AudioSEX for Dummies

Discussion in 'Forum News and Updates' started by svmiller, Mar 27, 2012.

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  1. svmiller

    svmiller Newbie

    Oct 22, 2011
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    So you are new to this forum and want to get the most of it, dont ya?
    You wanna others to teach you how to do X thing so you can finally finish your top-chart track?
    You want to get in touch with people who do really nice work with music, sound, and so?

    Well, let me tell you that you have come to the right place! :wink:

    You only have to follow three REALLY simple rules...

    ● Don't ask for cracks, keygens, links to download warez (ie. plugins, samples, programs, etc).


    ● Don't use offensive language, or post any kind of content that may offend/harm others.

    Yes, I know you already agreed to theese rules. But, you know... just to be clear ;)

    Thanks for reading and enjoy the forum.
    Have a nice day.
  3. thekrell

    thekrell Newbie

    Feb 14, 2012
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  4. svmiller

    svmiller Newbie

    Oct 22, 2011
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    Yes, indeed they're the forum rules. But I'm so tired to see new users who register to this forum and asking for warez and stuff.
  5. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    I suggest that two new rules should be added to the forum rules:

    - that people post their thread in the right subforum (and not just anywhere they click first)

    - that they give their thread a meaningful thread title, which gives an idea what the thread is all about (tired of threads like "please help"... "how to" ... "look at that"... an so on)
  6. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    Gulliver, done. thanks for suggestion.
  7. Gulliver

    Gulliver Member

    Jun 6, 2011
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    Wow, nice :wink: :mates:

    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
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    And what about asking for help for installing or doing anything with warez but no ask for files ? I would like to know ! Because it's totally crazy and sounds like a joke if talking about warez is forbidden but you can access the forum via Audioz ! (And see the new threads on that page)

    I would like to know your point !

    Because some people here begin to act like "OMG warez are so dirty... How people can do such things !" but there's more "politically correct" forums out there ! This is why AudioSex was more interesting and free !

    I don't know if people are crazy, or if I am crazy but there's something fucked up somewhere...

    Thank you !
  9. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    you can talk about warez as much as you want. merely, you cannot post links on AudioSEX that violate somebody's copyrights. that's all.

    AudioZ, MultimediaZ and AudioSEX are completely separate, different projects.

    MARJU GRLYO Noisemaker

    May 17, 2012
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    Ok, but some people have been almost insulted because they TALKED about warez !

    I guess it's because it wasn't in the good section (Which is "lounge" I believe, but it's not clear at all ! Or maybe it's legally dangerous to call a section "Warez chat", I don't know)

    I don't really care myself but I find it very unfair when some people (Sometimes stupid ones, I agree) come here, because of course, they find the place via Audioz and they're screwed with their warez they don't know how to use ! (And almost all of us were is this case one day or another, when we were beginner or later)

    My point is if those projects are this different, you shouldn't put the Audiosex link on Audioz page ! Or don't blame (You don't, though, but other members or moderators do) people coming here to ask questions (In the wrong section) or for warez (In this case I don't know if there's a notification when you register or something ? You're a smart guy, you probably did so or something else)

    I saw some guys get moderated without any explanations ! Which is totally crazy ! (I think of that thread about eLicenser stuff, can't find it anymore) Or is there any legal issue ?

    I totally understand what you say, about copyright stuff etc... That's normal ! But from my point of view there's very unclear stuff/rules, and I'm not surprised that so many people ask for warez everywhere here ! (At least, it seems to be a problem for a lot of people)

    This said I'm only a modest user with my little point of view, and you and the team do/did great things that got sense on Audioz, but here on AudioSex I'm kinda lost since some weeks or months... :sad:

    Thanks for everything and I hope to read what you think about that if you have some free time someday ! ;)
  11. rimshooter123

    rimshooter123 Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2011
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    I agree. it is quite unclear... and an Audiosex noob isn't that 'confronted' with the forum rules.

    and if there are noobs who spend one or two days reading some of the threads before starting their own topic, what will they read? - plugins that "hopefully will be cracked soon", detailed knowledge about scene teams, discussions about legally purchased patches in cracked host software etc. ...
    so they wouldn't think about right or wrong.. and it's really hard to draw a line between.. :dunno:

    place the rules next to the Audiosex logo. :rofl:
  12. redback

    redback Newbie

    Aug 12, 2011
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    For the love of audio, who cares? So some posts got deleted.. so someone has been "almost insulted" while looking for warez.. so what?

