Discussion in 'humor' started by Moogerfooger, Apr 8, 2017.

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  1. DieM

    DieM Rock Star

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Somewhere in Scotland
    Personally I am not a flat earther as such. I have researched different theories myself and I do understand that we are all being taken for a ride by the powers that be. From what I gather we are all being lied to, to such an extent that it is not hard to conceive of such an idea! I prefer not to pull people down for their beliefs but would rather stay open minded. Lets work together to figure this shit out! One of the elites aims is to divide us all with different opinions and beliefs in order for us to fight among ourselves and to police and ridicule each other. From what I have read so far on this forum this is what is happening. I prefer to think for myself and to not be swayed by group thought! After all as far as I can recall the emperor was naked!
  2. Medrewb

    Medrewb Platinum Record

    Oct 11, 2014
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    Don't forget the reflection of lights from the cloud particles. Hint: The colour also have something to do with it.:wink:
  3. Zikkk

    Zikkk Platinum Record

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Between A and B♭
    I found a very good short film on the subject. (I'm not a flat earther. This is just fiction.)

    Last edited: Apr 11, 2017
  4. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    So how come the midnight sun durin summertime up in the north?That happens for about 3 months above the artic circle every year.And total darkness for 3 months in the wintertime?And yet less than 1000 english miles south they still have the day and night time as usual every day.The sun comes up at around 06-07:00 and goers down at 19-20:00 or whatever it is?Its gets a little brigher during summertime though.Still they put the clock forward 1 hour to get more sunshine during summertime.That is not needed above the artic circle thats for sure.Still no flatearther have anwered my question so it is beliveble.I got some idiotic memes that probably a 6 year old child made..
  5. Guitarmaniac64

    Guitarmaniac64 Rock Star

    Jun 5, 2011
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    Oh people believed the earth was flat long after the plauge.They didnt have internet or newspapers or electricity back then.Most people lived in the countryside.It was the citypeople who where in minority who mostly got the black plauge..Most of the population didnt travel longer than a couple of english miles in their whole life.it could be to the nearest village/town where they had market place a couple of times every year so they could exchange grossarys buy a new cow or horse.Or to the church every sunday as they sure did believe in god/devil.So many believed in flat earth for a very long time after it was accepted by mankind that the earth was a globe.
  6. Yuri

    Yuri Rock Star

    Apr 14, 2014
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    This is pointless, every single case the flat earthers put forward was debunked in the previous thread using basic science, yet they still choose to believe. You can't use facts to argue someone out of a position they arrived at through ignorance.
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  7. fraifikmushi

    fraifikmushi Guest

  8. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    that stratos video was the only nice thing here, all the other stuff was BS.
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  9. Chris Wellz

    Chris Wellz Kapellmeister

    Nov 7, 2015
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    Just going through the comments. Thanks for the videos guys.
  10. mozee

    mozee Audiosexual

    Jun 29, 2016
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    I do not understand why anyone feels the need to pick at a sore like this.

    I understand that is human nature to drag your fellow humans out of the cave and into the light - that is how civilizations are built, but this isn't the forum for it, face to face is where this argument needs to happen.
  11. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    To Steyr:
    According to your sun rays photo the AB base of the triangle is probably just several miles long, which puts AC and BC also just a several miles above the body of that water. So the average commercial airplane would be able to fly over the sun and passengers could take the pictures above the sun with earth below it.
    The sunshine from that "low orbiting sun" wouldn't be able to reach thousands of miles across continents. I believe there are enough of AS members here who can testify coordinates on earth and in which direction their body shadow is pointing to and how long it is vs their height and for the fun of it you can try to calculate more precisely for yourself where the sun should be by calculating numerous measuring points on earth.

    To All,
    Nowadays in the age of corruption we can't trust any source (media, science, politics) so the awakening of skepticism is natural and healthy and BTW one can test acquired knowledge trying to prove or disprove things that most don't question any more. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, however unleashing insults to those who do question accepted "facts" is wrong even if that side has the "correct facts" and the other doesn't.
    Personally I am happy with Earth whichever shape it has and I think we need to focus more on stopping or rise voices against lunatics who passionately try to destroy it for us by pushing for WW3.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2017
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  12. Iggy

