VPS Avenger from Vengeance: opinions?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Highdom, May 25, 2017.


Would you like to use Avenger in your tracks?

  1. Yes

  2. Not so much

  3. No, the sound is shit

  4. No, the idea isn't good

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  1. Highdom

    Highdom Kapellmeister

    Oct 16, 2016
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    How about new "VPS Avenger" from Vengeance Sound in EDM/electronic music production?
    Pros and cons?

    I'd like to consider only the factory version of Avenger, without expansions!
  3. Doctor_Me

    Doctor_Me Platinum Record

    Oct 16, 2016
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    I would like to have it, but I think that if you're going to use the presets you don't need it at all... Avenger is a really powerfull Synth/Sampler with a lot of resources, effects and tools to create an infinite variation of sounds, so if you can make your own sounds I think it's worth.
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  4. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    VPS Avenger is an impressive synthesizer, capable of making a wide range of sounds.

    Currently the developer works on a granular synthesis module, which gives a bonus to the synthesizer.

    Do not be scared by the amount of options that this synthesizer has, since it is relatively easy to make a patch from scratch.

    With just a single oscillator and a bit of modulation, you can achieve this:


    And achieve more than just generic EDM tracks
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  5. etfed

    etfed Newbie

    May 25, 2017
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    You're going to love it. My initial impression was "Okay.. Sounds like Nexus..." Which to me sounds very... 2009? But then I learned exactly how to use it and stopped fooling around with it. There is so much you can do with it, it's ridiculous. It's really expressive and is actually really modern sounding by just barely messing with basic settings. What I love about it is since it has an initial sound of something that isn't the most relevant, but can so quickly become super modern sounding by putting your own twist on the sound easily, you actually end up with really unique sounds that NO ONE HAS because of this. Serum and Sylenth1? Every one has that and I personally think is a little overdone. That's why I gave Avenger a shot. And is easily my best synth purchase.

    Honestly, with other synths, you can easily modify them, but none of them sound as good and as unique as this with such little tweaking. 10/10
  6. xbitz

    xbitz Audiosexual

    Apr 18, 2013
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  7. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    How to make this sound?
  8. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    Hi, first of all, select a a Square/ saw wave.

    In the FFT editor (Bin mode) play with the shapes, or press the "random" button

    Next, play and assign to macros knobs the FM, Rate and FFT Sweep

    Retouch to taste the values in the modulation matrix.

    In the FX 1 slot add a "vintage Chorus", play with the values of VCO Delay, LFO Rate, VCO LFO Amount and Feedback.

    Finally, add a reverb and play with the parameters.

    Now, play some notes and move the macros for obtain texturas interesantes
  9. Pipotron3000

    Pipotron3000 Audiosexual

    Mar 13, 2013
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    I'm not so enthusiastic...
    The first thing i do with any synth is listening to the base engine sound. I don't care about features, synthesis engines and such.
    It means nothing to me without rich base sound.

    I search for envelop punch, frequency definition, saturation quality...first, and modulations, effects... afterward.

    I don't like how it sounds.
    Especially not enough envelop punch. Without this, it sounds similar to Tone2 synths : broad sound BUT flat.
    To me, it is another do-it-all synth (like Absynth, Zebra...), and it lacks character. Like all those do-it-all synths i tried for years.

    I hear this lack of punch directly from complex demos, and even more on individual presets.
    Remove the massive kick, and there is no more punch on the envelops, on the attack...

    Compare base sound engine against Spire, Dune 2, Serum..., especially on pluck/arp. And you will hear what i mean :D
    Transients, bro ;)

    For years and years, developers try to convince us you can use a SINGLE synth with enough features to replace them all.
    To me, it never happened , and it is not going to happen. Because when they concentrate on features/multiple sound engines... they loose base SOUND.

    Of course, transients and envelop punch in over-compressed/saturated/limited/side-chained in a "modern" music mix...who cares ? :bleh: :wink: :mates:
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  10. Placeholder

    Placeholder Ultrasonic

    Apr 28, 2016
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    I completely agree. The sound is somewhat dated and doesn't have the richness of u-he synths or Serum. It doesn't sound bad, but it doesn't sound great. I'd rather have many different synths that are awesome at what they do versus one blehh jack of all trades.
  11. Highdom

    Highdom Kapellmeister

    Oct 16, 2016
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    yes, it's pretty rare that one synth can be a super sound...you need to layer!

  12. jayxflash

    jayxflash Guest

    Seriously, talking of transients in a synth that not only allows layering of attack sounds (it has plenty of layers) but also provides a dedicated transient gain control (offers up to 10 dB of peaks which is huge in today's way of making a relatively low-dynamic-range music) making that "fast attack envelope on pitch" technique unneeded?

