledge to a new instrument.( ha its sooo eeeeaaasyy ; ) ) Get the muscle memory...

    This means play play play. So yes if you have a good theoretical understanding of music, sites that give you direct feedback to your playing like yousician are for you.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2017
  12. RickyTerzis

    RickyTerzis Newbie

    Aug 30, 2017
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    Hi...i am a new user here. It's difficult to know how to advise. If u wanna learn to read & play music, or to improvise better? I'm guessing the latter, but it honestly gets easier w/ practice. Just the whole intellectual insight, even. Just playing random comping w/ left hand & concentrating on playing melody w/ right will help.