Discussion in 'Software News' started by Exidus, May 11, 2017.

  1. Exidus

    Exidus Rock Star

    Dec 21, 2014
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    UPDATED 03.07.2017
    XILS-Lab releases Poly-M

    :wink: Always excited to see new toys from XILS-labs :wink:

    The PolyM
    Beyond The Pleasure Principal

    Launch Offer : -30% until August 31th, 2017. Get the PolyM for 99€ instead of 149€


    Unlimited polyphony, as PolyM's model was considered when released ! Even if it was not true, compared to monophonic synthesisers of these times or to the five or eight voices machines, the 71 voices, each one with its own pulse width modulation, filter, VCA and envelope generator, was clearly a revolution.

    Recreating this legendary synthesiser as a virtual analog was a real challenge ! We decided to take up the gauntlet !

    A Gem of Pleasure : It took more than two years, analysing, measuring, testing, scratching our heads, but we are proud to now offer you the PolyM, one of the best, if not the best, virtual divided-down based virtual synthesiser out there.

    Two Top Octave Divider (T.O.D) oscillators, slightly detuned for an incredible phasing effect and a very special envelope generator are the Heart and the Soul of the PolyM.

    The secret of this monster is its hybrid design from an organ like synthesiser and three filter banks, including a 24db ladder filter, driven by a monophonic envelope.

    The Sound ! Using divide-down technology offers a particular sound for Chords and Pads you can't find any other way, but that's not all. With that sound, feeding a monophonic zero-delay 24db self-oscillating filter, driven by the keyboard gives you the possibility to play huge Basses or leads as no other synthesiser can do.

    But That's not all : Add to this an Acoustic filter bank, a Resonator bank, a Delay, Phaser, Reverb and plenty of modulation possibilities, you can understand why the PolyM gives you so much pleasure when playing it !


    Top Octave Divider Oscillators : A technology first invented for organ synthesisers then adapted in more versatile synthesisers back in the 70's. In this technology, a high frequency oscillator is divided in 12 temperated scale interval for producing a full octave, which is then divided by multiple of 2 for creating several octaves. This means that all the notes are locked to a single oscillator and then always played with the same relative phase. This produces a particular sound aside from giving a wide polyphony.

    The PolyM reproduces finely this divide-down technology which has been pushed far by adding a polyphonic Pulse Width Modulation.

    The two top octave dividers oscillators can run independently in the FREE mode, for small or huge phasing effects. On the other hand, in the LOCK mode, the two oscillators are almost locked in phase, producing a phase modulation, instead of a frequency modulation when the square wave form is modulated in pitch.

    The two T.O.D oscillators can be modulated in pitch by an LFO (tempo sync-able) and the Square oscillator has its pulse width modulated by an LFO (tempo sync-able too).

    The Keyboard is divided in two parts, Lower and Upper, and for each part, the PWM, waveform mix and envelope decay can be tweaked independently.

    The Master Gain control allows you to easily listen to various part of the sound, DIRECT oscillator mixers output, through the MODE acoustic filters, through the RESonator filter bank or through the 24db VCF filter.

    The envelope has two modes, LEGacy or ADSR. In the first case, the envelope has been designed to match as close as possible its model and in the other case, it's a standardADSR (Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) envelope generator.


    Each note has its own 12db filter, modulated by its own ADSR envelope giving the PolyM much more possibility than a simple Organ like synthesiser, much more than its model which modulated its filter only with the VCA envelope.

    Moreover, The PolyM can change the filter type from Low Pass to High Pass and Band Pass.

    MODE acoustic filters and presets: The blue buttons are selecting the Acoustic filter ran in the MODE filter bank section. They can also load the PolyM with the original settings for producing specific sounds (Strings, Piano, Organ, Harps, Funk, Clav, Vibes, Brass, Vox). When the DOT button is engaged, only the MODE filter is changed.


    The Resonators filter bank features three parametric filters for which Frequency, Level or Resonance can be adjusted. These filters can be Low Pass, Band Pass or High Pass, 6db or 12db.


    The VCF section (Voltage Controlled Filter) is a 24db self-oscillating ladder filter, created from the XILS-lab zero-delay algorithm. It can be modulated by an LFO (sine, sample and hold) as well as an independent envelope, controlled by the keyboard in a monophonic way.


    And finally, In the Advance Settings Panel, you will find 9 Modulation slots, Delay, Phaser and Reverb settings.

    Everything to push the PolyM sound possibilities far away from its model, but keeping the pleasure characteristic.

