Free ware on AZ

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Aliens, Apr 5, 2017.

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  1. metaller

    metaller Audiosexual

    May 28, 2016
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    I don't talk about freeware but in case of uploadcenter Why zippy? Mediafire is much better :dunno:
    I hate zippy
  2. ArticStorm

    ArticStorm Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 7, 2011
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    mediafire has awful uploading speed, while the downspeed is fast enough i know.
  3. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    With all due respect, are you serious? Not only you agreed with, you prohibited Integral from posting freewares on the main page, which he's doing on a constant basis now. Your own words, here:

    "Integral has been demoted to Residents and prohibited to post freewares on the main page."

    4051 members took the time to vote, after days of discussion and rules (gone after the edit). What's even the point?

    I get it, it's your website, you do whatever you want, but when you personally ask for the community to get involved, it starts to smell bad when you act like nothing happend barely 3 months later lol

    Anyway, if the owner of sister site doesn't care about his own rules and words, why would I? I wish you all the best!
  4. Joe_sleaze

    Joe_sleaze Platinum Record

    Feb 7, 2016
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    FfS Some people have nothing better to do than complaincomplaincomplain.
  5. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    The scent of balls on chin is strong with this one.
  6. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    frankly I'm a bit confused.. then what policy exactly is Zeger Wu enforcing?
    keeping monetized donationware off the "main page" ? :dunno:
  7. Pinkman

    Pinkman Audiosexual

    Apr 22, 2016
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    I love zippy too but the links really do die fast. Maybe MEGA would be a better option. Or dropbox if you have balls of virtual steel.
    I say the most effective way to counter all the illegitimately monetized links would be to click the homepage link and download directly from the developer.
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  8. Aliens

    Aliens Guest

    Including any decent free link for free ware would suffice, but the point is moot as it seems that Saint, against the wishes of his membership in the vote and subsequent discussion, doesn't agree and won't insist on it. :dunno:
  9. SAiNT

    SAiNT Creator Staff Member phonometrograph

    May 11, 2011
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    this was said about including ZippyShare, not about Integral situation, which has been solved months ago. Please read more carefully before jumping to such serious conclusions :snuffy:

    even though after it got prohibited, Integral still attempting to make posts. i suppose Zeger Wu just published a few without giving it a second thought :no:

    there was never a poll regarding this subject. ArticStorm created a post where he described his subjective vision on how things should be, but that's all it is - his own subjective vision.

    Do not displace two different subjects - Integral's case has nothing to do with ZippyShare topic.:dont:
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  10. twoheart

    twoheart Audiosexual

    Nov 21, 2015
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    Share many
    As far as I understand, this is not a club of paying members who decide what has to be done on certain problems. This is Saint's community project as I understand it. He is the host, we are the guests. Normally it is his house, his rules. But he is nice enough to ask us sometimes, what's convenient for us, his guests.
    And if he finds it ok, he will follow our suggestions, but he doesn't need to follow them.
    So, if I would like to have a change in some functions of the forum, I would nicely ask my host if he could change it and am grateful, if he does.
    And there are some problems, a normal guest of the forum won't understand, because he/she doesn't understand all problems that might be involved. It can be massively complicated to make it all right for everyone. So we have to accept, that not every wish can come true.

    That's the way it is. But, please, correct me if I'm wrong. :dunno:
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  11. blacknblue

    blacknblue Producer

    Feb 19, 2017
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    Saint, you always trying to look cool and right in every situation, but this one you blew it. Folks here are right. In fact, it was you who made that poll asking people if they want to see Integral crap posted for any longer. I don't think this poll was even required, cause there wasn't even a tiny chance the community would vote any differently. It was apparent no one wants this guy and his bullshit posts and they gave you a clear answer to fuck him off Audioz.

