Another story driven song

Discussion in 'Our Music' started by Polymetrix, Apr 4, 2017.

  1. Polymetrix

    Polymetrix Platinum Record

    May 15, 2016
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    I planned to do a different kind of video for my 20th song - and I did!

    So now @tulamide doesn't have to endure my face anymore ;)

    Although I won't do this for every song I quite enjoyed doing this. Except for the struggle with Synfig Studio...originally this was supposed to be way more 'animated' but that wasn't possible (crashing, crashing aaaand crashing).

    Song-wise it's based on one of my oldest songs (wrote it in 2008/2009). Although it's still quite simple it was even simpler originally.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2017
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  3. DarthFader

    DarthFader Audiosexual

    Sep 28, 2014
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    I listen to all of your tracks. For me, the brevity of the lyrics in this one is wonderful. Case of "less is more", if you get my drift.

    Powerful stuff, Dr Scythe. I was moved to tears. :wink:
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  4. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    The vid and story tie in together well moosh, the clockwork heart and that old fashioned style of animation are suited.

    Not your best imo, but wtfdik :guru:
  5. Beth

    Beth Guest

    I love all your stuff :)
    That's a great, gorgeous and sad song. The concept of the story driven song reminds me a bit of older Genesis type songs which i really like too. Musically and production it sounds superb to me!
    I loved the video.....excellent work and illustrated the song perfectly.....especially liked that idea where the song 'ran out of steam and died' and it had to wound up again to restart......a little genius touch i thought !
  6. Polymetrix

    Polymetrix Platinum Record

    May 15, 2016
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    Thank you all for your feedback - it's much appreciated.
    And I am really glad that it is so enjoyable while carrying the emotions and story - what more can you ask for?

    And on a sidenote: if you ask 100 fans of any artist what's the best song of said artist you'll get 50x the most famous song and then a list of several other songs. So "wtfdik" is just 'business as usual' :wink: (just in case it wasn't clear: I wasn't insulted by the comment - at all)
  7. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    So that's how rumours fall into the world :hifive: Ok, I won't go as far as saying that I love your face, because that ... would be ... odd ... somehow. But I swear it was just the unexpected suit last time :yes:

    The lyrics are a bit clumsy this time ("you fit in there even if I have to spit out 20 words per second"). Text-wise you would make an even better impression if you'd just imply what he's working on, until you reveal the music box as a heart pacemaker. Nonetheless I enjoyed it just like all songs I've listened to!

    You could also check Pencil2D, another open-source 2D animation program. It is actively developed (last update is from november 2016) and available for Win 10 64-bit, so maybe it crashes less often?
  8. Polymetrix

    Polymetrix Platinum Record

    May 15, 2016
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    ;) just fyi: I was planning on doing this for a while anway...I wanted something like this for the song 'Library' but there was no time and I thought it would be better to find someone else for drawing. Luckily I murdered this song performance- and mixingwise so I'll have to redo it anyway and then I can add the video I wanted. Although I'll admit that I didn't plan to do this myself...I was looking for people who draw for collabs but...

    Glad you enjoyed it! But now you've got to let me know where you got the impression of haste from (or is it not a specific part just overall?). I had several moments in the songs before where I had to rush through some lines (the entire chorus of 'Mind Pirates' e.g.) but this one felt really smooth while singing. I might lack a feeling for this as English isn't my first language (obviously I guess). During my time with the medieval folk rock band I sang in German so anything else just feels better :D

    Thanks for the hint. It works but it seems to lack some features...seems to - I'll look at some tutorials. Hopefully I can use this...would really be better to have a little bit more movement in there.
  9. Seedz

    Seedz Rock Star

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Sitting on a Cornflake
    Hey moosh, personally I don't think you rushed it at all, and it doesn't sound to me (an' I'm Scottish) as though this ain't your first language, and it doesn't lack feeling.

    However I had been wondering where the Olde Worlde English vibe in your voice came from and I'm now guessing that its a read across from your daze with the medievil folk rock band........kinda reminds me of the Jethro Tull era..........I ain't a fan of that vocal tone but you have it nailed, and if thats wot floats yer boat go with it.
  10. Beth

    Beth Guest

    If that's rushed and murdered I couldn't tell :)
  11. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    Who said "rushed" or "murdered"? I didn't. I just felt them being a bit clumsy. What I meant with it is that there is a certain scheme but some lines fall out of this scheme. For example "who found his love at a fair".

    I somehow get the feeling that I am seen as the bad boy. I ain't. I always enjoy listening to your songs! If you have the impression that I am unfair or rude or something like that, I beg your pardon :(
  12. Beth

    Beth Guest

    @tulamide no.... you're fine :).... It was @Polymetrix himself who said he thought he had rushed and murdered the song. He says both in reply #7...."I had to rush" and "I murdered this song performance- and mixingwise so I'll have to redo it anyway"

    My comment wasn't a criticism of you....your opinion of the track is perfectly valid and i could hear what you were referring to. I assume @Polymetrix wants people's opinions by the fact that he posts his work. I didn't think your comment was unfair or rude at all and I dont think the OP did either :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2017
  13. Polymetrix

    Polymetrix Platinum Record

    May 15, 2016
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    Weeell..I murdered 'Library' (an older song of mine)...I didn't meant 'the musix box' in the first paragraph of my last post. Wasn't clear enough about that. one is accused of (accusing me of) anything here...sorry for that!

    That could easily be interpreted as "rushed". That's why I asked for an example (to learn!) and the one you've given is one where I have to say: that's the intro. It follows the chorus in terms of music which is why it's 4 lines vs. 3 of the verse in the first place and overall it was supposed to be more spoken than sung - that's why I didn't really care about lines falling off the cliff during this part. I was surprised how much I was singing it..

    And for the un-dramatic reveal...I was considering my options for the 2nd verse: leaving it at 12 lines like in the 1st verse without telling what's happening vs. the 15 it's now revealing what's happening. I went for the latter because I somewhat wanted it to be very clear. Last month's song ('The War Of The Gnomes') was overshadowing this I guess. It was quite often misinterpreted.

    And no, I don't get the impression you're unfair or rude!...if I want that I'd go to reddit and wait about 30 seconds. I come here because the critique is usable and comes from people who are actually passioned about music. Not the generic "buy stuff for a bazillion, learn with the masters and come back" (most 'professional audio' forums) or "I listen to (insert non-related genre) only but your track is totally lacking/overdoing (insert inapplicable stuff to your genre/this song)". You actually listen to the songs that's what I love about this community :hug:
  14. Beth

    Beth Guest

    Ah OK @Polymetrix its easy to misinterpret things hey. Thanks for clearing it up.

    Now @tulamide and @Polymetrix come over here and let's have a nice big group hug :wink:

    Seriously though.... people like you both are why i am on here too :like:
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  15. tulamide

    tulamide Audiosexual

    Feb 13, 2016
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    I'm glad I didn't harm anything. I really was insecure. But now I'm fine :)
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