How song credits should be credited

Discussion in 'Education' started by nexusmusic, Apr 8, 2017.

  1. nexusmusic

    nexusmusic Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Hey guys!

    I've been asked lately about HOW does song credits gets written as who did what or who co-wrote what with who, or Co-produced with who etc..

    A specific question came about Music Producer and the situation goes this way:

    - As a music producer, you got hired to Produce, Mix and arrange a song for an artist by either the Manager of that artist or the artist himself. So it means he or she HIRED you to be THE Music Producer in charge etc.. to produce that song.

    Down the road, THE hired music producer is doing the whole job that he's been hired to do: Producing, Recording, Mixing, arranging, playing instrument on that record.. in a nutshell, he's doing his job.

    Then, as the producing process of that song goes on, the Manager or the artist, just happen of course to giving his INPUTS in the music arrangements and producing side as well. Which is more than fine right?

    But still the whole Music producing etc.. is being taking care of by the HIRED Main producer

    Now, when this song has been finalized and ready to be released by a distributor etc... The Manager or artist reaches out the HIRED MAIN music producer and ask him "Listen, the song we worked on, is about to be released soon and the Distributor company/Label they need the names to put the Credits to whom they belong"

    Ok, And the Manager (the one who hired the the Producer from the beginning, lets call him "MIKE) asked John (lets give the Main hired producer this name), Do you mind if we put our TWO names in the Music Producer & Arranger credits?

    John replied to him "No, I don't mind" because John being a honest guy, noticed that MIKE did indeed contributed during the Producing and arrangements of the song ok!

    Where it gets funky, its when Mike called John and told him this "I was thinking that we could write the credits this way" :
    Music Produced & arranged by : Mike & John... instead of the opposite.

    Normally it should be: Music Produced & arranged by: John (Main hired Producer & Arranger etc.. etc..) & Mike afterwards right????? As its John who have been busting his balls doing all the hardwork from A to Z of the process of this record or song NO????

    I'd like to know you guys experience and how this kind of situation should be taking care of or dealt with? How does CREDITS goes in terms of Who gets the name written at first and second etc.. etc.. is there a rule when it comes to Music Producers or does NOT matter....

    I'd like to know your experienced input or the right way things should be done etc...

    Thanks guys in advance ;-)

  3. dragonhill

    dragonhill Guest

    Are you worried since Mike is credited first, John won't get his next job? After all Mike was smart enough to hire John?
    John has numerous 'instruments played' credits? I'm sure there will be Managed by Mike printed on the cover?

    Who did what would be pretty obvious?
  4. nexusmusic

    nexusmusic Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Hi @dragonhill

    About you question "if worried that the fact Mike is credited first that John won't get his next job"? NOT AT ALL

    And yes John has numerous instruments played in the record, arranged, record the song, mix etc...

    But was just wondering, how do normally things go about in the proper WAY if I may say. Because normally, if you are the hired music producer to produce a song, straight away, credits will go that : Song produced by: Dragonhill & whoever else or Song Produced by Dragonhill & Co-produced by Jon Doe right??

    Because we've all seen some situations like this where some people sometimes just want get their names placed where it shouldn't be placed even though they deserve credit as well.

    Again, I got this subject brought up it's actual happening with the concerned people and just want to bring this subject and see or get the pusle on how does things go in a logical, perfect world hahahahhaha

    Thanks again
  5. Rhodes

    Rhodes Audiosexual

    Feb 4, 2015
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    song credits should be ideally credited with Credits! ($$$) a perfect world :)
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  6. nexusmusic

    nexusmusic Kapellmeister

    Jan 9, 2016
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    Like that ones as well ;-)
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