    Now, if this poll was made just for theatrics and to show there's some democracy going on, it's another thing. Then tell people that you don't really care and this is a totalitarian regime and you are the "Big Brother". At least tell people the truth and don't make any more polls asking anyone's opinion. Why waste everyone's time if you don't care?
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  12. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    The polls clearly weren't about banning integral nor about posting or not posting freeware on the sister site which SAiNT has always stated is fine with him, since on AZ everything is free for all.
    SAiNT doesn't make polls to ban people, because yep he is cool.
    He lets people like you or vladrac spread obvious lies and be insulting to him without banning them, which is very nice since this type of behavior is worst then posting freewares which again nothing forbids from doing.
    AZ is 1 : a warez site and 2 : not a democracy. It's one of the best site, if not the best for finding usefull tools and contents for creating and crafting music, and one of the most practical and and usefull tool for aspiring producers or musicians.
    The polls were about not having integral post on the front page, the results were clear and now integral posts don't show on the front page anymore. SAiNT has kept his end of the deal, why would you be mad about it ?
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  13. flyingsleeves

    flyingsleeves Platinum Record

    Aug 25, 2011
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    Let's not forget...there were actually two polls. Both of which received nearly identical results. A very similar thing happened when there was a poll on whether or not mirrors should be allowed. If I remember correctly, over 90% voted that they should. And then a certain someone decided to once again have a second poll. And to no surprise, once again over 90% voted that they should.

    Long story short, a certain someone needs to learn how polls work, or stop making them. How are we supposed to take polls seriously if the results are ignored?
  14. Herr Durr

    Herr Durr Guest

    not quite correct, many of us offered alternatives to the money making way @Integral was doing his posts,
    he may be a nice guy, well maybe his mom likes him... ?

    In any case.. would have been fine if he could have been responsible for a free section here or there , or
    posting donationware with dev link and at least one "free" link.
    This is the solution many seem to think was in place... but many of us misunderstood.
    No need to ban @Integral .
  15. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    Who is talking about banning Integral from sister site? I never said that. Either present one single piece of evidence of such lies or shut the fuck up. All I've done is point that Integral has been posting free stuff on the main page again. Period. Here's a quick reminder to you:



    It goes even back, so yeah, fuck me for trying to keep sister site clean. :dunno: If all you want to do is kiss Saint's ass, even though he doesn't need such thing, that's fine with me, but don't try to belittle me to make you look cool. It only makes you look like a dick toward someone who never done anything wrong to you. :dont:
  16. JST

    JST Ultrasonic

    Dec 22, 2015
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    All you leeches should kiss SAiNT's Arse.
  17. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    It's not true to say that SAiNT hasn't taken the vote into consideration, even with the few slip up you rightfully underline, after the vote integral has been mostly prohibited from posting on the main page. Integral isn't at all posting anything on the main page at a constant basis like you have written.
    Your ambition to keep the site "clean" is noble, I have nothing against it, but don't forget the nature of the site itself and the fact that all kind of people come to grab all kind of different stuffs on it. Your notion of what "clean" is, isn't shared by everyone.
    I think that now that Integral doesn't post free stuff on the main page there is no need to blow things out of proportions and create problems when there isn't any.
    And yep I respect SAiNT as the guy who allows us to gather around our common interest for music, and when I feel he is being unrightfully called on, I step up. I do it for him, I've done it for others on this forum, and I would do it again if I feel I have to.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
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  18. vladdrac

    vladdrac Kapellmeister

    Dec 20, 2015
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    We're on the same page, I'm a reasonable person and agree with almost everything you said, even though 7 posts on the past two weeks is what I call "on a constant basis".

    Trust me, I don't like to be that guy when Integral break the rules. I wish I could just enjoy the sister site incognito and don't give a fuck about what's posted there. But the main reason I enjoy AZ so much is because of its crap-free philosophy. As you may know, there are tons of similar websites that are a complete mess due to neglectful admins. Imho we should all keep an eye out as we all share the same interests, it's a win-win situation.
  19. Talmi

    Talmi Audiosexual

    Dec 22, 2015
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    I'm glad you understand, I know you only have at heart to promote the kind of community you want AZ/AS to be, I am the same way.
    You're right to point out the posts so that they are moved to the right section. I can also only say again that I think it's right to promote the developper website, when there is a freeware posted and the poster "forgets" to point that out. Small devs that create great free tools deserve our support, we all agree.

