Moving Omnisphere 2......?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Matt Pook, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. Matt Pook

    Matt Pook Newbie

    Jul 27, 2015
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    Hi chaps,

    You guys seem to be the most knowledgeable regarding these things so seems a good place to ask.

    My mac died (boohoo). I got my HD out and popped it in a caddy so I haven't lost anything.
    I have access to a mac and need to get set up on it. Is there a way to move Omnisphere 2 from one machine to another??
    I've tried google but getting nowhere so thought I should pop the Q in here
  3. CustomUser22

    CustomUser22 Ultrasonic

    Mar 19, 2017
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    Is mirroring the HD and making it bootable again an option? Not a mac user but for windows that is where I would start. When it comes to moving files, for windows at least, what screws things up is registry's calling wrong places, or folders not having proper permissions, 9/10's of the time. If you are able to recreate your file structure as it was, a copy paste and reauth of the program may work just fine. Do what I do and make a backup copy of your backup, then just start fucking around with everything until you get it to init proper.
  4. Matt Pook

    Matt Pook Newbie

    Jul 27, 2015
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    Should have mentioned that the mac I will now use belongs to the Mrs. So, I can't restore my back up onto her machine....its more than my life is worth.
    Also, despite efforts, the old mac won't boot from anywhere. Thats why I have taken the HD out to access the folders.
    I can always just download omnisphere and move the steam folder off the old drive....I can only find updates the so that makes things tricky... If I had the money, I would buy the synth....but its beyond my reach right now so trying to find another way round
  5. CustomUser22

    CustomUser22 Ultrasonic

    Mar 19, 2017
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    Check your inbox.
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