Incident at Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, UK

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by ned944, May 23, 2017.

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  1. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Why is is so easy and we all are too quick to add one particular religion between the words EXTREME _________ TERRORISM? Plenty of crime representing other beliefs based on fairy tales.
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  2. ElecTrick

    ElecTrick Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    A very sad sad day ... another group of innocent people killed for no justified reason ... :(

    This world is full of psicotic moth**f**k*rs that, for whatever the reasons, devote their lifes to f**k the rest of the world ... :snuffy:

    I would like to be wrong but, unfortunatelly, we will have to see this sh*t happen again in the future ...

    I pray for this to not happen ever again.
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
  3. ElecTrick

    ElecTrick Producer

    Jan 19, 2016
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    Duplicate post ... Erased
  4. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    Screen Shot 2017-05-23 at 10.42.44 AM.png
    Listen up snowflake. Many have been slaughtered in the name of Christianity. But the Crusades were almost 1000 years ago. Have you taken a reality check the past 20 years? Seriously, have you ever thought about keeping it real for your own sake? Warped lunatics in the name of Islam are the root of mass terrorism TODAY!!! Oh, & just in case you didn't see THIS IS WHY!!!

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    Last edited: May 23, 2017
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  5. GianaSister

    GianaSister Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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  6. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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  7. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    22 dead including children :(
    Whoever or whatever is an complete abomination in every possible way. This cowardly disgusting act will achieve nothing except spreading misery and fear across nations and ruining innocent peoples life for ever. DISGRACEFUL - Absolute shame upon those responsible.
    Everyone maybe Just take some time to reflect and imagine the fact innocent children that have been deprived of a future and generations of families cast into darkness, misery & torment.
    What will this act change long term? - Absolutely nothing.
    Got to be the sickest motherfuckers ever. Don't give a fuck who it was because it is what it is.
    What the fuck do they really hope to achieve by such bullshit cowardice acts in the name of more bullshit.

    Apologies for the language but one of the darkest days & absolutely sickened to the core :( :snuffy:
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  8. GianaSister

    GianaSister Producer

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Which mouse builds mice fall
  9. Tealla

    Tealla Kapellmeister

    Oct 7, 2015
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    Yo everyone in this thread, you need to read this:
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  10. Raffz

    Raffz Member

    Apr 20, 2016
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    It's just sad. Our passiveness to be always walking over eggs and focusing on being politically correct, calling others biggots, islamophobes when we should focus on protecting our children, our people, facing the issue with seriousness, not with eggshell skulls. And I actually mean both sides, on their extrem forms, one acts pretending it's all isolated incidents, we should get used to it and not talk about it, hide the truth, while the other, raged which is a bit comprehensible, ends up spilling hatred for people instead of calling out the incompatibility of people who support those acts with our societies. Both sides: we should be able to discuss this like adults, not like pissed off youngsters one spilling hate to the other. It's just sad.
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  11. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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    Sometimes I really wish I had a bullshit button.

    IS would claim responsibility for me dropping my milk carton in Walmart if they thought there was a chance anyone could get hurt by it. The fact that their statement of responsibility did not name the guy as a martyr (which we know is their standard practice) or that they know anything about the guy that carried out last night's attack is a clear indication that they knew nothing of this and it was just a one/two man homemade thing. The Greater Manchester Police or UK Government have not yet even released details of who they think it was yet, so fuck knows why you think you know they are Muslim, what their intent was and feel like you have a right to write off an entire religion because of the incident.

    As for Christianity, you clearly have a bullshit view there too. You not heard of the likes of Anders Breivik or the KKK? I don't believe that was 1,000 years ago! Cherry picking is what I believe people call that.

    Educate yourself before making points you clearly are not educated enough to make at present. NONE of these attrocities are done in the name of any recognised religion, and are instead just batshit crazy and evil human beings with warped minds trying to hide behind a mask of faith, whether it is this guy and Islam (if he is Muslim) or the likes of Anders Breivik and Christianity. They are not doing it out of any passion for their faith, and you don't need to apply much common sense to the thought process to recognise that! They are simply using faith as something to pin their breed of crazy onto, and an entire faith structure, be it Islam or Christianity, should not have to suffer for the sake of one lunatic's actions as a crazy human being claiming to be associated with said faith, even though it's blatantly obvious that they are not to anyone with an ounce of common sense.

