Incident at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ned944, May 23, 2017.

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  1. nagscreen

    nagscreen Newbie

    May 22, 2017
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    sarcasm doesn't defuse anything, buddy, particularly in a thread like this
  2. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    @Mr. X It can be divisive when you have faith but are constrained by the law of the natural world. It makes me look like a hypocrite. It makes many look like thieves. But honestly, if we set aside the materialistic nature and focus on just the information, then, in Eden, imagine we had DAWs and AD/DA conversion and we all understood VST programming and its subsystems. Do you really think we would be bartering and exchanging and "selling"? I know we wouldn't. It would be free.

    Like it or not. Every single member here, by default, is like Jesus in the Church, angered and wrathful and turning over tables because the tax-mongers are doing wrong and profiting from what should be openly free. And we see it.

    This is hard to fathom with the capitalist nature of life now-a-days, especially if you work hard to earn your dollar.
    We are not advocating theft. We are promoting freedom.

    The value we give money makes this soooo hard to understand.
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  3. peacefulburningz

    peacefulburningz Kapellmeister

    Sep 10, 2015
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    I find it kind of shocking that people got so twisted up about that death prediction thread, but have no problem using actual deaths to try to push their beliefs. At least have a modicum of respect for those that have passed.

    EDIT: This wasn't directed at anyone in particular, just a general observation after reading a chunk of the thread.
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
  4. WolwerineBlues

    WolwerineBlues Platinum Record

    Jul 25, 2015
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    You know what bugs me the most there are no videos inside the concert, and you know that kids of today record everything expecelly concerts!
  5. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    What? As we let corporate owned nail bombs and corporate owned knives slit our corporate owned necks??? Ya'll need to get real and stop couching behind talking points and face reality.
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  6. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Wow you really pulled the big guns out for this post. I really would like to argue to all of your specific points in a detailed bullet point presentation, but I'm too busy watching families cry TODAY over their dead children's severed bodies who were murdered by a sub human in the name of Allah. Divert the attention to sparse "incidents" of similar character. That's what the left always does. Anything to keep the word Muslim or Islam out of the headline. BTW, I could care less what faith you practice. Oh, and don't get the notion I'm a KKK sympathizer. They are rotten to the core. Lastly, if you would like to have a biblical argument we can chat privately. Spreading the argument too wide dilutes the topic at hand & is yet another strategy incorporated by the left. Gotta keep it moving before common sense can get a word in.
  7. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    You shouldn't view divergence of views - on this matter or others - as something that only express political differences. I know many conservatives folks that don't share your opinions on muslims or Islam. There is no need to come from the left to not share your points. And the other way around exists too : I know many people from the left that share your views, the exception is, that they don't think any better regarding any religion. They just are anti clerical folks who think that religion is a dangerous alienation. They say exactly what you say about muslims but about any worshipers. Isn't it good that we don't all share the same views and all get to freely build our convictions ?
    If you want to convince people, learn to do it with arguments, reliying on emotions isn't enough. People can be shocked and not side with your arguments. They can be angry, hate the person that did that and yet not globaly condamn all muslims and Islam.
    You have to be persuasive to convert people.
    You know that the terrorists expect the same outcome ? Us rallying against the peacefull and innocent muslims, the vast majority of them living and working side by side with us in peace, thrown to the lions so that they start supporting the extremists agendas. Because today they don't. And that makes the extremists very mad, because like you they thought that speaking in the name of Allah, was enough to rally all muslims to their dark ages agenda. It's not the case at all.Muslims denonce those violences, and more importantly - unfortunately - they are the number one vitcims of those violences and this extremism that strikes here but also else where, every day.
    Reasonable people know that. They are not docile, sheeps or being manipulated. They are sensible human beings who know better, and want to live in peace. That's why they rally, they unite and they reject messages of hate preaching an eye for an eye.
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  8. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Talmi I wonder have you ever been to a communist country? and what were your impressions therein?

    France does not count !
  9. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Sure did. But what does this has to do with anything ? The "communist" doctrine (I'm supposing you're refering to the "real socialism" that was in power when Stalin took over in USSR) didn't really come up in the conversation. I don't promote any political doctrine, and realist socialism really isn't my thing.
    I can talk hours about writters that are considered communist or socialist, from Marx, Jaurés to Orwell, from Bakounine to Proudhon, but we would venture on the dangerous grounds of political discussions, albeit theorical one, still...
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
  10. Lightsleeper

    Lightsleeper Noisemaker

    Apr 18, 2017
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    sure its sad innocent people die, but consider the tens of thousands innocent who died in Iraq, Syria, afghanistan etc... by us and Uk bombings. Or is an english innocent more worthy of grief than a Syrian, Iraqi or afghan innocent? What goes around comes around
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  11. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    @Talmi just checking... I have seen your hammer and sickle Linux-guin around for long enough
    and I wanted to know if you actually are in that spectrum... I didn't once say I want to get into a theoretical discussion
    about it.. as I see it all as a load of disconnected from reality BS! aside from the fact that ,as far as murderous ideologies go, ..
    I think it takes the 1st place honors in human history ....
    I have read and seen enough to know where I stand on it, no need for minutia about it..