    I just don't like the hostility those discussions can bring, or throwing words like "totalitarian regime" (not yours I know), when I feel we are damn lucky to have those two sites. We should stay civil between one another. :wink:
  20. Kloud

    Kloud Guest

    1.) On your first point I agree, AudioZ doesn't distinguish between freeware and shareware.
    That doesn't pose a problem in as far as I personally am concerned. -
    However possibly some members might like AudioZ to distinguish between such :dunno:

    You will know obviously the complications involved in the creation of such more than most.
    Would it be so difficult to create a certain category with further subcategories involved?
    I myself don't know whether this would prove to be an "administrative nightmare."
    However he result is what is important I guess.
    Would it really create abject confusion :dunno:
    As for myself, I doubt it but for others possibly the labour of reading the title of the category might prove a little to much.:)
    I suppose they might confuse shareware with freeware and download something from the wrong category. That would be real tragedy of some "epic" proportions maybe I guess :yes: - Who knows :dunno:

    However It's your site so your free to do as you wish. Doesn't mean anyone has to agree with what you decide or see it as ultimately productive but rather simply accept that it is how it is :yes:

    2.) "Zippy is a Crap hosting" - surely a little subjective?

    You maybe couldn't care less and why should you but my own personal experience with Zippy is that whilst there are minor complications it's handy, free and extremely fast.
    You can use Jdownload etc to download a huge file in a real short time.
    In that sense who cares about redirects as the problem is automatically solved without concern of any proportion :yes: In any sense, mostly the redirects are a minor inconvenience at best.

    Are all links automatically removed after a week or is it when they cease to be used? What's the DMCA policy?
    Whilst I agree with some of what you say I would state objectively that the real inconvenience is for the uploader as opposed to the leeches.
    In such a fashion my own personal conjecture is that Zippy is fantastic for the majority of of members as opposed to the tiny minority of members that actually upload material in the first place. :dunno:
    With such in mind I would also be bold enough to state that I personally think Zippy serves a good majority of your members really well.
    You possibly think differently though and once again you are free to do as you wish despite the fact some may not see the wisdom behind such a decision.

    3.) Personally I think there is much subjective language contained in this statement.
    I personally don't see how it would be so difficult for uploader to split a 1gb freeware upload into five parts and upload to Zippy. Would it really be so difficult :dunno: Maybe policies vary in different countries?

    WinRar is possibly too complicated for some maybe :) Who knows :dunno:
    Most freeware is often well below this size and many uploaders of "genuine" intent try to include a Zippy link anyhow.
    It's only the usual suspects whom are looking to monetize large freeware downloads that would possibly have any problems whatsoever. That's just an opinion though.

    Would such a rule create so many problems :dunno: I myself don't see how it would but again, you might think differently with good reasoning :)

    A few members want to prove some point - well I'm not sure what you are insinuating :dunno: In the poll nearly 4500 members at a ratio of approximately 3 to 1 stated objectively that they DID NOT want to see Integrals type of postings at AudioZ?
    He now appears to be posting freeware in a very similar fashion to that of before the poll?
    Approximately three to one members stated they did not want to see these type of posts at AudioZ?
    If that constitutes a few people then "fair enough"
    Personally my own opinion is that it now appears to have been some kind of spin doctoring as opposed to democracy.
    However, I readily accept that ultimately this is not a democracy but more like a dictatorship but that is subjective and possibly just one misguided members opinion :yes:

    This poll was NEVER about freeware or Zippy links but rather whether members wanted to see Integrals posts?

    Members voted overwhelmingly and a compromise was reached despite the fact that it now appears that it did little to address the initial problem.

    However I will state that in my own little opinion AudioZ is still a great site despite the personal ideals of the many.
    The staff and administration should rightly be respected and thanked for the huge efforts they put in to maintain the site and serve it's members - Peace :mates::bow:
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2017
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