    Vengeance's demos are high LUFS (they seem mastered at around -10 LUFS) so it's only natural that they don't have a huge amount of "punch". They sound as any dance music out there. But that doesn't mean the synth can't deliver
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  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Right ?!
    I mean I read that comment about transients, I thought about the "spike" thing, and I thought, well that test didn't go very far.
    It's a fantastic synth imho, and you can stack up to 8 layers (but frankly it can do so much, it's not really necessary to go that far).
    It's a real power house and it can deliver in any genre. I'm not saying it retires every synth in the universe, I have others and I use others, but those very versatiles synths (this one, Zebra2, Falcon, Synthmaster 2.8, etc, up to each and every one taste of course) are a must have if you plan on producing electronic music (and I'm not just talking EDM here) and want to sound design. You don't need all of them but one of them at least, yes. You can have an entire collection of "character" synths, emulations in addition to that - in fact it's also advisable, those brings a lot too - but also a swiss army synth.
    In the realm of those powerhouses synths it's one of the least expensive solution (and vengeance very regularly does sales, holydays, etc.) and one of the most complete while being able to pull any sound (almost) with a great and flawless engine sound.
    The upcoming granular synth feature is going to make things even funnier.
    All in all, @Highdom , test all the synths in this realm that can be demoed, and see for yourself if you enjoy their workflow, and their sound.
  14. Highdom

    Highdom Kapellmeister

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Yes, Talmi. I've already tested Avenger...it's a fantastic plugin. My only fine in this topic is to understand how it's seen from other people :)
  15. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I'ts like buying a Porsche and not caring about, the second four cylinders, tires, transmission, frame, painting, turbo, A/C, airbags...
    From this point of view I could buy a dunebuggy instead :) It'll bring you from point A to B and you may be satisfied with the sound.

    You can do almost anything with avenger and will get good resulsts. And this is, what should be compared: The full package.

    But when it comes to taste, it's ok, if you don't like it.
  16. Impressive

    Impressive Guest

    I own it and all expansions. I'm such a big fan of Vengeance I stayed up until it came out and I bought it... then I played with it for hours until it was 5 o'clock in the morning and I had to get ready for work at 6 am. LOL! It's a really good synth. I like it more than serum because it not only has a better variety of sounds (serum is too edgy sounding IMHO), but because it does more. It's almost up there with UVI Falcon, to be honest. It's just a badass synth that can do a lot of different things. The thing this has over UVI Falcon is that it's easier to use. Falcon is very complicated looking for the newcomer. Avenger is easy to know what you're doing. But in order to take advantage of it's more advanced features, you gotta know what you're talking about in terms of virtual synths because if you're some EDM kid fresh off the puberty wagon, you're probably gonna need some of those youtube tutorials to know how to really use avenger. You know, the same 6,907 undecillion tutorials some need to make a 808-style sub bass sound.
    Joking and slandering aside, I'd recommend this synth for anyone, experience or inexperienced. If you wait for it to be on AudioZ, you may never know its true glory.
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  17. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    To bad their support dont have a clue on how it works themselfes.. so dont dare to get any problems with it like GUI glitches, how it work during graphic accelration etc.. But i do agree, its an awesome piece of software just sad that the support dont know how to solve problems that may accour, since then your on you own.. or find help other way.. almost Steinberg class there ;) Maybe its a German thing :rofl:

    Edit: Had to try speel something right, my finger got to fat to write anything on the mobile these days.. dont dare to think what will happend on my keyboard one of these days..
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
  18. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    I like both Avenger and Falcon, but when it comes to usability, Falcon is a little bit more straightforward to me. If one understood the hierachy, Falcon is totally logical. But If you know them, you'll get great sounds out of each of them.
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
  19. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I find Falcon thanks to its layering system and its architecture close to something like Kontakt, or other rompler of the likes, to offer more possibilities, and in the end for such tool (you can also use all the UVI sampled instruments, synths, etc) I think it's the most user friendly it can get.
    But it's so big that, unless you use the tree view that I start to get used to, it can be a hassle to go from one osc to the other, from the fxs tabs to the effects main page, reach the different mods, events of the different parts, keygroups and layers of your patch. To me it comes with the way it's designed, but still...You can drag and drop the mods but only from the bottom tab, there isn't much keyboard shortcuts to make thing smoother (to close or open differnt layers or keygrp for example, you can have a long list of thing on the main page, scrolling down, opening and closing tabs is a bit frustrating when things get heavy)...Dan Worrall tutorial series is great to get the hangs of things (I did what he was doing on screen) and since they offer presets packs (at least I took spectre, and analogue motion soundbanks with the voucher they give away when you buy Falcon), through the study of the complexe patches, by exploring them through the tree list, I got quickly familiar with the beast's workflow. It's a bit daunting at first though, imho.
    Man, I love those both. The fxs are really amazing in Falcon though. All the Ircam modules are cool, with samples Falcon is great. The WT rocks in Avenger, and the FFT is awesome, also the FM and AM although basic is implemented for any oscillator/synthesis you pick in AVG...They just shine each in different things.
    Last edited: May 28, 2017
  20. hvyen

    hvyen Member

    Feb 14, 2017
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    Hi guys!
    I'm working on an expansion for VPS Avenger, coming this summer. The EXP brings you a palette of well designed patches for genres like Trance, Progressive and Ambient. Of course you can use it for other music styles, too.
    Currently the library includes 72 patches, of which 10 are very elaborate sequences. When finished, it will include about over 100 patches, 16 drumkits and many arps. Maybe there will be some sounds with granular synthesis, if the pack is not released to soon. [​IMG]
    In the meantime i would like to introduce you 3 patches and upload a sound demo soon.

    Kind regards,

  21. spacetime

    spacetime Platinum Record

    Jan 28, 2016
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    I tried your presets, imported the bank, nice logo you have there
    BUT iits only three presets, the pad sounds pretty boring to be honest, i wonder why it crakcs my i7 while still sounding so bland

    The other sound is interesting but also fucks up my i7 for some reason

    The sequence is interesting but very plain to be honest, it is a song in a box though, which is cool about avenger
    Still, there is no variation, i wonder what the pitch envelope does as i cant hear it being different

    So, other then it not being useful at all, id say you did some good work there, keep it up!