    I was asking if you had been to a country where Communism is the regime.. and what were your impressions?
    Do you care to say.. or you think it's inappropriate here. ? The thread has pretty much run its course by now..
    so I don't see any particular issue at this point...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 24, 2017
  12. Lightsleeper

    Lightsleeper Noisemaker

    Apr 18, 2017
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    why did you dislike my post her durr: maybe you are a hypocrite ? :)

    ps. no need to answer
  13. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    There are many sides to that story, the proletarian movement, communism and what now people think when they hear the word is just a part of that story. Not knowing about those ideas when you live with their heritage, even in your day to day life in many aspects, just because you don't like the word, I don't know, it's a bit obscur, if I may.... Anarchy is a branch of it for example, this movement. Hard to not see the link between anarchy and anonymous for example. And frankly I think both this forum where we share knowledge and informations or AZ where we also share all sort of things are also a lot in the spirit of this movement, we could call it its grand children. This whole thing isn't very capitalistic compatible, and it hardly responds to the laws of the market. All those things, like Linux, reasonate very well with my beliefs. The Tux illustrates those.
    I've been in countries where the regime isn't communism, but that claim to be it. It's not my best memories. Not worst than the dictatorial regime that welcomed foreigners in touristic heavens - far from the locals - in south america or Africa and that were all backed by the US and France. But well, the world is far from being perfect. :dunno:. We shop our oils in theocratical dictatorial regimes, buy our utilities from manufactures where people are almost reduce to nothing in an ex Communist country that is now the worst Capitalistic hell, destroy half the planet in the process of manufacturing those useless goods usually in places where people aren't really being asked when we savage their lands, and we spend our hollydays in sunny beaches of countries where the sun only shines for us. It's all a joke, and morality comes out of all our grieving commenters 5 times a year when extremism strikes and we can all feel like superior beings again. And I'm not even going to detail the huge vacuum of zombified twats desperatly seeking reward through the act of buying a branded good that now constitutes the most depressing sight that I have to face every day even in my little side of heaven by the ocean, as far as it can be (which is not much) from all civilizations. Apparently we can't escape our glorious fate. Isn't it great to be us ? :cheers:
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  14. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    da fuk?
  15. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    All terror acts committed by Christians in the name of skygod.

    Timothy Mcveigh Oklahoma city bombing
    Wisconsin Sikh Temple massacre
    Murder of Dr George Tiller
    Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist church shooting
    Murder of Dr. John Britton
    Suicide attack on IRS building by plane

    MoogerFooger do you need more facts or do you like alternate facts?
  16. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    this thread has strayed some to be sure.. but it's still a sort of memorial for those English girls..and some boys that were
    pointlessly slaughtered, if you consider collateral damage to be one and the same with targeted right out murder...
    then maybe you should rethink your position, I disliked the equivalence you are drawing..not to mention that
    many child deaths in Afghanistan resulted from the local men throwing children in front of tanks and such !

    @Talmi would have preferred something a little more succinct and illustrative of your values..
    but ok.. I'll take the soapbox speech :dunno:

    It's better to be us for sure, than be under some African dictator who has now supplanted the colonial power of yore..
    and it appears virtually ALL of Africa is much the worse for it... they are even talking race war ..or white genocide in
    South Africa by the summer... good luck world !
  17. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I feel bad for the people who got hurt and those who lost loved ones.

    Glad to see the world is still as fucked up as it was yesterday on both sides. I still do not understand how rational people radicalize to such an extent that they are itching for a fight. I probably never will. I understand violence, I've been a part of violence and war but it was always cold and rational, at least for me, there was not hate or anger in it. Oh well, I kind of figured things were going to go this way in this thread.

    Interesting times.... and for that ISIL facebook or whatever they were using... Ariana Grande spectators -> Crusaders |WTF|

    Though I doubt the EDL or KKK would come up with something more dazzling, it seems to me all extremist religious organizations are run by people with the IQ of a houseplant (that kind of gives me a little hope.)

    I do hope they find the people responsible if there are any more and subject them to the full process of the law.
  18. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    Those are all great examples of how one or a few people can wreak havoc on many and disrupt society. However we are at war here, our enemy has taken over countries and territories that have cost many lives on both sides to gain back power and land over and over. I hope you feel the same way when you end up bowing down to Sharia Law.
  19. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    WTF are you smoking, I've been in those places for years. Those people can't even manage to fucking build working toilets, and keep electricity running (talking about Taliban and and ISIL) you think they can take over a fucking sovereign western country or any country that has not already been crippled by civil war and is in the middle of proxy war between at least two superpowers and impose Sharia Law.

    Are you having a bad trip...

    Am going to bed.
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  20. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    I wish you were right bro, but they are doing a good job of taking over parts of Sweden, Germany, they definitely re conquered the middle east, and seem to be wreaking havoc on the rest of us. Please research more.
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