Vengeance Avenger new update...

Discussion in 'Software' started by Talmi, Apr 13, 2017.

  1. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    1.1.0 has just been released and this one adds a few nice stuffs (skin changing available, and possibility to import custom samples in the OSC through drag and drop, loop editor page added for imported samples, amongs other things...)

    Here are the details :
    - custom samples can now be loaded into the OSC via drag and drop from the browser
    - added loop editor page for these new imported samples
    - added skin selector on the SYS page
    - new skin: COBALT BLUE by Satya
    - added masterfilter post gain (for post drive gain adjustments)
    - added new live play option for the ARP on the SYS page: "Poly Arp quantize". Defines the grid where new notes are positioned when you play live
    - added a new shaper mode "EQ-only". The distortion is bypassed and you now only have a (polyphonic) 2 band EQ for each note
    - osc phase & microfade modulation can now be assigned via drag n drop
    - improved GUI Loading time
    - improved OSC-Wave selector open time.
    - improved visualization: fast-modulation ring movements now displaying 100% movements correctly
    - converting a shape & converting a multisample does create a tune file automaticaly. You can open it with a txt editor for transpose and gain settings.
    - removed syspage option for "sustain pedal mode". Mode will now automatically be in "SUSTAIN" mode, when the sustain pedal is NOT used for anything in the mod matrix. If the sustain pedal is used as a switch for something else (for example switching minor/major), it will not sustain notes endlessy as long as this modulation is active.
    - removed syspage option for "accelerated sampleload". This mode is now permanently "on", since it had no negative consequences.
    - while transposing / moving ARP pattern notes will no longer reset the transpose value when clipping on the max or min heigth
    - now ARP pattern notes will reset (by clicking middle mousebutton) to the nearest octave. For example a 14 transpose will reset to 12, instead of 0
    - fixed click-noise issue in resampler when numWaves > available samples
    - fixed an issues with loading VINTAGE CHORUS presets. Now all Chorus factory presets will sound as intended.
    - creating a new TG Module does not reset the SHUFFLE value any more
    - display for Modulation ring for cutoff knob hung with the last midi note. This is no longer the case now
    - fixed: orange triangle hung in the cutoff, even if there was no assigned modulation
    - the editor rembembers selected TABS correct now.
    - drumkits did not save correct after function "DrumKit copy sample to slot". This has been fixed
    - when you save a Drumkit, now the correct last location when saving a drum kit is remembered
    - there was a sorting issue in the mod matrix when removing entries that was created ealier than other items in the same source-group.
    - wavetable envelope sequencer pattern mode "PING-PONG" works again as intended
    - Route View displayed "ERROR" after removing a second filter module that was used in the routing. This has now been fixed
    - Wavetable Env-Sequencer Mode "SILENCE" is now really "silent" again

    And this is the new skin : [​IMG]

    There is a 20% discount for all vengeance products for easter (enter "EASTER" during checkout), Avenger doesn't need elicenser.
    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
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  3. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    new skin looks just like his new dune and melda skins
  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yeah Satya really has a recognizable style...He also made a now included skin for synthmaster 2 and for ArcSyn too, and they all have a similar feel...
  5. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    I like his Melda skins but the older darker one is better for my setup and eyes
  6. SineWave

    SineWave Audiosexual

    Sep 4, 2011
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    Where the sun doesn't shine.
    It seems like you are evaluating graphic designers, not the sound. Is that what's the only important thing these days? Do you know that pixels don't make anything sound better? Pixels have nothing to do with the sound. :sad:

    One would expect to hear something about the sound of this synth. What does this one even sound like? Is it any good? Or is it the pixels that make it sound good? :)

    I've heard that the more pastel and warm colours make VSTs sound more analogue. Is that true? :rofl:
  7. subGENRE

    subGENRE Audiosexual

    Sep 8, 2011
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    it sounds better than 1.0 lol. I never got around to trying the demo, the limitations put me off. dropouts or whitenoise. I just listened to the YouTube clips and what people around here have been saying that own it. I think I could get some use out of it but it doesn't wow me enough to take the plunge and buy it.
    I'm curious to see what Ana2 to brings to the table too. I didn't use the first one that much but the teaser audio of Ana2 sounded incredible to me for EDM

    Choice comments from Sonic Academy on social media...

