Why did you choose music?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Von_Steyr, May 5, 2017.

  1. Zikkk

    Zikkk Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Between A and B♭
    I was born with the sounds of music. All family was croaking together during the nights in the pond. It was a magnificent choir! It kept eels and snakes at bay and sounded better than Voxos or Shevannai. Then I discovered Ableton.
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  2. Tarkus

    Tarkus Producer

    Oct 3, 2015
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    N.Y.C. area
    When I was very young, when I would hear music, I would see it visually in my mind, sort of horizontal patterns.
    I somehow knew I would be a musician when I grew up. Incidentally, the patterns I saw looked remarkably like the
    current day DAW timelines, or piano rolls. Scary that I saw that 30 years before they existed.
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  3. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Why did you choose music Von_Steyr? You dont really tell us here! Could indeed be interesting!!
    Good and interesting thread by the way :wink:


    Long story short: My parents divorced when I was very young and I moved to the other end of the country with my father. No friends, I was bored and I felt a big miss of my mother and my siblings. One day I picked up my fathers guitar and went to my room and from then I´ve got myself a true friend. If the guitar chose me or the other way around Im not really sure.
    I quickly learned the most common chords and developed a reasonably good technique, started making my own tunes and songs and had a lot of fun playing music but no one to play together with so we were only the two of us - the guitar and me.
    After several moves we ended up in a small town with a school where the subject music had a high priority and I suddenly had a lot of friends playing music. I started playing violin and piano, played in different bands and tried several different music genres - at that time everything was music, rehearsals, gigs etc etc.
    Began studying music at the university and became a music teacher and has since been playing and teaching music as my profession.

    I perceive music as the most far-reaching art form. Music holds so many different levels, shades and possibilities both on the practical and the metaphysical level.
    I can sit and play with another person. We do not talk together, but we still have a conversation on a very high level. I can hear a sound and suddenly my state of mind has changed. When I sing, I'm either sad or happy - I never sing when everything just works well. I sometimes listen to music with a technical approach other times I listen with my heart - every thing in its own time. As I enter a new room I listen instinctively to the room's sound and reverberation - the sound occupies my life and the sound becomes my life. Sound and music are very private and yet a common experience ............ end of story!
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  4. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    'cause I like the sound of it.
  5. Thankful

    Thankful Rock Star

    Feb 14, 2014
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    I think we need to define what we mean by music. People are talking about being drawn to 'music' and it became their life. We need to be careful because many people who think they are 'in music' are actually not. After half a lifetime as a radio broadcaster and playing 'music' of all kinds, it's obvious to me that only very little Rock, Rap and other genres are really music; the truth is that many singers cannot sing, i.e. their voices do not fall into any officially recognised singing types (e.g. Bowie and Michael Jackson had great singing voices but Paul McCartney and many other just cannot sing). Often, Rock and Rap's violent nature makes their music anti-music - yes I am aware about some master composers' violent and rebellious compositions, but even their music was properly scored and orchestrated. So, drawn to making 'music'? Ask yourself, in the light of old people asking themsleves at the end of their lives what they acheived or not, is the music-making path you're on really and truly music-making or are you just creating anti-music that is of such a low standard that it isn't music at all. [just a thought :)]
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  6. Ziko

    Ziko Guest

    Because pussy is life.. ehem, i mean music is life :dunno:
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  7. Vaijj

    Vaijj Platinum Record

    Feb 24, 2012
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    I never had an option.. Drafted by Chicago Blackhawks back in 84 a friend of mine asked me to join his band. He heard i had a guitar at home (never played it at the time) and i had long hair and looked hot for the ladies so he thought i would be a perfect guy in the band. What he didnt know was that i never played the guitar that was a gift from my father at 7th birthday. Now18 and never touched any instrumetns what so ever i said, sure.. i can do that. He gave a Bass and i felt sick. So heavy compared to the guitar. But somehow 4 days later i was up on the stage and man, DID I LOVE IT OR NOT. Next practice i told the coach at the rink that i had it with his point with the whole hand style and that i quit. Today, well it may have been a BIG mistake but i went with my dream or maybe it was the easy chicks that made me do it. Still, i still sitting here doing my thing, playing, producing but im so far never even close in making any money out of it. Never good enough thing.. But just passing 50 im can still do what i love and to me that is something i can never replace..
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  8. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    If you call them Anti-music, so what is this? He's spent more than 2 years generating these kinds of sounds (distorted talking bass). How can people like them? Is it the final stand in sound designing because today by sound designing people usually mean talking bass and it really turns me to a homicidal maniac.:snuffy: I hate Massive and Serum and also their users with that purpose in mind. Fuck ...
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2017
  9. ukslinger

    ukslinger Ultrasonic

    Jul 15, 2011
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    I chose music at 16 because of all the sex and drugs. I'm now 63 years old. When do the sex and drugs start?
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  10. crecy

    crecy Rock Star

    Nov 22, 2015
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    64° 19' 12.9864'' N 96° 1' 31.1304'' W
    Simply put, music chose me. Music as a science, a history, a study of genres, trends, human expression. "music" has not yielded all its secrets yet. Sounds and frequencies have more potential than just for "entertainment". If art chose you, maybe you are more visual?
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  11. ovalf