    Just read the rules like you have to do on any forum and if another forum member makes you cry just ignore them. If they tell you to do something that's not in the forum rules then tell them to piss off. Stand up for yourself. :wink:

    I'm gonna give you some weapons you can use against the next person that "almost insults" you, use them wisely: [​IMG]

    If a noob can't be bothered to seek out the forum rules on their own then the it's likely they will either be "almost insulted" by another member or will have a post or thread removed by Saint. If they continue to not read the rules after that then they deserve what they get.. simple. You can't coddle people too much, Saint isn't running a nursery for children!
  13. rimshooter123

    rimshooter123 Noisemaker

    Dec 29, 2011
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    well, the internet is full of wise guys, haters... 'victims', noobs.
    it's amazing!

    always fun.. both perspectives..
  14. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Well, I thought I understood the rules, but topics where as far as I can see, arn't breaking any rules are being locked. The latest being

    Yes its a noob posting but he clearly states he is after a suggestions for software, not links or for anyone to upload anything. He states he searched warez sites for some (by name not address) but I don't see anything wrong in that. Infact the same mod closed another thread for a guy asking for help on installing a program and actually linked the guy to audioz!! (Again the guy wasn't asking for warez)

    An explanation from the mod himself would be nice but I've asked without success before. I think he is jumping the gun on many occasions now and is going a little overboard with his powers. Even before he was upgraded he would dive in with his no warez and members would tell him to chill, no rules are being broken.

    Please don't get me wrong, this is NOT a witch hunt, we do need some one who can do this job and it's great people give up their time for this site, but I just don't think their being very fair about it at times.

    He also writes all in caps, guess he aint read Audiosex for dummies. :dunno:
  15. redback

    redback Newbie

    Aug 12, 2011
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    The locked topic you linked to is a strange one. Maybe it was a pre-emptive strike??

    I didn't even realise there were mods here.. I thought we had a "Lord of the Flies" kinda deal going on!

    I'm kind of bummed out about that.. [​IMG]

  16. smartlad

    smartlad Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    But thats no way to moderate, you can't just assume that it will lead to rules being broken. Even if it did go that way, we have a good community here and someone will always pipe up and say something and/or report the offending post.

    I make edm, what if I wanted to try and make hillbilly music in my daw? Would my thread be locked because I've looked all over audioz but can't find a fiddle vsti, and I'm asking for some suggestions?

    Sarcasm aside, I just think it's abit over the top and unnecessary at times. I can understand how people are so unsure of the rules when they see things like this happen, even though when they read them, they appear so plain and simple.
  17. redback

    redback Newbie

    Aug 12, 2011
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    I completely agree with you.

    As far as people not being unsure of the rules I still think they should be reading them and then using that to inform their behaviour, not just reacting to the behaviour of others. But you're right, it's more complicated when a mod's actions seems to conflict with the rules and creates confusion and doubt around those rules..
  18. Catalyst

    Catalyst Audiosexual

    May 28, 2012
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    The first stop on any forums you visit should be the rules. The rules explicitly state that warez requests and links aren't allowed. Then when people choose to completely ignore this section of the forums and they get a warning suddenly they're all upset. That's nobody's fault but their own. *no*

    Any topics that were locked by previous mods were possibly done by accident as this is a worldwide forum and sometimes language can be tricky. Luckily now you have me and I have yet to make a mistake when it comes to these kinds of situations so rest assured if a topic was locked then that was the right thing to do and if you're getting a warning you deserved a warning. And I personally try to prevent that from happening by constantly reminding people that talking about warez is fine but you can't make requests or post links. That is certainly more than you will get at another forum where a mod will warn first and ask questions later since it is assumed that you have read the rules. They are very simple and crystal clear. How do I know that? Because I wasn't always a mod and I was able to avoid these kinds of sticky situations.
  19. Menorah

    Menorah Producer

    Sep 21, 2013
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    why I have the "warm status" in my profile Audiosex?. I have no notice or warning of why I have this "warm status".
    I do not think I've inflicted some forum rule.
    I expect a prompt response from already thank you very much! :mates: :mates:
  20. xsze

    xsze Guest

    Everyone have "warn status", majority have no warnings just like you, it's there just like your posts, avatar and etc :mates:
  21. Evorax

    Evorax Rock Star

    Feb 28, 2013
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    Bowerstone Castle
    Frankly, i didn't saw anyone gettin' insulted about asking for warez stuff or etc. but only warned. :dunno:
    I also don't really get what exactly is unclear for you on this forum or how much more intuitivity you expect from it, because i haven't seen that much users complaining about it :sad:

    It's not really a Audiosex crime to talk about warez, but doing things which would bring copyright infringement, then that's a problem, because the admins will get into troubles and not you. Even other musician related forums talk about warez (pointing it maybe as a problem) but anyway, the problem consist in more severe actions (i.e. sharing/posting downloading links for cracked software.)
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