Discussion in 'humor' started by Moogerfooger, Apr 8, 2017.

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  1. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Not everyone is at your level of experience/knowledge/age. Newcomers to this world have to rediscover or refute "facts" for themselves. And this is to some extent unrelated to age because generally the school isn't exactly the place where they encourage you to question what they teach you.
    One of the best definitions of the word "education" that I came across is "a transfer of the best from one generation to the next".
    So there lies your opportunity to give your best to change whatever you want with people here (or anywhere) or admit that your generation failed in proper transfer of its best.

    BTW since the current trend is to push the theory that we might live in a simulation, if at certain point that becomes accepted "fact", beware, you might find yourself ridiculed here by your clones, how your view of the world is fixed while the fact is that reality can be changed and streamed dynamically on demand, that is: flat fore some, round for you and an PPV illusion for the rest.

    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Interesting. These "newcomers, as you refer to them, have many more distinct advantages than my "generation" ever did. The challenge for them (just like my contemporaries and me) is to try and separate bullshit from fact. However, this requires some good-old-fashioned skepticism, mixed with an eagerness, willingness, and ENERGY to examine the world around them through their own eyes. This comes from wanting to learn. No one can make you learn. If you walk around every minute of every day with a pair of headphones on, while ear-shattering decibels are being pumped into your head? Youtube? Buzzfeed? Facebook? Twitter, etc? I think not. It's damn hard to blame any generation for another generation's failure to want to absorb factual information. Then again, knowledge is acquired, not just from listening to someone else's 'opinion' on world views. Get off your ass and act like you really want it, for chrissake! I learned that a long time ago and take full responsibility for my own thoughts and actions.

    BTW, this "flat-earth" business is a done deal (for most). Not even worthy of debate.
  3. supersharpshooter

    supersharpshooter Member

    Mar 30, 2014
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    It makes no difference what shape the planet is. None of us are ever going to go into space to verify what shape it is, so until then people will just believe what they want based on what they're told by others. Most of what you know is just repeating what others told you, most things people tell you hasn't been double-checked, people just believe it or not, 99.9% of people wont conduct their own experiments etc. So nobody is correct until you can 100% prove what shape it really is.
  4. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    Science isn't evolutionist, it's paradigmatic, and paradigmes change not only because our knowledge get richer by the day (and not poorer as we discover more, that's idiotic), but because there are shift in our point of view. We never start over from zero, knowledge only get richer, and the more we know, the more we potentially can know, knwoledge doesn't lead to darkness, it leads to enlightement but it does rise more and more questions, which is a very different deal from knowing less and less as we discover more (which is a ridiculous statement obviously). Things get clearer but also more complex, with always more details to explore, like a painting revealing itself in details a little more as we get closer.
    And obviously there is no starting over from one genreration to the next, the more we move forward (until recently, because it's linked to the developpement of educational system, which for some countries have been going to shit), and the richer our global knowledge is.
    Which doesn't mean everyone get access to that knowledge, it's not a well shared good, but it has nothing to do with age, it depends in which environement (education) you live, what access you can get to that ressource,....
    Galileo and Copernic didn't go to space to prove earth isn't flat. Observation and calculation are enought, fortunately we don't all need to redo every experimentation to gain knowledge. If every time a child is born he has to rediscover the laws of physics we would never do or discover anything. Being sceptic doesn't mean being negationist.
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  5. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    You don't need to go into space to verify what shape the Earth is. Eratosthenes worked this out in the third century BC.
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    I hope you're joking.
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  7. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    As the quantum of human knowledge increases exponentially your understanding is bound to lag behind it.
    So in effect, despite continuously acquiring more knowledge you are being increasingly outdated by every second, and if we'd compare personal vs. the speed of overall knowledge expansion we'd had to conclude that you are a frozen fossil, frozen frame in the movie, a living dead barely showing insignificant (to overall knowledge) signs of life on this forum.
    Because of your personal inability to learn at exponential speed you can only enjoy overall progress if you identify with humanity as a single organism as you typically do with science etc.

    In the age of corruption there is no harm in rediscovery of anything, this is a good exercise for those who know and opportunity to share and even greater opportunity for those who are misled by their lack of understanding due to improper education to learn something new.
    If you want to look honestly into the problem you'll see that denial, fighting and insults cannot solve the problem of ignorance. Unfortunately such responses are prevalent.

    As you pointed knowledge is not well shared good on this planet and if you don't want to be a part of the problem share it with ignorant fools in a way which they will be able to accept it.
  8. chopin4525

