Watch me working in Reason 5

Discussion in 'DAW' started by tulamide, Apr 27, 2017.

  1. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I didn't know which subforum would be the correct one. This is a video from a challenge. A few guys doubted that Reason could be taken serious for anything. I said that I especially like how fast you can sketch out ideas. Words came to words and finally there was this challenge:

    Someone would provide me with a few notes. I would not listen to them before the recording session starts, and within 2 hours I would create something from those notes. All synth patches are to be created from scratch, no pre-made patches allowed. No arrangement needed, but a full 8 bar loop that doesn't sound totally horrible.

    I came up with a video that -from my perspective- proves that Reason is indeed great for those fast sketches.

    Needless to say that in order to record audio I had to let go ASIO and record with a DX driver. That's why it sounds like I'm drunk, when trying to play along on my midi controller:rofl:

    You won't be able to watch it for the whole 2 hours and nobody expects it. But tuning in here and there to see the progression, or looking at how I set up the instruments, or programmed the patches, might be interesting for one or another.

    Just do me a favour: Don't express your superiority over my abilities. This is not about me being a great musician or something. It is only about Reason.

    (Video isn't listed)
  3. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I did some work in Reason, a long time ago and it was a pita. Sure, you can do it, you could also climb mount Everest with a tricycle on your back, but why risk a certain death? :)
    I think @foster911 will be your new fan though.
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  4. dashfiss

    dashfiss Kapellmeister

    Jan 30, 2014
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    I read the manual cover to cover, and working in Reason is as fast, if not faster, than anything out there. Hands down the best sequencer AND the best reverb (RV7000) on the market. That reverb can compete with any hardware that exists.

    Everything is perfectly integrated and compatible, the posibilities are endless. You can be very creative in the ways you utilize this software, not just plain making music. Reason is an amazing invention with some incredibly clever stuff like the combinator, and the Malström synth, and Thor is also really, really fun.

    I agree completely, Reason is far from a toy, but I can see how those who didn't take the time to learn it would think so. It does have a learning curve, but the more you learn, the more you'll love the ingenuity of it. These guys are the smartest in the music software biz, no doubt.

    But alas, Reason doesn't support VST, and a lot of ppl would miss their fav limiter, compressor or synth, which is understandable of course.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2017
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  5. Beth

    Beth Guest

    I've never used Reason and i couldn't understand the language on your menus but i was able to follow your ideas by skipping through the video a minute or two at at time. Sounds to me like you rose to challenge superbly and showed what Reason was capable kudos from me !
    Also thought it is a great idea to post the video of you working on here. That is really interesting concept and a great way for people on the forum to share knowledge and pick up skills and yes well done ! It would be great to have more of this type of thing from people with skills in different areas, styles, DAWS etc.
    Thank you !!!
    :goodpost::hifive: :shalom:
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  6. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Even compared to Altiverb and other high end plugin reverbs?
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  7. dondada

    dondada Audiosexual

    Jan 2, 2015
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    how manny hardware convolution reverbs do you know?
  8. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    I work with software only.
  9. Magnus

    Magnus Newbie

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Get a Mac (or Hackintosh) and then use Reason on there, instead of Windows. On Mac there's software called ScreenFlow that will let you record your video of yourself playing, sequencing and mixing in Reason at low latency! Good luck!
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  10. savadious

    savadious Ultrasonic

    Nov 26, 2012
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    sorry - thout it said WATCH ME TWERKING in reason... ok my comments of praise were removed.

    Reason brings back some good memories of its grandfather APP on the Amiga. Tnx for sharing. Danke
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  11. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I agree. It would be very interesting! Unfortunately most people won't take the time to record a session, or can't afford the time for it. I would love seeing others at work - in whatever DAW, with whatever tools and for whatever reason. It's a very direct way of communicating, you put yourself in public - which is intimidating. But if people react like in this thread, then it's worth it!
  12. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    One general word to the points @dashfiss and @Von_Steyr were making:
    Neither do I think that Reason is the ultimate DAW, nor do I believe Cubase is a gift of God. They are far too different to be compared. I hope this thread doesn't turn into another DAW-war-thread. That's not what it is about. I just pointed out that for me Reason is superior when it comes to fast sketches. But I would never use it for a full mixing/mastering session, for example.

    Why not making your own videos, showing what you like about your DAW?
  13. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Sometimes some of my statements are over the top. IMO i just think it takes more steps to achieve the same results as in a proper daw.
    I also think that someone who knows it well will still work faster in Reason than someone who is slow in Cubase or any other daw.
  14. Beth

    Beth Guest

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  15. reliefsan

    reliefsan Audiosexual

    Jul 31, 2014
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    Back in the day i used Rebirth quite alot and then creating wav files from it and import them into Fasttracker. I feelt like i was the SHIT back then. - Then Prop. introduced Reason 1.0 - needless to say i was sold right way and jumped on that daw and it was my main tool for many years. - The people i was working with at the time always teased me with it beeing a "toy" compared to thier logic&cubase ships they where sailing around in :) - my arugument was always the same tho, that could do whatever i wanted in reason with less mouseclicks and less fuzz than anotherr daw so i stuck with it.
    i stuck with reason up untill 2009 as my main daw. Then i surrendered and get myself a copy of cubase 5. Life surely changed from that moment on :wink:

    Prop. is like 10 years late to the party now imho.
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  16. Von_Steyr

    Von_Steyr Guest

    Sounds like a substance of a grade A Hollywood movie.

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2017
  17. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I hate it when I have good intentions, and then Props come along and make an announcement that lets the thread derail from its original purpose. It's not your fault guys, but I hate it nevertheless.
  18. realitybytez

    realitybytez Audiosexual

    May 29, 2013
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    i have to give you props if for no other reason than the fact that you listened to that same 30-second sequence of notes for two straight hours.
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  19. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    You made my day!
  20. strangeranium

    strangeranium Ultrasonic

    Jun 24, 2014
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    I find it amusing that today, a million years after DAW's were invented, people can claim that any of them are not capable of making a decent track. Like sheszuz. who really questions whether chocolate milk is not chocolate milk, whether a frog is not a frog.
    Back in my days we used to argue about whether hitting two sticks from the same tree was as valid as hitting two sticks from separate trees. Still, I must admit, in our day we tried real hard not to sound like the next stick tapping guy, so you know, i would always look for the most obscure trees to take my sticks from. And then when we invented trackers, we thought we were the shiz.
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
  21. tek909

    tek909 Member

    Oct 27, 2011
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    I love making my drums in Reason. Redrum & Kong are quite good fun to use also. The Dr. Rex Loop Player is also a lot fun to use with loads of room for experimentation. The whole system is one big modular environment. Reason, gave me a reason to live. ;)