    And before you whine on about the misinterpretation and misappropriation of Islam by referring to centuries old Quran, you may also want to refer to the centuries old Christian Bible in the name of equality. Here, I'll even provide you with a helpful link on the views of each doctorine on different subjects to check what the Bible says about paedophilia, holy war and non-Christians before you spout the usual anti-Islam bullshit:

    And I won't even get onto the hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians killed by the Western (Christian) countries over recent decades in the likes of Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria that you apparently seem ok with you. However, we will live in a bubble of inequality by referring to that as "necessary military action" instead of the terrorist mudering that it really is through illegal wars. Do you not think that kind of action stirs up a reaction, particularly when countries like US and UK willingly sell arms and military aircraft technologies to the likes of Saudi Arabia that we know filters through to arm the likes of IS.

    Don't blame Islam, blame bonkers human beings and dismiss them as human beings instead of discriminating against an entire section of humanity for no justified reason apart from a false perception of a "Islam problem" pumped out by Western media and one batshit crazy person's claim he is doing something crazy in the name of a faith, any faith. It is blatantly obvious that no current recognised faith endorses this kind of behaviour, and you'd need to be a cretin to not see, recognise or believe that.

    And before there is any misunderstanding, I am an atheist and do not follow any faith, but have made a point to educate myself on elements of different faiths so I don't come across as racist or bigoted when making uninformed and uneducated statements like so many do.

    Now can we get back to the incident, put the anti-whatever faith agenda to one side and just pass on sympathies to those affected by the attack.
    Last edited: May 23, 2017
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  12. Sindroid811

    Sindroid811 Member

    Oct 14, 2016
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    One of the victims was just 8 years old..
  13. beatmagnus

    beatmagnus Guest

    Interesting fact about the crusades were that at first it was a call from the pope to surrounding kingdoms to regain control of all the conquered territories that Islamic nations took over (which technically doesn't make it an exclusively Christian ordeal). History repeats itself and apparently Islam is always trying to take over the world.

    Another interesting question, why aren't the richest Arab nations accepting Syrian (or any) refugees (

    I guess nobody cares about the genocide that Saddam was carrying out against other tribes and people, using chemical weapons of mass destruction btw. The reason why the US and British invaded those places was if we didn't contain it then radical factions would spread across the world and do damage. For some reason militaries pulled out and immediately the radicals took over a lot of territories, ..and boom, constant attacks in every other part of the world. This was all too familiar with Israel btw because it was happening to them way before it happened to the world, and politically correct misinformed people still accuse them of persecuting Palestinians. Innocent bystanders are victims in Syria etc because ISIS is using them as human shields and political fuel.

    Being politically correct won't save us, and absolute evil exists whether we believe in it or not. Get ready to have our comfortable way of life rocked. This incident just shows how vulnerable we all are.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2017
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  14. Bunford

    Bunford Audiosexual

    Jan 17, 2012
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  15. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Snowflake here.

    We all need to stop watching corporate owned media and only corporate owned media for our information.
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  16. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    He was first and foremost a disappointed customer before he was a muslim extremist. Cant even imagine the damage he would have done, had he gone to a Peter Andre concert.
  17. smys

    smys Member

    Jan 6, 2016
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    Congratulations, the Trophy "Ostrich of vision" 2017 is yours.
  18. korte1975

    korte1975 Guest

  19. GeminiCount

    GeminiCount Member

    Jun 14, 2013
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    Whatever sick bastards were responsible, it's pretty clear who benefits.
  20. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I don't really care about all the politcal recuparation in this thread, the attempts to use horrific events to spread hates and point fingers toward others. I'm used to it it doesn't really matter. It's insulting for the victims surely, may they all rest in peace and I hope their families can find the strenght and the support to handle the horrible event they are facing, but well that's the ways of some humans (let's call them like this). Even murder, terror is an opportunity. Ways of the world and all.
    So it's just to point historical crap here. That part is a bit bugging me, although Bunford had done already most of the hard work.
    Saddam has killed kurdes, hundred thousands of them, destroyed their villages systematicely, used chemical weapons against them and the term genocide is probably the right one (he killed a lot of chiites too). He killed them without the US, France, UK, Germany, Russia (back then USSR) saying anything. Not one word. Actually the ordeal was done with all the weapons sold by those very countries.
    The invasion of Irak happened more than a decade after that, for boggus reasons as Saddam didn't have any more chemical weapons and wasn't murdering anybody at this time, and not only did it kill as many Irakians as Saddam Hussein did himself, but that was after more than 10 years of commercial embargo (from 91 until 2003) that brought the country to its knees and killed hundred of thousands more irakians by starvation. It also brought the country half a century back in terms of infrastrucures and state presence and probably explains how incotrolable the country became now, and the situation we are in now.
    Just want to be factual about things.
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