    chopin4525 Producer

    Jul 23, 2013
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    And using the sunlight angle as reference but unlike the genius who created the image posted before, he actually got the math right!
  9. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    No. As our capacity to understand rises we make more discoveries. We wouldn't make discoveries without means to understand them, understanding comes before.
    Things get clearer not darker. But as we understand more, more fields open. More fun for the scientists in every fields.
    Global knowledge has risen drasticely, even the most uneducated person today is educated a lot more than the most uneducated one from 50 years ago.
    But with what I've just shown comes a new challenge : as knowledge is more and more technical as we go forward and understand more, knowledge in specialized fields (quantum physics or poli sci) get more and more technical and less easy to share with people who don't have expertise in said field.. Newton and Galileo are easier to explain than Einstein, and in social science Machiavel is a joke next to Habermas, or Marx is pale compared to Althusser.
    But one cannot come without the others.
    Never the less for the general public it's hard to gain access to what are now highly technical fields unless they spend time on specific subjects. It's "easy" to do in the musical field as we love and have passion for music, and people gain engineer skills in no time without realising they are getting a highly technical training that used to be given in specific places where you could gain access to the right knowledge who were held only by a few and train on the material that was only accessible to a few. This field has been democratized for many reasons, and now it's possible for all and we kind of see the result of that on this forum.
    But other fields are different, they are not as pleasant, not every one enjoy pondering about the laws of physics or economics.
    So in those other fields two problems arise : since they are so technical, and specialists domains, fields don't communicate with each others and we don't have any more a "general" theory for all things like we more or less always used to have untill the XXth century (wether a general scientist expalnation for all things like every one was evolutionist in the beginning of the XXth century, or before we had religious general explanations for the order of the world and the fate of every one in it). It's not possible anymore to think there is a global explanation for all things, but yet we still have expectation for that as human like to have certainties.
    But the other thing is science when not an academic overspecialized matter used to get outside laboratories and had in mind to civilized "the masses" who were back then far more ignorant and prone to turn to tradition and believe in superstition than they are today, which created all kind of political problems back then (impossible to build modern socities with people in that mindset, rational individualisitc beings as we know them today are people who stopped believing in the irrational and the invible long ago, thanks to education).
    People aren't ignorant, but they aren't specialists of all things, it's impossible to be and no one is, and a lot of fields nowadays requires a specialist knowledge just to put a step in it.
    Specialised knowledge is less sexy, less sensational, heck even science is less exciting then the fantastic and the magic, so in our soul less world it's tempting to negate or ignore discoveries and works done in every fields which are accessible to all nowadays, and to go for a simplistic magical explanation of the world.
    Internet probably creates a space where you can find all kind of answers, and in the end people follow the path that speaks the most to them. Most are reasonable, but there will always be people who want to dream and believe in what lies in the shadow. Fortunately the shadow is getting slimmer. Less and less mind to manipulate.
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  10. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    Exactly. Lots of collective achievements. On a personal level, not so much.
    Here we have members with theories which could be refuted by elementary or high school knowledge so we don't need highly technical specialized info to be engaged in the transfer of understanding.

    Not sure about shadow getting slimmer considering the worldwide rise of censorship of information, over-control by governments/hyper legislation, governments working for monopolies against public interests etc.
    I don't see a moral revival nor healthy economical trends (worldwide) which would be a natural result of free information flow and unrestricted transfer of knowledge from generation to generation and from country to country. Debt based (fiat currency) economies are creating superficial bubbles that are resulting in wider and more polarized gaps between rich and poor, fast depletion of natural resources and destruction of the environment. When bubbles break we witness even faster transfer of wealth towards rich.
    Maybe this trend did not reach shores of France or you personally so I understand that you might still be optimistic about slimmer shadows.
    Unfortunately with advances in science I see more control and manipulation not less as you say.
    Besides sophistication of the control mechanisms grow much more than whatever gains we get to consume.
    If this course continues within a decade I think we'll remember the days of free internet with nostalgia and you might not be allowed to grow your own food or collect rainwater. That is if crazies don't induce WW3 in which case you wouldn't be able to.
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  11. Backtired

    Backtired Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2016
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    Very intelligent and well thought post mr floyd
    let's hope the future is bright, though...
  12. Moogerfooger

    Moogerfooger Audiosexual

    Jun 11, 2016
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    And I thought Scientologist were crazy... Some of these people sure know how to fall for these word play illusionists. This thread worries me more than I thought. We actually have a 5/6 page thread here on an audio forum debating if the earth is a sphere. Maybe WWIII should happen. Thin the herd lol!!
  13. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    HITLER 2.0?
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2017
  14. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    where did all the atoms come from fool? ( if not the center of suns yo.)
  15. farao

    farao Rock Star

    Nov 9, 2014
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    Oh no, this will get them started for sure...
  16. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    its like, "dood, our brains are really pyramid shaped , brain surgeons been lying and covering it up all these years! gawd damitt!"
  17. MMJ2017

    MMJ2017 Audiosexual

    Mar 12, 2017
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    i wonder if flat earthers have flat titt fetish's?

    were they abducted by aliens that told them the earth was flat? :D
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2017
  18. Death Thash Doom

    Death Thash Doom Platinum Record

    Aug 18, 2012
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    Gone Postal
    Bill Burr has some very amusing views and creative ideas on how to go about "thinning the herd"
    It's the sort of thing that'd have the know deceased but still ghoulish David Rockefeller rubbing his decrepit old hands together with glee and probably has planned out already if one is to go down that rabbit hole and take those Georgia guide stone things on face value...etc.
    Bill Burr and Patrice O'Neil are two comedians I love, Carlin and Hicks are another few I love. Bill's the only one still going.
    His appearance on Conan the day after the elections was brilliant

    His Monday Morning Podcast and Thursday Afternoon MM Podcast are two things I look forwards to every week and his specials have been awesome, The most recent one wasn't Bill at his best but it still smokes most of the other's around, He just seemed to be holding back from being the savage that he usually is. He carried the podcast that Stan Hope did covering the election and sent Joe Rogan under which was hilarious, Rogan was very stoned and Bill just commented on his "little rascals" hat and bam Joe was under for the rest of it haha
    Some MMPC in case anyone hasn't listened in before

    Staying somewhat more on topic, Rogan had a Paleontologist (Trevor Valle) on his podcast, He got pissed off about one of the main Flat Earth peddler's who also claims Dinosaur's never existed/that the whole Dinosaur thing is another conspiracy, It's epic how fucking mad Trevor got. I'll try to find it, Hopefully someone has edited the part from the whole podcast....Yeah it's actually on Rogan's official channel:
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  19. DoubleSharp

    DoubleSharp Platinum Record

    Oct 20, 2015
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    I failed myself in participating... Oh the shame.

    Isn't there more interesting, philosophical and creative questions to be answered / discussions to had ?

    Such as...

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  20. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Abductions are so last millennium, and besides, I'd never waste a lie on the stupid. :no:
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