    ovalf Platinum Record

    Feb 27, 2012
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    Unknow hiighly arranged rock songs starting poping in my mind with deep emotion and adrenalin, giving a great need for expression.
    Also at age of four when my mother goes at malls I use to begin dancing without control and the stores stops to saw me.. Obviouly my dad try hard to kill music for 40 years with things like breaking my arm 3 times.
    Nothing good came without pain (Rollo May)
  12. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    My earliest memories, (around 3 or 4) sitting in my fathers lap as he drove his pickup truck and played drums with his fingers on the top of the dash , riding along listening to classic rock on the radio. songs like stairway to heaven and Aerosmith walk this way sweet emotion, Micheal Jackson music ,even at that time gave me this powerful feeling of emotion inside, a feeling that I was alive , and that these great songs touched something in me brought a feeling of love. From those earliest of memories on, music as always there in my life it gave me the deepest of feelings , I understood that music was an expression of being alive of being human , it is all I ever wanted or needed to do. by the time I was 10 or so I had begun to learn to play the drums a couple years later started to learn guitar bass , keyboard, it was natural it was life.
  13. foster911

    foster911 Guest

    Better to change the question to: Does the world need my crap music? Shit-makers have already screwed up the universe with their gibberish. Needs to be ravaged more?
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  14. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    I sometimes regret this evil curse of music... I was born into it as 3rd generation recording artists and world traveling musicians. I now compose mainly from home as a profession but it's ALWAYS a struggle... both emotionally and financially.

    I've always said that the pharmaceutical companies have taking advantage of the artistic people and labelled them as Attention Deficit Disorder victims. They then proceeded to put 2 generations (so far) on prescribed medication and now make billions of dollars and have stifled the creative communities world wide.

    I tell all the people I know that say they "suffer" from ADD, you don't suffer from anything except a creative imagination. You can't focus on one thing at a time because your mind is working faster and on different levels than the "average" person... you are a creative beast that has been shackled by drugs. Then I tell them... "it's okay though, because sometimes, I wish I wasn't cursed by the mistress witch known to me as "music". Every time I quit her, she comes knocking at my door and I let her back in... SHE is my drug.

    I'll leave you all with this thought, written by David Ackert from the Los Angeles Times:


    “Musicians are some of the most driven, courageous people on the face of the earth.

    They deal with more day-to-day rejection in one year than most people do in a lifetime.

    Every day, they face the financial challenge of living a freelance lifestyle, the disrespect of people who think they should get real jobs, and their own fear that they’ll never work again.

    Every day, they have to ignore the possibility that the vision they have dedicated their lives to is a pipe dream.

    With every note, they stretch themselves, emotionally and physically, risking criticism and judgement.

    With every passing year, many of them watch as the other people their age achieve the predictable milestones of normal life – the car, the family, the house, the nest egg.


    Because musicians are willing to give their entire lives to a moment – to that melody, that lyric, that chord, or that interpretation that will stir the audience’s soul.

    Musicians are beings who have tasted life’s nectar in that crystal moment when they poured out their creative spirit and touched another’s heart.

    In that instant, they were as close to magic, God, and perfection as anyone could ever be.

    And in their own hearts, they know that to dedicate oneself to that moment is worth a thousand lifetimes.”

    – by David Ackert, L.A. Times

    Last edited: May 6, 2017
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  15. LuckySevens

    LuckySevens Platinum Record

    Sep 23, 2012
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    3rd planet from the fireball...
    Sorry... I was being too serious!! (LOL!!)
  16. Downlo

    Downlo Producer

    Apr 6, 2017
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    I wanted to be an actor. When i was a kid i fell in love with theater. I loved the attention i got on stage doing school plays. I wanted to be the next Robin Williams. I wanted to make people smile.
    Then one day our music teacher challenged us to perform our favorite song in the class room.

    A month before that i bought Slick Rick's "La di da di" (b-side from Doug E-Fresh 12inch called " The Show" )
    Since I had already memorised the lyrics i chose that song.
    Boom instant succes....... i was the cool kid.

    A week later i was recording songs with some home producers from the early days. (Amiga anyone??) One year after that i had my first live gig, performing as a rap artist.
    So i learned i could become famous or at least entertain people without any education. Just using my ears and my feelings\ emotions.
    And with a new technology called a "home computer".

    From that day on i became a student of music. From progressive rock to samba, classic, early electronic, jazz, folk, funk, soul.
    I love all kinds of music. I can cry to music, fight to it, be happy, feel lonely or connected to everyone.
    And performing live still gives me the feeling i'm kind of an actor.
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  17. electriclash

    electriclash Guest

  18. taskforce

    taskforce Audiosexual

    Jan 27, 2016
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    Studio 54
    I mistakenly took the red pill and for the last 41 years (age 51 now) i 've been trying to get back to the Matrix but it seems no matter how many records i produce i am not being accepted anymore, condemned (or blessed?) to be "aware" for the rest of my natural life.
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  19. phloopy

    phloopy Audiosexual

    Jul 16, 2011
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    Music is indeed serious business, so you can never be too serious when you deal with it :wink:
  20. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    I don't think you could have said something worse than this even if you made an effort