Almost 500,000 members in here but if you found just one good music, please let me know.

Discussion in 'Music' started by foster911, May 16, 2017.

  1. foster911

    foster911 Guest

  3. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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  4. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    That place is for examining self-taught production techniques, not disclosing the human's ability for making real music. Please for the first time don't deduce subjectivity from my speech because It's unambiguous that years of production and swotting do not necessarily guarantee producing good music.:dunno:
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  5. LZ Jaydon

    LZ Jaydon Producer

    Mar 29, 2016
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    Always Hips
    this is ridiculous.
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  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest


    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2017
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  7. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    By all means i am not trying to be insulting but... Judging by your taste in music, i could argue you wouldn't be able to recognize the really good ones even if you heard them everyday. I 've been personally involved in various different ways in about 50 different releases so far, and mind you, i take it slow. I have a gold single (remix cd release) and a top ten album between others. Who's to judge what's the definition of good music please? Sales, ears, personal taste, training, trends, tradition ? Which one or all of them ? In the not so old days,being a recording artist meant you were as good as the sales of your last release were. Now probably you are as good as the hits your track has on the tube, or your followers in fb,sc,tweeter whatever. Is any of this relevant or does it make any sense at all ? I think not, whats good is good regardless of any other reason that doesn't involve the music itself. But again you CANNOT be the judge of any of this, unless you are asked. Last time i checked you were not. So spare us the literature of something so pointless lol .
    Last edited: May 16, 2017
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  8. peghead

    peghead Platinum Record

    Jan 18, 2014
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    Could you please define the term "good music" for me?
    Of course what's good music for you might be total crap for others and vice-versa.
    I think I make good music.
    Some people agree, some might think it's total shit (no-one yet had enough courage to say so to me...)
    Here, have a listen if you really care..
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  9. Pollice verso

    Pollice verso Rock Star

    Dec 5, 2015
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  10. Vader

    Vader Platinum Record

    Jun 15, 2011
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    Another post full of nothing....
    Keep moving, nothing to see here....
  11. Downlo

    Downlo Producer

    Apr 6, 2017
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    Maybe some people make music just for fun, or to kill time? Let 'em.
  12. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2017
  13. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    you still at this?

    well hows your music coming around? share something so we can judge you!
    there is also genres, which yeah seem to be crap, but they still can be produced in a good way. (good example is skrillex stuff, i still dont like it, but it is good produced.)

    anyway lets move on aka nothing to see here! :bleh:
  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    don't forget the pratting, and "tit arsing"
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  15. savadious

    savadious Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2012
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    I have no clue what everyone is jabbering about here... but I will watch this thread closely.... with popcorn in hand :)

  16. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    He we all started somewhere. Ill try to spread some skoolin' over there too.
  17. tommyzai

    tommyzai Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2012
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    Yeah, the subtle point is . . . lots of members grabbing gear and not producing anything, which is mostly true, but who cares. ;-0 Rock on!
  18. yabiss

    yabiss Platinum Record

    Dec 14, 2013
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    In my pants
    Definitely not my cup of tea... (i'm more into synthpop,futurepop) but still definitely good music. I especially like the trumpet sound strangely, a sad saxophone vibe.
  19. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    Before Internet there was only radio stations, TV stations, record labels and live venues and for these mediums there were certain gate keepers for the listening masses that was in part a good thing and another part of it was bad. It was good because these gate keepers or at least most of them usually were good musicians or even very successful stars before, hence most of these "gate keepers" never really let anybody through with sub par productions. There was a good reason why from record labels, from the radios or from TV you never really heard bad productions as most of the records were professional works from professional and very talented musicians. The fact that professional recording equipment thus recording studios were also extremely expensive made it a really responsible job to make sure only true talents got through the filters to do the recordings and performances. Probably the bad part of these gate keepers was that they sometimes censored out otherwise amazing productions for whatever reasons. Fortunately it was usually a rare thing.

    Today we have the Internet while also affordable professional recording equipments with them it is now possible to produce pro level works and this gives options to basically everybody to get their stuff out there to be heard. The good thing in this is that the Internet is huge and gives place for everybody, but the bad thing is that since there are usually no gate keepers anymore all the truly bad productions are cluttering up music streaming sites making it harder to find and hear good records.
    A really good friend of mine is actually a famous record producer who usually receives tons of demos every day. He told me that when he became famous these demos started to find his email inbox every day in an increasing way. It was okay for a while, but when the numbers of sent demos to him reached and passed a certain level it became useless and tiresome totally. Also annoying.
    The reason to this is simple. Out of about 100 demos usually there is only about 10 that is actually listenable, that by hearing them you can tell in the first few seconds that the recording is professionally done along with the mixing and mastering and the music is good with actual great efforts invested in them. Even out of these 10 only about 5 is really good and if you are lucky there is a real gem among these 5 which is usually not the case. Out of maybe 100 thousand you can find a gem that is pro level music and noticeably unique that has a good chance to be a possible hit. It is still only a chance, but a good chance normally. Thus the not too rosy fact is that folks who listen to these demos they have to swim and dig through tons musical garbage to find the real diamond. This digging takes now lots of time and effort and after a while it is understandable why many of these people give it up completely hence the reason most of these demos never get listened to. Websites like SoundCloud helps a lot with its ranking function, but still many times you can hear stuff there ranked high making you wonder how the heck this garbage ended up among the first 10 or even 100 ranked music on the chart.

    Talent, true talent is actually very rare and especially in music, talent is crucially important. Yes, you can study music and also force yourself to work and practice really hard, but you cannot force yourself to be talented. You can have the most grandiose productions from an untalented but otherwise educated musician that at the end will still be mediocre while a talented, yet still uneducated musician will give you the goosebumps playing the simplest of instruments or producing the simplest of music. Of course talent and education + practice brings us the best in all, but with education sometimes we have to be careful as it sometimes also can limit a true talent.
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  20. krakdhaus

    krakdhaus Producer

    Aug 16, 2015
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    naw... I agree... it's all crap... (he-he)
  21. onekutcha

    onekutcha Ultrasonic

    May 3, 2013
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    So on the charts of SoundCloud you can find really bad stuff ranked high, but it is not only SoundCloud. You will be very surprised probably hearing this that I personally know the information is true, that even Billboard is corrupted. It takes about $30,000 USD to get on the top charts of Billboard. The more you pay to them the better your ranking will get! It is a shame, really!