    THE LIST, as short as possible : The PolyM offers

    • Two aliasing-free Top Octave Divider oscillators: One for the Sawtooth, the other for the Square.
    • 71 emulated chips offering Mixer, VCA, envelope, 12db filter and Pulse Width Modulation for each of the available notes.
    • Gorgeous 24db ladder filter, using the acclaimed XILS-lab zero-delay algorithm.
    • 9 dedicated acoustic filters (Strings, Piano, Organ, Harps,..) carefully reproduced from the original model.
    • 1 resonator filter bank using 3 parametric filters (6 and 12db) matching the original model.
    • Three Vintage effects (delay, Phaser, Reverb)
    • 9 modulation slots for endless sound possibilities.
    • 1 monophonic envelope
    • 3 monophonic, tempo sync-able, LFO
    • All parameters are MIDI controllable
    • More than 200 presets
    The PolyM is available with the following formats (32 and 64 bits):
    • Mac OSX 10.7 and later : VST, Audio Unit, AAX (32&64 bits, native)
    • Windows XP, Vista and 7,8,10 ; VST, RTAS (Protools 7.0 and later),AAX (32&64 bits, native)

    Audio Demos:


    https://www.xils-lab.com/audiosample/PolyM/PolyM_VicEmersonBig Synth.mp3




    You can find Demo version HERE

    Last edited: Jul 3, 2017
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  3. rosko

    rosko Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    ohh nice bout time somebody did the poly.
  4. ia

    ia Producer

    Apr 6, 2016
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    Thay's would be pretty interesting and unique
  5. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    Where's the hype train emoji? :dunno: Anyway, Woo-Hoo! Even when XILS do quirky stuff that seems nonsensical, it always ends up being fun to use, at least.
  6. rosko

    rosko Ultrasonic

    Aug 27, 2011
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    why would this be nonsensical? Polymoog is considered one of the greatest synth ever by many people.
  7. famouslut

    famouslut Audiosexual

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I didn't mean PolyM, I meant that @ first glance some of their other releases have seemed.. too... quirky? But even these ended up having some use / fun.
  8. nobodyspecial

    nobodyspecial Platinum Record

    Feb 4, 2017
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    now that is great new, finally someone that doesn't go back to mini Moog and takes on one of the other great Moog synths
  9. anthony walker

    anthony walker Noisemaker

    Jan 16, 2017
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    Graphics are dope!
  10. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    Knowing XILS quality, sound shall be dope too.

    Still not a polyphonic Minimoog everyone waited for back in the day when it came out. But I guess this news made Numan fans happy, so it's all good. Guys at Synth Magic sure didn't feel as enthusiastic about it, though.
  11. Exidus

    Exidus Rock Star

    Dec 21, 2014
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    Update: The plugin has been released on an intro offer of $99

    You can try the Demo HERE
  12. Nana Banana

    Nana Banana Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2017
  13. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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  14. mild pump milk

    mild pump milk Russian Milk Drunkard

    Mar 29, 2014
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    Quote from gearslutz posted by Dave Polich:

    I bought it on the day of its release.

    I owned a Polymoog 203a from 1980-1983.
    Yes, Poly-M sounds like the Polymoog as I
    remember it.

    Bear in mind, the original Polymoog did not
    sound thick and phat like the Prophet 5 or
    the Oberheim OB-X. It achieved its polyphony
    via "divide-down" oscillators, like a string
    machine such as the ARP String Ensemble.
    Most people would call the Polymoog's sound
    "thin", and it was, although it still had that
    famous Moog ladder filter so you could get it
    to do squelchy/blippy/bowng-y stuff.

    Also, Bob Moog did not oversee the Polymoog's
    development. It was sold under the Moog
    name but a different design team was in charge
    of the Polymoog project.

    That said, the Poly-M nails the old Polymoog
    sound very well, to my ears.
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  15. Hamudi2000

    Hamudi2000 Ultrasonic

    Jun 21, 2017
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    well despite all the hype, I never liked the sound of the Polymoog. It sounds to me like an organ with filters (it actually is).
    If someone would release a truly convincing Memorymoog I´d be buying it in a second.
  16. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    Gunnar's baby wasn't convincing? Slap that bitch with Nebula tapes and Valhalla reverb, the bitch will sing!
  17. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    I doubt we'll see any real Poly compared to VST videos on YouTube lol... XILS is cool, but I've never really utilized them. Kind of CPU hogs, but they do sound good. As for the poly.... Not to sound cheap, but I think the only thing it's really known for is that Vox Humana patch that every sampler has anyways
  18. Hamudi2000

    Hamudi2000 Ultrasonic

    Jun 21, 2017
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    what´s Gunnar´s baby?
    Ah you mean the Memorymoon? Nah not at all, I mean it sounds good but did you ever hear a real memorymoog with it´s filters been overdriven? Never heard that sound anywhere else, not even from another Moog.
  19. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    there's not much when it comes to Memorymoog. Memorymoon is the only emulation, while others are samples like Soundsdivine MM+ http://soundsdivine.com/product/mm/

    IK's Syntronik will feature Curtis CEM3320 filter, though Memorymoog itself won't be included in the bundle.
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