Incident at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ned944, May 23, 2017.

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  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I was kind of being sarcastic. It's kind of weird of you to ask me to show indication that my political inclinations aren't the ones of an extremist or whatever. Or to suggest that we have to either side with the system or be against it like a raging bull, necessarily aspiring to the worst (world domination by the commies that disapeared from the surface of the earth 25 years ago).
    War or no war going on there are many things we can be critic about with our "way our life", specially since communism met its fate.
    I dislike the caracter but Trump election was made by being a strong critic of the system, and addressing issues in speeches many people (specially popular classes) found relevant (regarding the economical and financial system), although obviously he won't change anything to anything. The state of the world economy is deeply depressing since 2008, and I'm not worried about an incoming invasion from IS or whatever, but I am worried about the political warzones that start to emerge in our democracies, specially in Europe with the rize of extreme right populist formations.
    South Africa will probably be fine.
  2. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Seriously stop watching or listening to:
    fox news
    glenn beck
    michael savage
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  3. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Talmi... weird ha? I never asked if you are an extremist or not.... please don't write revisionist history on me.. sheeesh
    the questions were simple and straightforward.. if you don't want to answer then don't... I have a problem with
    rambling run on sentences and paragraphs.. so I'll scan your last transmission and call it a day.. and wish you fine luck
    with your song and dancing career in SOF.
  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Right. Sorry for the long paragraphs, :dunno:, the rumbling and not answering as you wished to your perfectly reasonable question.
    I thought I did.
  5. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    Believe me friend, I don't have to watch any of that crap to understand what is going on
  6. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    Seriously stop watching or listening to:

    Daily Show
    Saturday Night Live ( hasn't been worth watching since about 1983 anyway )
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2017
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  7. julianbre

    julianbre Producer

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Sorry dragonhill, but McVeigh is one of yours. You should embrace him. According to your logic, he did nothing morally wrong.

    "McVeigh Faces Day of Reckoning.” The Guardian June 11th 2001

    β€œIn his letter, McVeigh said he was an agnostic but that he would "improvise, adapt and overcome", if it turned out there was an afterlife. "If I'm going to hell," he wrote, "I'm gonna have a lot of company." His body is to be cremated and his ashes scattered in a secret location.”

    Knoxville Unitarian Universalist church shooting

    On July 27, 2008, a politically motivated fatal shooting took place at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. Motivated by a desire to kill liberals and Democrats, gunman Jim David Adkisson fired a shotgun at members of the congregation during a youth performance of a musical, killing two people and wounding seven others.

    Wisconsin Sikh Temple Massacre
    Motive: Racial hatred

    2010 Austin IRS Suicide Attack
    Motive: Anger towards IRS policies

    Hmmm, you need to do better research! Do you need more facts? Seriously, are you 13 or 14 years old?
  8. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    These were politically motivated by both left and right-wing extremists. If they thought they were Christians, then there was a major disconnect somewhere. If a sick man calls himself Kal-El and jumps off a roof killing himself and others in the process, do we blame all the artists and writers of Superman and denounce the DC brand?

    Here's how I know for a fact that none of those people were actual Christians.
    The 1st rule of skygod is - You Do Not Kill Other People
    The 2nd rule of skygod is - You Do Not Kill Yourself
  9. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    So no skygod believers ever commits a crime? okay keep believing that fairy tale
  10. UV19

    UV19 Member

    Jan 28, 2013
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    Did you hear about the bombing at the Ariana Grande concert? There was also a terrorist attack after the show! :rofl:

    Too soon?
  11. julianbre

    julianbre Producer

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Who stated that? Dr George Tiller and Dr John Britton were killed by Christians. Their killers were morally wrong also. It's just that under your world view, you have no justification to argue whether something is right or wrong. There are no objective moral values. It just is.
    I think you are really more like 11 years old.
  12. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Okay if you are going to insult you must be a little more clever than using age Julianbro?
    My point is stop using extreme and terrorism with only one religion or fairy tale.
  13. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    I agree. Add PBS for refusing to air an anti Cock I mean Koch Brother docu and Bill Maher's Real Time to the corporate tools that they are.

    Although I do like the Daily Show and the beginning of SNL if it's 'Spicey' or Alec 'Trump' and Weekend Update
  14. Satai

    Satai Rock Star

    Feb 23, 2013
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    Back when WTC blew up in New York, the famous experimental composer Karlheinz Stockhausen had commented that it was "the greatest work of art imaginable for the whole cosmos", and described the attack on New York as "the greatest work of art by Lucifer" overall. Hasn't time vindicated his commentary aplenty?