    Iggy Rock Star

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The stage, man
    I heartily disagree. Skepticism is one thing ... being willfully ignorant is another. If you're someone living in the year 2017 who questions whether or not the Earth is round, you're not "questioning facts", you're deliberately sticking your head in the sand and refusing to think.
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  13. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I can't agree. First of all, scepticism isn't new, it was always there. Nobody, especially in science, takes something for granted just because one man says so. Instead every theory is tested in real life, every fact is triple-checked before made public, and science works without politics (the only source you really can't trust - before election).
    Scepticism is the base of science. But conspiracy theorists like flatearthers aren't sceptical, they are ignorant. And while they claim that "you can't trust any media" they use exactly that media to spread their utterly dumb theories. And it's called "theory" for a reason. Opposed to science, those guys don't care for triple-checking or any other things of honesty that science is about. If anything torpedos their theory they just ignore it. If anybody proves them wrong, she's descredited as "belonging to the conspiracy", etc. Anyone who takes a conspiracy theorist serious isn't helping, but making things worse for that poor guy whose brain is about to melt.
  14. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    The more we learn the more we know how little we understand or how there is now even more to learn.
    We all are at some level of ignorance and as science and civilizations march through the time line the amount of knowledge exponentially grows making each of us on a personal level even more ignorant against the newly acquired knowledge on the planet, we will lag increasingly so even if we dedicate every second of our life to learning.
    Therefore I think intolerance towards ignorance of others is ignorance itself.
    Intolerance towards one's own ignorance is a good thing.

    Patience and respect, my friend.
  15. mrfloyd

    mrfloyd Producer

    Apr 22, 2015
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    To some extent I agree. Popularity of some of those theories or conspiracies indicate a failing of schooling system.

    On the other hand why is information repressed? For example less then a hundred years ago Tesla could have given the free electricity to the planet (wirelessly). Those who stop him and other altruistic scientist strive to control circulation of information (education) so that you will not learn about the principles/solutions that may lead you to specific discoveries/activities which would threaten or bypass the need for the juices that they are serving us today (oil, electricity, water etc). In schools you will be given just enough to be a good servant of the system and system will put all resources under its control so that you can just relax and receive a "program" on your TV after you've done your service.
    Some theories are relatively easy to disprove but lets say a chem-trail conspiracy can't even theoretically be disproved because at any moment those who have resources (plains and chemicals) can start spraying without asking you for opinion the same way they will not ask you for your opinion about launching a military attack or changing immigration policy. Chem-trail theory could be easily disproved by allowing public representatives to check the guts of the airplanes when they land after suspicious trail leaving flights but has anyone allowed that?

    If we'd compare educational programs from different countries we'd quickly notice how much of it is indoctrination and conditioning. Starting form a history which is then in part related to the history of scientific discoveries and who was first and who stole from who etc. Western schools would for example totally ignore medical and mathematical discoveries of ancient India or China.This is plugged-in ignorance. A thread about such plug ins would be interesting.
    Scientists suffer from the same ignorance and ego trips as everybody else and as times get rough more and more of them sell out to cover for corporate or government interests. Corporate interests are always looking for monopoly and profit and governments always look for ever increasing control so that they can sell monopolies. In order to protect this system they over regulate us almost out of existence.

    In public space all of them are competing for the same resources which are collected through forceful taxation by the government and in order to keep receiving funds they have to create something or at least create a perception of something which otherwise might not exist or could be just stretched or faulty result which may or may not be corrected by peers later but by that time there will be already another cycle of findings.

    All of these and much more sooner all later touch our lives and disappointment and distrust into the system arise and the more we go down the rabbit hole to learn where it ends the more "WTF is real" reactions will pop against innocent truths and proven science.

    Considering that our personal ignorance will always hugely outgrow our personal assimilation of knowledge a bit of humbleness and respect towards those who are on a different level of ignorance and who chose to conspire around theories regardless how ridiculous they seam is always a sign of higher understanding vs. drooping cheap insults which is never anything else but the ignorance.
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  16. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    I still laugh at wankpuffin. A modern day classic :lmao:
    Man, you nailed it to the mast for all to see :yes:
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  17. The Teknomage

    The Teknomage Rock Star

    Nov 15, 2015
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    NYCGRIFF Audiosexual

    Jan 15, 2014
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    New York City
    Wow! In the year 2017 people are 'still' "debating" this issue? WTF??? What's next, whether the earth has more water than land? Come on guys, even if Science is out of certain people's parvenu, is this "flat earth" (made up issue) even worth the time it takes to proffer an opinion? I've already wasted 6 minutes (that I'll never recoup) writing to this thread. In the end, I would love to take a ride out into outer space with the 10 most fervent "flat earth" purveyors and have them all take a backwards look at our spherical planet as we travel farther and farther into the interstellar void. Believe it or not, we're all heading into an undeniable future where blatant denial of scientific fact will become virtually impossible to refute (whether certain contrarian types believe it or not).
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2017
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  19. ehrwaldt kunzlich

    ehrwaldt kunzlich Rock Star

    Oct 4, 2015
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    Utop, IA
    can't wait for part2: "a word to all hollow earthers"...
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  20. suefreeman

    suefreeman Producer

    Mar 8, 2012
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    in 2D, square has four sides, one surface
    in 3D, box has SIX surfaces ....
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