AKAI to Kontakt Library?

Discussion in 'Kontakt' started by Kloud, Apr 5, 2017.

  1. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Thanks for the link to the old school libs Pinkman. About Kontakt, how did you get it to read Akai CD-Roms? I've been trying for a couple hours now and I can't seem to get it to read my disks. I even tried using Disk Utility in Mac OS to convert it to a dmg and placing it in /Users/[username]/Documents/Native Instruments/KONTAKT 5/Images like the instruction in the Applications Reference PDF says to do but nothing, it doesn't show up in Kontakt. These are MPC 2000 and Akai S1000/3000 disks which according to the PDF is supported.

    Any tips? Thanks.

    Oh and I can't figure out the pass for the East West Smoov Grooves under "Roland Sample CDs – Third Party". Tried roland and after it asks for "roland, format, not akai" password. No clue what that means.

    Now to try these downloads in kontakt.
  2. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    These downloaded mdx files will not show in Kontakt (5) either. I mounted them with DAEMON Tools for shits and that didn't help. I just can't get these damn files on my computer in a usable format for the life of me. :dunno: I would love to give CDXtract a try but it will will not run on intel Macs. There's seems to be no way. Time to bust out the old crappy windowz laptop from the closet and see if I have any luck with CDXtract there. What a nightmare. :deep_facepalm:

    Nope, they will not show up on the windows machine using CDXtract either. WTF.
    Last edited: May 19, 2017
  3. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I used 7-zip to unpack Smoov Grooves and roland as the password. It should give you an EWSGAKAI.iso

    Mount the .iso with DAEMON Tools but you have to use Kontakt's file browser to read the files. Not sure what OSX does but Windows will give you an error and say the disc is unreadable if you try to explore the disc using standard file browsers.
    Make sure you have 'Show Foreign Formats' checked under Files > View in Kontakt's browser.
    You should be see your .iso and be able to expand to reveal the AKAI content. At this point I highlight the Roland CD drive (DAEMON Tools virtual drive) and hit Import. Set the Instrument and Sample destinations, press convert and it should start a Batch Import.

  4. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    It's a good idea to separate your Instruments and Samples into different folders when importing.
    I've also noticed that with some of these libraries, during the conversion Kontakt will crash but if you check the output folder the entire cd has been converted.
  5. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Hey Pinkman. Thanks for getting back to me. I was able to unpack Smoov Grooves and get the iso. From there it was easy, as it should be. I went ahead and used CDXtract on my Mac using PlayOnMac (wine) and converted the whole disk to wav which gives me lots of options. I can also convert it to other formats like Kontakt or EXS24, for example.

    When I mount the .mdx files using DAEMON Tools I get the message asking me to eject or ignore, on Mac you just ignore and it stays mounted. However, Kontakt will not read them. CDXtract will not read it either. I have Show Foreign Formats checked in Kontakt. I've tried to convert the mounted image to a dmg, which I can do, but Kontakt won't read that either. I'm having no luck, so far, converting dmg to iso, though I do have the tools. I keep getting errors. Maybe you can tell me how you deal with .mdx files and I may be able to get an idea from you. I'm on a mission.

    Thanks dude.
  6. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Have you converted the original file to mdx or is the mdx all you have?
    In any case, pm me the link of the original and I'll see what I can do. I've done plenty of different conversions in the past.
  7. acatnamedharmony

    acatnamedharmony Ultrasonic

    May 9, 2017
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    Way too much cool =)
  8. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    @freefeet12 I import the .mdx files exactly the same way. Mount in DAEMON Tools and import either the whole thing or individual partitions from the Kontakt file browser. I wonder if the the file you're trying to use is corrupt. Which library is it? Sounds like @fiction has used other tools to do conversions so he may have more ideas. I've only ever used Kontakt and in rare cases Chicken Systems Translator.
  9. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    Phew, finally found a way. Kontakt was not one of them. That thing will not read mounted files. Not .iso, not .dmg, or .mdx. Turns out DAEMON Tools on mac is pretty limited. It can only mount certain files that I normally can't without. Unfortunately that was no help as I could not get anything to read the mounted files/disk. I tried Extreme Sample Converter, Chicken Systems Translator and Awave Studio. None of them would read right off my physical CD-Rom's or the mounted .mdx files. After my success with the .iso file and CDXtract for Smoov Grooves my mission became converting .mdx files to .iso. Turns out DAEMON Tools Pro on Windows can do this. I downloaded it, got a trial license and converted one of the .mdx file to iso, took it back to my Mac, launched CDXtract and there it was finally! A tear of joy came down my face, or maybe that was exhaustion because I've been at it since mid-day, now yesterday. Here's hoping it works for the rest, tomorrow. :yawn:
  10. fiction

    fiction Audiosexual

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Have you tried reading the mounted ISO with Kontakt?
    If CDXtract can see it, Kontakt should as well...
  11. freefeet12

    freefeet12 Rock Star

    May 13, 2015
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    ^ For whatever reason it would not read most of the converted ISO files I was dealing with, depending what was on them, as I found out eventually. My issue was mostly getting around the .mdx format. Mounting them alone with DAEMON Toolswould not allow me to read it with Kontakt. I had to convert to ISO on windows with that version of DAEMON Tools and then convert to .wav/Kontakt format to get them into Kontakt, if I wanted them there. The physical disks was a no go, most of them Akai format, I had to convert them to ISO, then to wav/Kontakt as well.
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