    His little accidental slip, from his high-minded world into the dimwit world of the daily news cost him a lotta controversy after that, as you can imagine. I think even his liberal globalist-girl daughter publically disowned him. For telling the truth of the matter, exactly as he saw it, in its full artistic context. No matter and good riddance, a part of a man like that is sure to have responded. Another part of him actually paniced and started furiously apologizing for upsetting that clean picture of the world people want to have, where they know exactly what's what...

    It's human to have difficulties understanding how human blood splatter and spilling guts are a rebel artform, so they want the Stockhausens to shut their mouths and "show respect", which means posting some platitude on Facebook - "all hearts are with Manchester <3", "how horrific, I am in tears". If you have half a brain left, the working half is going to feel guilty as you type that useless shit and hit send. It's false through and through, your innate human conscience rebels against the satanic falseness of being pleasantly, appropriately horrified on cue. This "being horrified" is also a convenient roadblock to any thinking about the matter at hand. Don't think, just be horrified like everyone else and shut your mouth. Perhaps after being too pampered as self-centered individuals we don't want to acknowledge that we are simultaneously clay, a material being shaped (and sometimes sabotaged) according to a powerful external will, to take a certain desired form.

    The horrific thing is that "showing respect" in this way, by reacting like a herd of dumb helpless sheep frozen in terror after a wolf takes one of their own, is the most shallow and useless thing to do. It's disrespectful toward the sublime & horrific inner nature of reality itself. It's a reality in which death is real, a reality we would rather ignore and supplant with pop diversions, value inversions, and weekly new age pseudo-religion conversions in the corporate lounge with soothing muzak. THAT is why, to the carriers of the Islamic faith of global purification, we're as sheep, worthless degenerate Satan-fellating trash with no soul left, almost ready to go into the trashbin of history cheerleading our own demise in, as though it was our moral obligation to disappear forever. But we don't wanna know anything about that. They're meanies who blow up children, shame on them, we're the goodies and we're respectably horrified - won't somebody call the Police?

    Can you see the work of art? And can you get me any Ariana G stems for a remix?
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
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  15. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    duh fuk?
  16. julianbre

    julianbre Producer

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Your age? I thought I was being kind. If your older, you are not very bright.
    Anybody on this board can believe what they want to, no problem. They have a free will! But when people like you attack Christians, well we have a problem.

    "My point is stop using extreme and terrorism with only one religion or fairy tale."

    Really, that's your point? Is that why you posted a list with 3 out of 5 murderers that had nothing to do with religion much less Christianity? No, it's so you can score points. You didn't even admit your mistake that you were wrong.

    Still waiting for you to explain if what Salman Abedi did was morally wrong. I'm sure I will be waiting a long time.
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    this is not a religious war. The only reason christianity got pulled into this is because some people want to make this about a religious debate. It's not. The extremists don't represent Islam. The same way that extremists from the christian side certainly aren't represantive of the believers of this cult.
    Now as you may have noticed with the poll that was taken regarding that matter in another thread, most people on this board that bothered to answer are actually atheist. And they tend to believe (even athesit have beliefs !) that religiosity can lead to extreme acts. Or to those endless debate where believers preach for their own church, which never is something atheist appreciate.
    Most people don't care about all that crap and just want to show sympathy toward the ones close to lost lives.
    Probably also why the whole "holy war" thing isn't gonna take...
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  18. julianbre

    julianbre Producer

    Jul 15, 2015
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    Talmi, "The extremisms don't represent Islam."
    You know even less about Islam than you do about Christianity. That is sad. Try reading the Koran some time.

    "most people on this board that bothered to answer are actually atheist."
    Who cares?

    "even atheist have beliefs!"
    Yes, they sure do. They believe in lots of fantasies.

    "endless debate where believers preach for their own church, which never is something atheist appreciate."
    Or atheist that constantly preach about their "beliefs", which Christians don't appreciate.

    "Probably also why the whole "holy war" thing isn't gonna take..."
    The war has already started. You just don't realize it, but it's begun.
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  19. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    Please don't hate Muslims or anyone for that matter. Hate evil, crimes against humanity. I love everyone and wish all the best
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  20. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You're talking about sacred books (and I've read a bit of all of them, well regarding the three monotheisms), I'm talking about the people.
    There are many things to read. I learn much more from other books, just as sacred for me.
    The rest is just always the same bla bla bla....
    I'm just saying the whole holy war sale speech isn't going to take in a virtual place such as this one. Or frankly anywhere, except a few circles.
    The world is a secularized place, time to learn to deal with that.
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