analog faderstart to pc

Discussion in 'Soundgear' started by Muze, Jul 20, 2011.

  1. Muze

    Muze Newbie

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I have this neat analog mixingboard wich has faderstart on two channels. (wich means rca connection to recordplayer, cdplayer, datplayer) to initiate playback. With a 5 volt pulse. Is there a way to connect this faderstart to a pc in order to use this with any dj program?
  3. MrGold

    MrGold Newbie

    Jun 26, 2011
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    North Africa
    I do not think so. I would think you need a controller with midi send or a newer mixer with midi mapping capabilities. Theres plenty of entry level mixers for digital djing now that are cheap. :wink:
  4. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Do you know how to handle a soldering iron?
    You might drive an LED (plus LDR) or Opto Coupler with the 5V out of the mixer (Don't forget the series resistor!).
    Then, you could use an old USB mouse and let the left button be "clicked" by the LDR/Opto Coupler.

    If the 5V supply is strong enough, you may even drive a little reed relay from it, which actuates the left mouse button.

    You would use it like this:
    - Position the mouse pointer over the button in your software you'd like to be pressed (Play, Pause etc.)
    - Let the fader start pulse automatically click this button.

    Not perfect (because you have to position the mouse to make it work), but an easy & cheap solution.
  5. Muze

    Muze Newbie

    Jun 9, 2011
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    I was hoping it could be done with some sort of conversion box. But if that isn't possible. It is a board with some really nice preamps. So I'd better swap the faderstarts out and make a insert there and a phantompower. It's an old D&R 700 II. I will pair it with a Roland VSR880 (and convert that to take SD-cards). Then I have a great 6 in recordingdevice at 24bit 48khz.

    If anyone here has a VSR880 wich is gathering dust. It can now be made to accept sd cards so you can easily swap out that sdcard and import the session in pc with either a reaper dll so if will instantly read the selected session. Or you can use a software program wich can convert the Roland encoded audio into WAV.
    The conversioncard for a VSR880 will be around 10-20 euro. & you need a SD card offcourse.

    http;// for more info. (go to the vs880 section)

    I do have bigger recordingrigs this is just a nice lil setup for some sketching in the house. & The D&R mixer is nice old technology wich can be fixed with normal components.
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