    Aliasing is completely gone... the whole audio engine has been rewritten from scratch. It's also currently using about 30% less cpu. The OSCs sound amazing.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
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  8. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Just a post about the update. One of the thing added is the skin.
    I've talked about this synth in other posts before, it's great, it can make about any sound, it's bloated with features. Lately with Zebra2 HZ and Falcon I almost only use those, with sometimes Bazille and even less often Diva.
    I had rent to own Serum, and I stopped it a couple of weeks after I bought avenger, to me it can do serum but also much more. But in general synth is a taste thing, also depends of what music you do, do you do sound design ? Avenger is a wet dream if you enjoy digging in andwant to do your own patches. The included presets are numerous but I don't like the quality and it's very EDM oriented. Vengeance likes to sell presets and rely on the ignorance of of part of their users, but this one is mighty powerfull.
    Zebra 2 and Falcon are comparable to avenger, they have things they don't do as nicely (the wt mostly) but each has shinning features which are uniques. FXs, infinite thighly tweakable macros,, sample handling with the ircam modules and architecture possibility for Falcon, spectral fxs, semi-mod design, the XY pads and the combs for Zebra 2...The three shine for modulation, you can do about anything it's more a matter of taste for how they implement things. The arp and sequencers imo are better on avenger (as well as the multi env), for their tweaks mostly, they are very usable on Falcon (the arp/seq sucks on Z2, but the mseg are fun). Still the mods env (up to 8) and the pitch env (also up to 8) on Avenger are very easy to use, and it makes them fun and inspiring. Zebra 2 mseg are fun but annoying to use, Falcon's multi env are between those two, a bit clumsy I guess.
    Avenger is both powerfull and extremely easy to handle, almost fun. Falcon and ZB2 are also powerfull but probably behind in term of workflow.
    Last edited: Apr 14, 2017
  9. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    yes manuel is a genius indeed (and his team ofc)
  10. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    I d/l the demo, but To fit my screen I have to switch down to about 65%. That makes the font too small to read. It might be the greatest synth ever, but it's useless to me!
  11. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    I think this synth is overlooked as a real powerhouse. I have the demo and it is awesome. But so is their price structure. They list it in Euros, Pounds and US Dollars. I worked out the exchange rate in Australia and it costs $100 more than the US dollar. All I need is a serial. Why can't I have the option to transfer it in Pounds where the price was fair? Is there a $100 electronic postage fee for the serial to Australia in $AUD?
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  12. Sylenth.Will.Fall

    Sylenth.Will.Fall Audiosexual

    Aug 21, 2015
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    What screen resolution are you using on?
  13. DanielFaraday

    DanielFaraday Platinum Record

    May 20, 2015
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    Now it needs audiostretch algorithms for proper resampling.
  14. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    Unfortunately, when GUI is reduced (87% for me, necessary to fit in 1080p), using new Cobalt Blue skin (nice!), black texts on "silver" areas are a bit blurry.
  15. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Two new updates :

    1.1.2 hotifx

    - fixed the crash that was introduced with verion 1.1.1
    - fixed the content import problem at the end of a sucessfull import process

    - added support for WAV samples in 32bit PCM format.
    - shortcut: now its possible to delete an envelope point with left click ALT
    - selecting a mod source on the small triangle symbol will reveal the mod-source in the GUI (zooming red crosshair rectangle)
    - OSC Wavetable envelope can now be used as modulation source for other targets than the osc it belongs to
    - fixed: adding a source via the " "-button in the modmatrix is working again
    - fixed: masterfilter will now load its settings in a project correctly
    - pitch envelope did affect OSCs, even if it was not activated in the routing. This if fixed now
    - after converting a multisample, the sample was not available in the stacker menu (" " button) directly. This is fixed
    - fixed: changing the length of a looping modenvelope during playback lead to a "jumping" playbackposition
    - fixed some memory leaks
    - fixed a rare crash when a pitch envelope / mod envelope used a mode that used "release"
  16. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Yo @Talmi and anyone else using Avenger. Question... do you:

    - Ever get a glitch when using the noise oscillator, where it will randomly playback as the "static noise" oscillator?
    - Notice that the noise oscillator seems to "keytrack," or shift up and down in timbre as you play up and down the keyboard with it, even if the pitch module is disabled?
    - Have trouble adding mod sources from the mod matrix since the recent updates? I'm certain I used to be able to do this. Now I have to work around it by adding a drag and drop modulation then changing the source

    I've been meaning to write to Rene about these forever. Finally did it today
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Yo @Cav Emp ! Yeah the pitch thing (not sure I noticed pitch fluctuations with noise, but the pitch was indeed being changed even if the pitch env wasn't engaged) and the add souce thing were both fixed with the latest updates. I don't really understand the first one, what do you mean by the static noise osc ?
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
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  18. tooloud

    tooloud Guest

    I think 75%. I have 3, 27" iMac screens. I drag it over to my right screen, although it looks brilliant on the main 5K screen. And I ended up buying it. Has some of the warmest rich analogue pads I've ever found.
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  19. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    Check it out, there's an oscillator in Vengeance called static noise. It's a basically a single waveform "wavetable" of a noise oscillator. Or a "static" sample of noise. It's got a kind of disharmonic, metallic timbre but basically plays like an oscillator.

    Sometimes the noise osc plays back as if it were the Static Noise osc. If I play a note on the noise osc 20 times in a row, at least one or two of them the waveform will freeze like it's the static noise osc, and it will play back as such.

    Btw did you see they're going to add a new mode of synthesis?
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  20. MozartEstLa

    MozartEstLa Platinum Record

    Jul 13, 2014
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    @Cav Emp & Talmi: I'll try this ASAP (v1.1.2, Windows). Thanks for your reports, however.
  21. Cav Emp

    Cav Emp Audiosexual

    Dec 7, 2014
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    According to the changelogs they just fixed the issue where the noise osc (and evidently other oscillators) were affected by the pitch module without it being enabled. Would be awesome to know if others are having this issue with the [non]static noise osc though.